The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2880

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2880

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2880

The Return of the God of War Chapter 2880

The Magical Medicine

Someone whispered, “There are only two possibilities. The first one is that there is a Deity-level beast around here, and the weaker creatures had to flee to survive. The second one is that there aren’t any beasts here at all. All four countries made a mistake, and this is not supposed to be marked as a restricted area in the first place.”

“Yeah, those are the only possibilities. Let’s venture deeper in. We’ll know the truth soon enough.”

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

Gideon nodded as well. “That makes sense. After all, the unknown is scary, but it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s danger. It’d be best if there is no danger at all, but let’s be careful, anyway.”

Everybody inched forward carefully, ready to flee at a moment’s notice.

However, they encountered nothing dangerous, even as they ventured deep into the restricted area.

The silence was surreal.

It seemed that the beast they were all worried about never existed.

Better still, beasts of other levels weren’t present as well.

That calmed everyone else down.

They checked the map and realized that they had pretty much covered the entire Rank Three restricted area.

Despite that, no unknown danger or beasts showed up.

That suggested that the government’s calculations were off, and there was never any danger.

“I guess we made the right choice. There’s a mistake in the calculations. Let’s search the place for magical herbs now. Dad will be so proud of us when he learned we ventured into a Rank Three restricted area.”

Gideon laughed aloud.

Everyone else was excited as well.

They could brag about how they ventured into a Rank Three restricted area when they returned, and the glory would be unimaginable.

Things would only be better if they found some rare magical herbs.

Everyone would worship them!

The more they thought about their future, the happier they got.

What they didn’t know was that the place was only so quiet and uneventful because Levi was around.

He never bothered to conceal his scent or aura when he made his way over.

Earlier, he killed a powerful beast, and traces of that beast’s scent were still on him.

Humans could not detect that scent, but the terrifying beasts lurking around had heightened senses.

They detected that scent as soon as Levi showed up, and they knew they were no match against the predator in front of them.

Hence, those beasts either fled or hid away.

The place was regarded as a Rank Three restricted area because it was possible that a Deity-level beast was there.

That prediction was actually accurate.

A powerful beast actually roamed in that area.

However, it hurried back home and hid as soon as it detected Levi’s presence.

It was trembling at that moment and praying Levi would not find it.

Naturally, the beast sensed Levi as soon as he stepped into the place.

It just wasn’t stupid enough to go after Levi, who was too lazy to go hunt it down.

There is no need for that.

To Levi, killing the beast was no different from cutting down a tree in that forest.

There was no point in doing that.

Gideon and his men, however, weren’t aware of all that.

They actually thought the place was safe and assumed there was no beast of any level there.

That assumption prompted them to move further ahead.

Gideon and his men followed Levi and the others closely.

It didn’t take long before everyone reached the cliff as well.

Dr. Erebus was smiling at that moment because he saw the yellow flower on the cliff.

The medicinal property of that plant was strong, and it might help Forlevia.

Actually, he was basically certain that the plant could help.

At the very least, it could suppress the poison coursing through her veins.

Levi was staring at the flower as well.

He didn’t know if it would help his daughter, but the flower was obviously brimming with medicinal properties.

No matter what, I must try.

Dr. Erebus turned to Levi and offered, “Shall I go pick it?”

“Sure.” He nodded.

Dr. Erebus was about to make his move when someone suddenly shouted, “That is mine, and you are not allowed to take it!”

Gideon and his men revealed themselves. They glared at Levi and the others while issuing their warning.


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