The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 3045

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 3045

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 3045

The Return of the God of War Chapter 3045

Idrae Panicked

He also announced that he had gotten rid of half the venom in Forlevia’s body.

It could deter Idrae and other mysterious forces from attacking, apart from encouraging more people to figure out a cure for the venom with the bounty offered.

“Come! Destroy me! Try to stop me! Anyway, half the venom is no longer in my daughter’s body. You are a bunch of trash! Do you think you can get in my way?” Levi vented his anger.

Even though he encountered countless obstacles during the process, he still managed to remove half of the venom in Forlevia.

When the news got out, everyone was shocked, especially the people in Idrae.

“What the hell? He used a venomous parasite! If he took out half of it thus far, it would not be long before he cures his daughter.”

“Ugh, I hate you, Levi! It is ridiculous! I can’t let him continue to treat his daughter!”

“Let’s request for Xyperia to dispatch their men. We have to do whatever we can to stop him from curing his daughter of all venom!”

Everyone in Idrae panicked.

None of them had gotten over how the three of their leaders had died.

Meanwhile, Levi had gotten rid of half the venom in his daughter’s body.

Therefore, it was a nightmare for them.

When the high-ranking official in Xyperia heard their request, they gladly agreed.

They decided to specially send some Deities to deal with the venom in Forlevia.

On the other hand, the Hydron members gathered on a small island.

They were all taken aback when they heard the news.

“After spending half the day trying to stop Levi, he still managed to suck out half of the venom in his daughter’s body. If we do not pay more attention to them, he could get her fully cured.”

They all felt dismayed.

“No! If this continues, and Levi’s daughter recovers, he would be reluctant to take revenge on Idrae! We can’t let that happen! Instruct the rest of the organization to focus on stopping Levi from curing his daughter! Let’s put a pause on our revenge plans on Idrae. This matter is more important!”

After Chad learned about the matter, he could not help but think how daring Levi was for using such means.

His daughter and Forlevia were around the same age.

Given so, he did feel happy for Forlevia after hearing that she had been half cured.

However, the mysterious forces that took his daughter were getting frustrated.

They could not believe that Levi managed to help Forlevia without their knowledge, which was a humiliation to them.

Therefore, they would stick to the previous steps of stopping Levi from extracting all the venom from his daughter’s body.

In truth, Levi had released the news that he had partially taken out the venom in Forlevia’s body in order to cause an uproar.

In addition, he wanted to lure out the mysterious forces who were stopping him from treating Forlevia.

The more he agitated them, the more likely they would try to stop him.

Naturally, it would not be long before they made a mistake and revealed themselves.

Levi also got his men to cooperate with Rodunst to find the masterminds.

Unfortunately, those villains were meticulous and did not leave any traces behind previously.

Despite so, things were different this time.

Since Forlevia got better, Levi could finally make his move.

He could even plan how to deal with Idrae and Xyperia’s forces after Forlevia fully recovered.

In addition, he would hunt down the big organizations and other forces that tried to stop him.

Once Forlevia was well again, he would knock on all their doors to take revenge.

For now, Levi felt relieved that Forlevia was almost back to her usual self after they extracted half the venom in her body.

She did not get sleepy often anymore and could walk on her own. Day-to-day activities posed no problem for her either.

In fact, Forlevia could even go back to cultivating once Levi got the remaining venom in her body under control.

He had faith that they could cure Forlevia if they searched harder for the remedy.

It was only a matter of time since they offered a new bounty.

However, there was one question on everyone’s minds. How does Levi still have resources?


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