The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2814

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2814

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2814

The Return of the God of War Chapter 2814

Activate The Program

Suddenly, a voice sounded in the eerily empty morgue, shocking Dr. Erebus and Digital God.

Thinking that the corpse had been resurrected, they shrieked loudly.

Someone was sitting on the rack that was supposed to hold the corpses.

With a relaxed smile, he stared at them.

“L-Levi Garrison!” yelled Dr. Erebus and Digital God simultaneously.

Although he was no longer a significant character, they had heard of him and investigated his background.

Hence, they were able to recognize him at first glance.

“H-H-How did you find us? Why are you here?”

Dr. Erebus and Digital God were genuinely taken aback.

Confusion and disbelief overwhelmed them as such a turn of events was beyond their expectations.

Just when they thought they had diverted everyone else and were moments before success, Levi appeared.

“Of course, I’m waiting for you. I’ve had a hard time finding you two!” Levi smiled.

It was an immense surprise to both of them.

No matter how meticulous Dr. Erebus had been in his planning, he did not anticipate Levi to be one of those people looking for him.

In fact, Levi even succeeded.

It was simply too unbelievable.

Only then did he realize just how many people were keeping an eye on him.

It isn’t only Shield!

Sheer astonishment inundated him.

The point is, how did Levi locate us? Even powerful forces like Shield and the Ancient Clan have been completely fooled by my plan. If they can’t find me, how did Levi manage to succeed? This is too shocking.

“Are you curious to know how I managed to find you?” Levi voiced.

He then chuckled and said, “You have to thank me. I’m the one who first discovered the four substitutes. Then, I revealed the information to Shield and sold them on the black market. By doing so, I prompted Shield and the major forces to check them!”

When Dr. Erebus and Digital God heard his words, they understood everything immediately.

Truth be told, the former had been feeling uneasy from the start.

Although the four substitutes were useful, there would inevitably be flaws considering how he had employed that method under an urgent situation.

Forces like Shield would be able to react quickly. There was no need for them to investigate each target. In fact, they would find out the truth after looking into two of them.

To his surprise, they investigated all four targets.

The other major forces did the same as well.

Initially, he found it strange.

So this is where the problem lies! There’s a middleman.

Levi’s manipulations made all of them fall for it.

Sometimes, second-hand information was much more convincing than first-hand accounts.

Dr. Erebus stared Levi in the eye as he questioned, “So, you’re the first to discover my four substitutes? That’s what made you suspicious?”

“Yeah! I passed the information to the others and made them investigate them. I directly ignored those four targets and continued my own investigation. Luckily, I found you before you acted. Your plan is about to be implemented, right?”

At the end of his utterances, Levi chuckled.

I get it now!

With that, Dr. Erebus and Digital God finally caught on.

Never had they expected themselves to be discovered by someone they least expected mere moments before their success.

Dr. Erebus stared at Levi intently. “You’re actually very capable! In fact, I even suspect that you’re the one behind the Esoteric Guild and the Ecclesiastic Order from a few days ago. It’s very hard to pose as

them. You’d need to be as powerful as them to be convincing! Although they were fake, it still shows that you’re very mighty. You’re the actual mastermind!”

Levi’s face broke into a smile. “I think that you’re the terrifying one out here.”

Digital God was still hinting to Dr. Erebus that they should escape.

However, Dr. Erebus laughed. “It’s impossible now. We can never escape once we’ve fallen into his hands. Since he discovered us and even came alone, it means that he’s so powerful that he can definitely defeat us. It’s futile even if we try to resist. He’s probably on the same level as Sacroria!”

Digital God sighed.

However, that was Dr. Erebus’ signal.

He immediately activated the self-destruct program for the aircraft.


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