The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 3143

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 3143

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 3143

The Return of the God of War Chapter 3143

Home Sweet Home

At that moment, the seven decision-makers were not worried about Levi reneging on this part of the bargain, for they had successfully cheated him.

Instead, they were more concerned about dealing with the resources once they arrived.

After all, there was no way they could finish distributing them among their men.

On top of that, such a huge amount of resources lying idle would definitely attract prying eyes.

Since they could lose the resources just as easily as they had gotten them, it was imperative they come up with a plan to manage them.

Therefore, they intended to hide the resources all around the world once they have received them.

Furthermore, they had not only made arrangements for the secret conduits and locations involved but also readied the vehicles required for transportation.

“Everything is in place. We’re just waiting for Levi’s arrival.”

Hydron worked efficiently to ensure everything was ready.

That was the longest time Hydron had ever needed to wait.

Even though only an hour had passed, it felt like an eternity for them.

Amidst their anxiety, Levi finally arrived.

However, all they saw was a single aircraft landing on the small island, causing them to be surprised.

“Hmm? Why is there only one? Where are the other aircraft that are supposed to carry the resources?”

Everyone was expecting a fleet of aircraft that numbered from hundreds to a thousand.

In fact, they were supposed to be the largest cargo aircraft that existed.

Or else, there was no way the resources could be transported to the island.

As a result, their first question for Levi was if he needed help, especially with logistics and manpower, for they were more than happy to provide them.

When Levi rejected their offer, they didn’t dare press on for fear that he would see through their ruse.

“Don’t be foolish, the resources must be behind him. Levi just came ahead of time to scout the situation out,” someone commented.

Subsequently, the seven decision-makers and their aides approached Levi to welcome him with vibrant smiles.

In fact, they seemed to be even happier to see him than their own parents.

The reason they accorded him special treatment was because he was their unsuspecting benefactor.

There was no way they could obtain the resources if they didn’t make him feel welcome.

Once the aircraft touched down, Levi and his entourage disembarked.

As for Hydron, they were led by Agent 1. “Mr. Garrison, welcome home! As we share the same dream, you are just like family to us. Therefore, this place is your home too!”

“Welcome home!” the crowd shouted in unison.

Levi was amused.

You’re pretending to treat me like family at such a time? You guys are truly hypocrites. Despite your words, you are trying to swindle me behind my back. In fact, you have even killed the “family” who were truly out to seek revenge, haven’t you?”

Levi disembarked from the aircraft with a smile.

Waving at everyone, he exclaimed, “It feels great to be home! With so many of you here and so much power gathered, I have high hopes for all of you!”

Upon hearing Levi’s words, Agent 1 replied at once, “That goes without saying because our strength grows every day. Over the last few days, we have kept ourselves busy by getting in touch with Ospea. They have expressed their intention to form an alliance to fight Xyperia together.”

Agent 2 added, “We have also contacted Apocalypse, and they too expressed their desire to work with us. No one wants Xyperia to become too strong!”

Agent 3 reported, “I have also connected with Hawen, and they are ready for an alliance, for they have long viewed Xyperia and Idrae with disdain.”

One by one, Agents 4, 5, and 6 informed Levi of more alliances including that of Raysonia.

Agent 7 exclaimed, “I have contacted Keerea! Do you know that they have a thousand Deities? Moreover, they even have armaments custom-made for them which makes them exceedingly powerful. They too have joined us!”


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