The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 3608

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 3608

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 3608

The Return of the God of War Chapter 3608

Gloria Is Dead

Azure Dragon and the others nodded in agreement. All of them were also convinced that Gloria was still alive and related to the massacre.

That was the only explanation for everything that had happened and everything which would happen in the near future.

“Also, keep an eye on Floyd. I think he may have means of contacting Gloria somehow.”

As soon as Phoenix voiced that thought, the others immediately turned to look at her.

Doubt flickered in their eyes.

“Think about the way Floyd has changed in the past few days!” Phoenix explained.

With those words, realization dawned on the others.

Azure Dragon and the others immediately understood what Phoenix meant.

For a long while, Floyd had seemed to be utterly despondent. He had been distracted, listless, and had not been taking care of himself.

However, just a few days ago, he suddenly appeared reinvigorated with no explanation at all.

Then there was the fact he had acted out of the norm by warning them, even going so far as to propose introducing Gloria to Levi.

All these signs combined pointed to the high likelihood that Floyd had contacted Gloria, but for reasons unknown to them, he had kept this secret.

Only Gloria was capable of causing such a big shift in Floyd’s attitude.

“However, Floyd’s abilities have improved significantly. Keeping an eye on him may be pointless.”

“That’s right. Once Floyd finds out what we’re doing, he will be able to get rid of us easily.”

“If that happens, won’t we just be alerting the enemy?”

Their concerns were valid. Phoenix pondered for a moment before saying, “In that case, let’s ask Evie for help!”

“Okay!” The others nodded in agreement.

Discounting Levi, Forlevia was the only person who could keep an eye on Floyd without raising any suspicion.

On the other hand, Floyd had also learned of the bloodbath at the West Pavilion.

His instincts told him that Gloria was in trouble, so he had immediately rushed to the West Pavilion to see what was happening.

When he finally arrived, the West Pavilion was surrounded by people from other factions of the Ecclesiastic Order.

However, since he was Floyd, one of Levi’s disciples, nobody stopped him from entering the West Pavilion.

After all, the entire Ecclesiastic Order was now relying on Levi.

Naturally, they treated him with as much respect as they would toward Levi.

At that moment, Floyd was not in the mood for bootlickers and brownnosers.

He searched like a madman for traces of Gloria.

Floyd typed: Gloria, are you safe? Please don’t be hurt!

Then, he followed with another message: Reply me soon, please!

The final message he sent said: Where are you, Gloria?

Floyd sent message after message to Gloria through his communication device.

However, Gloria did not respond to any of his messages.

Her radio-silence made Floyd even more worried.

He searched the entire West Pavilion, outside and inside, and all the secret passages that the others might have missed.

There was no sight of Gloria anywhere, and she had not replied to his messages either.

Floyd slumped down on a rock, defeated.

The coppery smell of blood still lingered in the air, which further agitated Floyd.

There are so many divisions in the Ecclesiastic Order. Why did they choose the West Pavilion?

“Could this be related to Gloria’s investigations into the Minister’s whereabouts?” Floyd muttered under his breath as the thought suddenly crossed his mind.

It was rumored that Thundera had gone in search of the mythical world, and Gloria had been ordered to locate him.

Perhaps this is somehow related to the secrecy of the mythical place!

However, it was also possible that the mysterious attacker had randomly selected the West Pavilion just to surprise and shock the Ecclesiastic Order.

Whatever the reason was, Floyd was upset that poor Gloria had been needlessly caught up in it.

Floyd slapped himself hard.

“I’m such a useless man!” he shouted at himself.

Not too long ago, he had boldly promised Gloria that he would protect her.

It had not taken long for him to break that promise.

How could I not have been by her side, protecting her?

“She must have really hoped for a savior when the attackers came for her!”

Floyd was racked with guilt.

If only I had been determined back then to bring Gloria back to our base camp, she would have avoided this disaster!

“Gloria, forgive me. I was not resolute enough. I am useless. It’s my fault for not being by your side at all times.”

Floyd kept slapping himself over and over again as he repeated his sins to himself. His cheeks had turned red and were beginning to swell.


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