The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 3851

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 3851

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 3851

Chapter 3851 A Gentle Maid

Meanwhile, Levi, Cheriette, and Larissa had arrived somewhere nearby the Void Sect after pressing on with their journey. Cheriette asked respectfully, “Lord Garrison, now that we’re about thirty miles away, should we continue with our journey?”

“There’s no hurry. Let’s rest here for half a day.” After a brief hesitation, Levi turned toward Larissa and instructed, “Brew the coffee beans that were collected yesterday. I want to try how they taste like.”

“Yes, Master,” Larissa replied in an exceptionally servile tone. Watching the busy Larissa, Cheriette couldn’t help but gawk. Ever since the spirit beasts were turned into a feast, she had become someone extraordinarily obsequious.

She obeyed all Levi’s instructions, poured him his coffee, and even gave him a massage. Naturally, she was now the epitome of his servant girl.

For goodness’ sake, she’s Eclipse’s Princess of Divinity, someone young and talented who’s highly valued by the two sect leaders. But now, she has been reduced to no more than a servant girl. If I were in her shoes, the drastic change in status would have devastated me!

At that moment, Cheriette began to admire Larissa’s tenacity and ability to adapt to the situation.

In truth, the latter had entirely submitted herself to Levi.

After the spirit beasts who had been her companions for many years were eaten, Larissa—outraged by the fact—began to plot her revenge.

However, every time such a thought came into her mind, Levi would be able to sense it ahead of time and implicitly warn her from doing anything reckless.

Suffocated by her predicament, Larissa finally broke down and gave up her desire for revenge.

Levi was not only terrifyingly powerful but also unbelievably observant with no weaknesses to exploit.

It naturally made him the epitome of an invincible warrior, a realization that caused Larissa to resign herself to her fate.

Even if she had to become one of Levi’s servants, she had neither regrets nor complaints.

“Master, your coffee is ready,” she informed softly.

Upon receiving his coffee, Levi took a sip before complimenting, “You make good coffee.”

“Thank you, Master.”

Larissa cordially added, “If I had a complete set of brewing equipment, I’d be able to brew even better coffee.”

Nodding in acknowledgment, Levi changed the topic. “Now that your cultivation restraints have been removed, you could’ve escaped anytime you wanted.”

“I wouldn’t dare!” Larissa dropped to her knees, her voice trembling. “Staying by your side is a blessing by itself. Thus, I have no intention of fleeing.”

Faced with the scene, Cheriette couldn’t be any more flabbergasted, for she could feel the emotions behind the former’s words and couldn’t detect any hint of dishonesty.

In other words, Larrissa was speaking from the depths of her heart.

I expected no less of Lord Garrison for bending the Princess of Divinity to his will in such a short time. This is truly mind-blowing!

Cheriette was astonished by the sight before her.

Meanwhile, news of the slaughter of Eclipse’s Paladins and the kidnap of the Princess of Divinity had begun to spread within the other sects.

It resulted in the various leaders recalling all their Paladins who were training in the field—for fear that they would suffer the same fate that had befallen Larissa.

“Who on earth had the gall to challenge Eclipse?”

“What’s the true goal of this perpetrator? Is he targeting the future prospects of all the different sects here?”

“Also, is he somehow related to the powerful warrior who sucked dry a large dragon ley line in a single day?”

Speculation and questions abound in the minds of the public, sparking fear for their own safety.

As for the sects that were closest to Eclipse, they elevated their defenses to the highest level and deployed the sect’s defensive formation.


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