The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2886

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2886

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2886

The Return of the God of War Chapter 2886

Explain This

Gideon and a hundred of his men were stumped.

The Deity’s subordinates were taken aback as well.

Most importantly, Abner, the Deity, was stunned, too. Two Deity-level beasts? Who said the evaluation of Rank Three restricted area was wrong? Who said not only does this place not have any Deity-level beast, but it has no beast at all? Who said all of those words? If those words were true, then what are we seeing before our eyes? Not only are we seeing thousands of mutated beasts, but now we also have to deal with two Deity-level beasts? What the hell is going on?

Abner then turned slowly toward Gideon and the others. They’ve given false information! That’s why we’re in this mess now!

Gideon was getting extremely anxious. “This can’t be right! We really didn’t encounter any beast when we came here!”

The rest of them began to defend themselves as well.

Indeed, they didn’t encounter any beast prior to that.

However, no one would believe them at that point.

Not only were they wrong about seeing no beast, but as it turned out, there were a lot of them. Not to mention there were also two Deity-level beasts present.

“No… This can’t be right. Could it be…” Gideon stopped his sentence abruptly because he suddenly recalled something Levi said. He said there were two beasts, and the beasts were scared of him. That’s why they didn’t show themselves. He could’ve lied to me about them being scared. But now that there are two Deity-level beasts present, I guess he must’ve known about it! It seems like Levi is far more powerful than we first thought! He had used his immense power to suppress the beasts, even commanding them. Not to mention he had even drained us of our spiritual energy with just a slap. If it wasn’t for the fact that Levi was worried about that little girl, he would’ve unleashed his formidable prowess already.

It was only then that he realized just how strong Levi was. He might be even more powerful than Father, who is a Deity. Regardless of whether he had spiritual energy hovering around him or not, the fact is, the beasts really didn’t show up when he was here. The moment he left, however, the beasts came in swarms. And there were even two Deity-level beasts. He was right about what he said.

Regardless of what Gideon wanted to believe, he had no choice but to accept the fact of what it was.

“Now, I understand…” He had finally figured it out. Just when he was about to tell the others, the other Deity-level beast appeared.

The beast obscured the entire sky, blocking the rays of the sun from reaching the ground.

All of a sudden, the sky became pitch black.

The beast was a giant eagle.

Its body was so big that it was deemed double the size of the big black bear.

Apparently, the eagle had flown toward the highest attitude to get exposed to the radiation beam when the pillars of light glowed during the spiritual energy revival.

That was how it had become so big and strong.

In fact, it was a lot stronger than the big black bear.

In other words, it was definitely stronger than Abner.

The giant eagle was the strongest beast they had ever laid their eyes on.

Gideon was scared witless.

However, it was already too late for him to say or do anything. They were really scared of Levi! We’re doomed now! I’ve found out about the truth too late!


The giant eagle wasted no time and started flapping its massive wings. Its wings were so strong that the ground started shaking as a result.

At the same time, the big black bear was dashing toward them as well.

So did the rest of the beasts.

In an instant, Abner and the rest were swamped by the mighty beasts.

Cries of anguish filled the air.

It was a massacre, with blood splattering everywhere. The land in the area rumbled.

Bodies were torn apart mercilessly.

However, none of it was of the beasts’. It was a one-sided battle where the humans were suffering all the losses. Corpses were being picked apart endlessly as wails of agony gradually lessened.

Before long, the scene fell silent.

The reason being there was no one left alive.

Even Abner the Deity was no match for the two Deity-level beasts.

As a matter of fact, the giant eagle alone could have easily taken him out, let alone that there were two of those beasts.


Abner had fallen to the ground.

The giant eagle and big black bear tore him apart and swiftly devoured him.

Since the flesh and blood of beasts were valuable to the humans, the same could be said for a Deity- level human where they were as valuable to the beasts as well.

In the end, Abner was gone.

Upon seeing that, Gideon burst into tears. If it wasn’t for me, none of them would’ve died here! I’m the reason why Father came here! This is all my fault…


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