The Return of the Condor Heroes

Chapter 27 – Battle of wits and strength, Part 3

Chapter 27 – Battle of wits and strength, Part 3

Chapter 27 – Battle of wits and strength, Part 3

After choosing ten scarlet apples, putting them in her bosom, Huang Rong groped in her pocket for money. Suddenly, a very loud woman’s voice was heard: “Give me twenty catties of rice and one catty of salt. (1 catty = 1.1 pounds/ 500 grams) Put them all in this sack, please.”

Huang Rong cast a glance. The person speaking was a Taoist priestess [dao gu] wearing a yellow robe, standing in front of the neighboring shop.

The Taoist priestess was holding a baby with her left hand and groping in her pocket for some money. The baby’s clothes were made of lake green satin with a small dark red horse embroidery, an embroidery Huang Rong used to sew. As soon as she noticed that, her hand trembled and her heart pounded, the money in her hand fell into the basket. That baby must certainly be her own daughter Guo Xiang!

Huang Rong had never actually met Li Mochou before. But scrutinizing the fly whisk [fu chen] on her waist belt, her piercing eyes and her outfit, she was quite sure that the woman was the notorious demoness who terrorized the Jianghu realm, Li Mochou.

At the time she gave birth to Guo Xiang, the Mongolian enemy was attacking and the situation was chaotic; she’d had no chance to examine the baby’s face. That’s why, like being magnetized. she was drawn to look several times at the baby. Although the baby was still diminutive, it already showed signs of natural female beauty. With her cute features and ruddy complexion, she seemed well-fed and healthy looking. Huang Rong was pleasantly surprised, she almost shed tears. Polu, the baby she breast-fed herself, didn’t look nearly that healthy.

After paying some silver, Li Mochou took the sack and left.

Huang Rong understood the urgency of the situation; without informing Guo Fu she gave chase. She thought: “This poisonous female is terribly cruel. Should I try to use brute force, she might harm Xiang’er.”

After leaving the city, Li Mochou ran westwards. While following, Huang Rong thought: “Li Mochou is Guo’er’s Martial Uncle. Although they don’t have a good relationship, after Fu’er cut-off Guo’er’s arm, we could say that the GuMu Pai (Ancient Tomb sect) and the Guo Family were bound in a feud. If this woman is going to meet Guo’er and Miss Long, I won’t be a match against all three of them together. It’s wiser to force a one-to-one fight with her now”.

Li Mochou changed course to the South and entered the woods. Huang Rong accelerated, circling the woods and confronted the demoness. Seeing the sudden appearance of a beautiful woman, Li Mochou stopped short in surprise.

“If I’m not mistaken, I’m facing ‘Chi-lian xian-zi’ [Scarlet Serpent Deity] Taoist Elder Li”, Huang Rong said with a smile. “I’m very pleased to meet you!”

Noticing the lithe and swift movements of the woman, the pale-yellow bamboo cane in her waist belt, Li Mochou at once put the sack down, she saluted smiling: “Junior has admired Mrs. Guo’s famous name for ages, I feel delighted to meet you now.” josei

At that time in the martial realm, the most famous female martial experts were Huang Rong and Li Mochou. ‘Qing-jing san-ren’ [Sage of Tranquility] Sun Bu’Er was already famous before them but her wugong (martial arts) were inferior. Xiao Longnü was good enough wugong-wise but she was still too young and not experienced; she was barely known.

Both tigresses faced each other. One was the pampered daughter of the Eastern heretic Huang Yaoshi, wife of Da Xia (great hero) Guo Jing, Bang Zhu (clan chief) of Gai Bang (Beggar Clan), the other was the notorious cruel demoness armed with a fly whisk, “Soul Freezing Silver Needles” and “Five Poisons Divine Palm”, three lethal skills which had caused much trembling and fear in the Jianghu realm.

It’s the first time these two people have met, they scrutinized each other carefully, and each marveling about how unexpectedly beautiful the other was. But secretly each was on guard because surely each other’s fame was based on real ability.

Mrs. Guo said with a smile: “Taoist Elder Li, junior has always revered you, don’t be over polite”.

Li Mochou answered: “Mrs. Guo is chief of the Beggar Clan and a leading personality in the martial realm, junior regrets not having met you much sooner.”

After both sides exchanged the usual pleasantries, Huang Rong asked: “Elder Li, the baby you carry is very sweet and cute. Whose baby is it?” As she said that, Huang Rong had already thought of ways to get the baby back before they began the duel.

“This is very shaming for Gu Mu Pai” [Ancient Tomb Sect], the demoness answered. “Junior has not been able to guide my shi mei (younger apprentice sister) on the right path. This is Long shi mei’s baby ….”

Huang Rong was surprised. She couldn’t guess why Li Mochou was lying.

But the demoness wasn’t deliberately lying. She did believe the baby was Yang Guo and Xiao Longnü’s child. Because she was enraged that her shifu only taught the Jade Heart Manual to her shimei, she used this opportunity to mention her shimei’s sins.

“I thought Miss Long a decent girl”, Huang Rong said. “It’s unbelievable such a thing has happened. Who’s the father?”

“The father?” the demoness said. “Hmm…It’s definitely shameful to mention! The father of this child is Yang Guo, my shimei’s disciple.” Huang Rong, who was usually good at faking, couldn’t help reddening, and anger swelled up.

But she only changed colour briefly and instantly her expression returned to normal. She said: “That is deliberately creating trouble. But the baby is so cute. Elder Li, may I hug it?” She took an apple from her bosom and moved it to-and-fro in front of the baby. “Good child, your round face certainly resembles this apple.”

After stealing Guo Xiang, Li Mochou hid herself in the woods and happily played everyday with the baby. Each morning she would milk the leopard to feed the baby. Li Mochou had committed abundant crimes, but basically she wasn’t cruel at heart. Because of rejected love, she hated the world and its inhabitants, she turned cruel. Since meeting the cute and sweet Guo Xiang, her inborn mother instinct was awakened. Often in the deep of the night she would think about the baby. Deep in her heart she was uncertain that she would agree, in case Xiao Longnü wanted to exchange the ‘Jade Heart Manual’ for the baby.

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