The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2945

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2945

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2945

The Return of the God of War Chapter 2945

So What If I Bully You

Everyone was completely stunned.

Even Dr. Erebus shuddered in fear. Furthermore, his blows were so vicious.

All of a sudden, only their shrieks of misery resounded loudly in the entire conference room.

Tyrian curled up on the ground in pain.

“L-Levi…” The others from the Xyperia regiment recognized Levi.

“Do you know what you’re doing? You’re pushing Erudia into an irreversible demise! If you attack us, it’ll be like attacking the representatives of Xyperia. You’re obviously provoking us! Furthermore, you’re the Crown King. You represent Erudia! Your actions signify that of Erudia’s. This implies that Erudia looks down on us and is trying to provoke us! We came here to negotiate in peace and discuss the future benefits to Xyperia and Erudia. How dare you hit us for no reason? Do you want us to launch an attack? We’d be happy to do so! In fact, we were troubled because we couldn’t find a reason to start a war!” Everyone chided.

They all blamed Levi.

Furthermore, they emphasized that Levi represented Erudia and used this as a reason to start a war.

Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!

Levi slapped the other four of them forcefully on their cheeks.

“Fck you! Negotiate in peace? Are you here to fcking negotiate? You’re demanding Erudia to rely on you. So what if I represent Erudia? So what if we start a war? Do you think that I’m scared of you? Fine! Since you’re all mighty and powerful, just come at us! I’ll kill everyone that you send to us.”

Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!

Levi slapped the other side of their faces.

Their cheeks were smudged with blood as the skins split open.

Naturally, no one dared to say another word. They were all screaming in pain.

Everyone was shocked, especially those the Dragonites were hosting. They could barely believe their eyes.

As they were afraid of creating a conflict, they were extremely respectful toward the representatives of Xyperia.

However, the moment Levi arrived, he beat everyone up violently.

“Levi, you…” Someone from Xyperia was about to speak.

However, when he met Levi’s terrifying gaze, he was so scared that he quickly shut his mouth.

Levi’s slap was so forceful that he almost died. Hence, he did not even dare to say another word to Levi.

Even the Dragonites were scared. Sensing the murderous aura from Levi, they shuddered in fear.

Levi walked forward and yelled at the rest, “Go and stand in front! Who told you to sit down?”

“Don’t bully us like that!” snapped Tyrian, whose legs were crippled, through gritted teeth.

Levi sat on the sofa and scoffed coldly. “So what if I’m bullying you? Can you defeat me? Come and attack me, then!”

The representatives of Xyperia stared at Levi. Their faces were twisted in fury and their veins bulged.

However, they could not do anything about it.

If they talked back, they would get beaten up. Hence, they had no choice but to relent.

“Go on! Stand in front!” yelled Levi.

As they did not dare to defy him, they dragged Tyrian over and stood in front of Levi.

“Who gave you the courage to cause trouble in Erudia?” demanded Levi coldly.

“Furthermore, didn’t I warn you to quickly cut ties with Idrae and give them up?”

Glaring at Levi, Tyrian laughed coldly. “I’ve heard you, but so what? Are you teaching us what to do? Are you teaching the tens of thousands of Deities in Xyperia what to do? We’re too weak, so you were able to bully us. We admit it! However, I hope that when all the Deities of Xyperia come, you’ll still dare to act so arrogantly.”

Bennett scoffed coldly and added, “Well, we don’t even need tens of thousands of Deities. Just a single Deity is enough to make him shut his mouth obediently.”

“Yeah, that’s right. Although I acknowledge that, I’m unwilling to admit defeat! Do you dare to let me call for backup?” insisted Tyrian stubbornly, despite having his legs broken.


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