The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2968

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2968

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2968

The Return of the God of War Chapter 2968

Daylight Robbery

All of Hawen had their eyes set on Levi.

Hence, they had to block all news and prevent others from finding out what was happening within the country.

They were going to kill Levi and snatch all his resources.

They swore to get their hands on the secrets of Levi’s resources.

With that being said, they could not risk letting any news get out of the country.

Damn it, Hawen has started to ban all transmission of news out of the country. Something is going to happen for sure, and we have not got the faintest idea of it all!

It was a shared sentiment of a number of forces that were closely watching Hawen’s every move.

Hawen had managed to block even a single fly out of its country. Hence, nobody knew what was happening within.

A number of forces and people grew anxious but could do nothing about it.

After all, Hawen was a formidable country.

Nobody would be able to breach the defense barrier should the country decide to put it up.

Levi smiled after knowing that Hawen has started its lockdown.

They were playing right into his hands.

“Garrison, you will not get out of here alive, so is your daughter!” the crown prince bellowed.

“I reiterate; hand over the things and don’t force me to snatch them all!” Levi warned.

“Damn it! I don’t want to see him standing!” the crown prince was vexed.

A Deity struck a move at Levi right away.

His movements were so swift that it only took the Deity a fraction of a second to appear right in front of Levi.


A cold glint flashed.

The head of the Deity fell off.

God Crusher had appeared right in front of Levi.

The people of Hawen were stumped at the sight.

What is happening? Did he just kill a Deity in just a split second?

However, it was just the beginning.


God Crusher was unstoppable. It pierced through the air in a ray of light, surrounding the crown prince.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Streaks of blood gushed up as countless heads were beheaded.

Neither Deity nor fighter was able to stop God Crusher.

After it was done making a round, there was no one left standing beside the crown prince.

About a hundred men fell, headless.

What was more, there were about thirty Deities among them.

The others who had just rushed to the scene were aghast by the terrifying sight.

“Y-Y-You…” the crown prince was at a loss for words as he looked at Levi.

He recognized the sword and realized that Levi was The Cardinal Hall General’s mentor.

The crown prince also came to a startling realization that over fifty Deities of Keerea had died in Levi’s hands.

Levi Garrison was the alleged hidden ninth class fighter of Erudia, the man who was regarded as the nemesis of Deity!

It only took the man a split second to kill over thirty Deities.

Needless to say, Levi’s capabilities were petrifying.

The others had recognized Levi for who he was, including the ten Deities who had just rushed over to back the crown prince up.

All of them regarded Levi with an ashen look on their faces.

They started to doubt if they would be able to leave unscathed should they challenge the man.

Levi leveled a stare at the crown prince and said, “Do be thankful when I’m showing you mercy. How dare you demand for more and seek your own death?”


Unable to withstand such daunting pressure, the crown prince collapsed to the ground.

Beads of nervous sweat dotted his forehead as he shuddered in paralyzing fear.

“Are you going to hand over the things now? Or are you only open for a discussion after I kill more Deities?” Levi asked.

“I-I-I… I a-agree…” the crown prince stammered.

However, another group of Deities rushed to the scene and shouted, “You cannot agree to his demands, Your Highness! How could you let this brazen man do as he pleases in Hawen? We have over five hundred Deities here!”

There were about forty to fifty Deities rushing to back the crown prince up.

Levi said nothing.


God Crusher struck again, leaving bloody trails in its path.

The group of Deities were killed instantaneously as they fell to the ground from high above.

Up until then, there were already about a hundred Deities sacrificed.

The people of Hawen then reckoned that maybe five hundred Deities was not such an invincible number, after all.

“Are you only going to agree to my demands after I kill more of your Deities?” Levi snapped.

A pin-drop silence ensued.


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