The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 3422

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 3422

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 3422

The Return of the God of War Chapter 3422

Levi Cannot Do Anything

Yartran had conducted hundreds of thousands of tests on their barrier before. None could even crack it.

However, simply activating it was already an insult to them because it basically meant they admitted they were in grave danger.

They thought themselves to be an unparalleled existence, a country that couldn’t be threatened, and one that didn’t need to use the barrier they built.

Sadly, they were wrong, and someone who could threaten them did show up.

And that person was none other than Levi.

His heaven-defying strength terrified Yartran, even more so when he showed up unannounced.

They thought he was looking for trouble.

The defense system activated very quickly as it instantly covered the entire country.

An insane amount of energy was pumping into the barrier.

Black Hawk was shocked as he felt the expanding energy.

“There’s no way we can break this, Mr. Garrison!” he uttered tremblingly. This defense system is too scary! There’s no way we can break into Yartran.

Levi stepped forward. “Let me give it a try.”

He was interested because, in all his time fighting with the Ecclesiastic Order, he had never seen something as special as that barrier. This barrier looks pretty solid. I wonder if it can handle a punch from me.

Originally, he was just going to ask them how exactly they came in contact with the Ecclesiastic Order.

The activation of the barrier failed to deter him and even got him pumped. I really want to try breaking it. Once I smash this barrier open, they’ll listen to me.


Suddenly, the ground and the sky were shaking, as though space itself was going to crumble.

The entirety of Yartran was practically trembling because Levi was about to unleash his punch.

Before he even made the punch, heaven and earth were already shaking, as though the planet couldn’t handle his power.

“What?” The people in Yartran were flabbergasted because they could feel the tremor prior to Levi unleashing his punch.

It was as though the entire country was being compressed to such an extreme degree that its citizens felt their bodies being squashed and their consciousness fading away.

The power of a single punch was enough to terrify everyone.

“Relax! As strong as Levi is, there’s no way he can crack the barrier open!”

“That’s right! It’s absolutely impossible!”

“As long as we stay inside, Levi can’t do anything to us!”

“Once we finish our preparations, we’ll be able to strike back!”

While the wind-up of the punch did cause quite the stir, the citizens of Yartran still continued to complete their preparation.

They were ready to battle against Levi.

All advanced weaponry and fighters were stationed on the front lines.

Levi was already high up in the air as he smashed his punch downward.

The citizens of Yartran stood below as they stared above and watched his punch raining down like God’s fist.

It was as though the punch was a mountain enveloping the sky and blocking out the sun.

A punch being able to do that was hard to imagine.

Black Hawk was bewildered.

Levi was like a vessel of God crashing down into the earth from the heavens.

Eventually, the unimaginably powerful punch made contact with the barrier.

The citizens of Yartran could already feel the crazy amount of power above them.

Even though the barrier was still protecting them, they could feel the heat emanating from Levi’s attack, as if it was burning the country.

Beep! Beep!

Alarms were going off in the entirety of Yartran because the defense system had detected danger.

Not only that, the alarm was getting more frequent and louder.

“Danger! Danger!”

The defense system kept on reinforcing the barrier.

Even the super-spiritual ley line was sending a frighteningly large amount of energy to the barrier.

Upon detecting greater danger, the defense system activated its highest level of defense.


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