The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2776

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2776

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2776

The Return of the God of War Chapter 2776

The True Power Of Super Crossbows

As time passed, the Pill of Valoroum that Forlevia took was gradually losing its efficacy.

That, in turn, made it impossible for her to control the situation since her power was getting weaker and weaker.

Against the Diviniterian fighter, Forlevia could only last for a few more minutes.

To make things worse, after lifting her head, she saw Mr. X, along with the Destroyer and the others, charging at her.

Forlevia was convinced that she was done for when she saw all five of the fighters rushing toward her.


Suddenly, Forlevia noticed several figures appear near the gigantic crossbow behind her, and without warning, the four remaining Super Arrows were fired.

Titan Lord’s men wanted to stop the one operating the large weapons, but it was already too late.

They were shocked when they noticed that a single person was able to operate the large crossbow.

Moreover, when the person drew the crossbows, they could feel a terrifying amount of energy flowing into the weapons.




Tearing through everything in its path, the attack from the four Super Arrows was unbelievably devastating.

Countless Diviniterian fighters were instantly split in half, resulting in a nightmarish blood bath.

The destructive force of the arrows was so powerful that no living being could stand in their way without being mowed down.

They flew so fast that none could react in time.

At that moment, Mr. X and the others were ready to take down Forlevia.

“Look out!” warned Mr. X when he sensed a formidable force heading their way. What incredible power! I’ve never felt any energy as strong as this. It’s almost as powerful as that of a Sacrorian.

However, the warning came a little too late.


A sonic boom could be heard as soon as the four arrows were fired from the crossbow.


Spearheading the charge, the Destroyer was the first to be impaled by one of the arrows, which immediately injected energy into the robot, causing it to be blown into smithereens right then and there.

Even after going through the Destroyer, the arrow showed no sign of slowing down as it mowed down the Diviniterian army behind the robot.

The remaining three arrows plunged into the other three fighters out to get Forlevia.

Even though they were almost as powerful as Mr. X, none could stop the arrows from piercing through them.

Like the Destroyer, the three fighters immediately exploded into thousands of pieces after coming into contact with the arrows.

The arrows then went through the remaining Diviniterian forces with deadly velocity, causing the greatest loss in the history of Diviniteria.

It was almost unbelievable how four arrows could do so much damage in the blink of an eye.

After witnessing how the projectiles violently pierced through his comrades, Mr. X turned pale as a ghost. They just murdered four men to save the child! Had I been the one to lead the charge, I would have a hole in my chest. The one operating the crossbow must be from the Ecclesiastic Order. It has to be!

Mr. X was completely stunned when he saw how much damage had been done to his forces.

Littered all around him were soldiers who were either dead or groaning in pain.

All of them were utterly shocked, for they never expected the attack to be that savage. It took down the four strongest fighters we have. How’s that possible? It doesn’t make any sense! Not in the slightest!

Just as surprised as the Diviniterians, the alliance, too, wondered how the crossbow was able to deal out such destructive power. Isn’t it just a regular crossbow? Moreover, nobody’s received any orders to operate one.

Except for those near the crossbow Levi used, nobody else had the slightest idea what had happened.


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