The Return of the Condor Heroes

Chapter 28 – The wedding, Part 4

Chapter 28 – The wedding, Part 4

Chapter 28 – The wedding, Part 4

Zhou Botong crouched down on the ground and spoke into the bell, “Hey, hey, you definitely cannot eat the bee honey!”

Liu Chuxuan then added, “Shi Shu [Martial Uncle], pay him no mind! If you want the bee honey, it’s really not difficult. Today we’ve already explained and settled the animosity with Long Guniang. We can now go to Gu Mu and ask her for several bottles. Long Guniang has already given you the first one so giving you another ten is really not a problem!”

Zhou Botong then shook his head and said, “Maybe not, maybe not!” In his mind he thought, “Do you think she gave me this bottle of the bee honey? It was me who stole it. She left the Sacred Scripture Chamber in a hurry so she didn’t take it with her. If I asked her again to give me the honey, she might not agree. And even if she did agree, I’d still have to let you take it away to cure people, how would there be anything left for me in the end?”

Then he heard the gentle hum of five or six Jade Bees that flew into the hall from the courtyard through the hole in the roof. The hall doors were closed so the bees hit the window and couldn’t find their way out. Zhou Botong came up with an idea and said, “Zhao Zhijing, I’m afraid what you took isn’t the Jade Bee honey.”

Zhao Zhijing hurriedly replied, “Yes, yes, it is. Why shouldn’t it be?” josei

Zhou Botong then said, “Good, you open the bottle and let me smell it first. If it isn’t the bee honey, there’s no need to talk any more nonsense.”

Zhao Zhijing quickly opened the bottle and said, “You smell it, isn’t it the bee honey?”

Zhou Botong deeply inhaled the air and said, “Hmm, Hmm, it doesn’t smell like it. Let me sniff again a few more times.”

Zhao Zhijing clasped both hands tightly over the bottle for fear that Zhou Botong would lift the bell up and snatch it from him. At the same time he said, “You sniff this sweet scent, sniff this sweet scent!” The scent of the Jade Bee honey was incomparably sweet. As soon as the bottle was opened, the palace hall was filled with the strong fragrance.

Zhou Botong sneezed and laughed. He said, “I’ve got a cold and my nose is not very effective!” and at the same time turned to Qiu Chuji, giving him a wink.

Zhao Zhijing also guessed right that Zhou Botong was using a delaying tactic so he said: “If you even touch the bell, I will eat all the bee honey.” But by this time, several Jade Bees had already sensed the honey smell and flew to the bell.

Zhou Botong wielded his sleeves and shouted, “Go in and sting him!” The Jade Bees of course didn’t listen to Zhou Botong but the scent coming out from beneath the bell was growing more and more intense. With zeng-zeng hums, they all buzzed in through the crack at the bottom of the bell.

The people then heard Zhao Zhijing’s frantic shouts. With the poignant smell of the honey, a Jade Bee flew in and stung him, causing the bottle to drop and shatter. Zhou Botong went mad and shouted, “Stinky Cow nose [Taoist], why couldn’t you hold the bottle firmly?” As he was about to go lift up the bell more Jade Bees from the courtyard crazily buzzed into the bell. Zhou Botong had suffered the Jade Bee stings so he didn’t dare to get near. He saw numerous bees filling the large space inside the bell. Zhao Zhijing’s body was covered with the sticky syrup and no matter how he moved his hands or his head, he couldn’t avoid the bees and got stung who-know-how-many hundred times all over his body. The people heard him shouting out crazily for a moment and then came an eerie silence. He must have died from the great amount of poison.

Zhou Botong then grabbed Liu Chuxuan’s robe and said: “Good, Chuxuan, now you go ask Long Guniang to give me many, many bottles of the bee honey.” Liu Chuxuan frowned, feeling quite miserable. Earlier he tried to stop Zhou Botong from being rash and agreeing to Zhao Zhijing’s demand so he spoke out quite carelessly. As a matter of fact, the Quanzhen Five Masters had used the “Big Dipper Formation” and all their combined forces to injure Xiao Longnü. It was still not certain that she would ever recover, how could it be “animosity explained and settled” four words as he said? Right now Zhou Botong was holding his chest so he could only let out a painful smile and said: “Don’t worry, Shi Shu [Martial Uncle], Chuxuan is leaving!” Then he turned towards the back of the mountain and walked to Gu Mu.

Qiu Chuji and others knew that this matter was indeed deadly. If Xiao Longnü was alright, everything would be fine. But if she died from the severe injury, nobody knew how many Quanzhen disciples would be killed by Yang Guo’s hand. Everybody then said in one voice: “Let us all go together.”

The woods outside Gu Mu was the area Wang Chongyang himself had forbidden his disciples to go, not even one step. Many people heeded their late master’s instruction so they stopped at the edge of the woods. Qiu Chuji summoned air into his abdomen and clearly announced: “Yang Xiao Xia [Young Hero Yang], is Long Guniang’s injury alright? Here we’ve got several wonder pills to treat the injury. Please come out and take them.” Zhou Botong said in a low voice: “Yes, Yes! I want the bee honey. Come out and trade for them!” Half a day passed and still there was no reply. After Qiu Chuji used his energy to call the couple, the woods fell into a bleak silence. He looked into the woods but only saw the shady clouds circling around, all the tree branches above, and thorny bushes below.

Liu Chuxuan and Hao Datong walked along the edge of the woods but saw no sign of people passing through the area. It looked like Yang Guo and Xiao Longnü didn’t come back to Gu Mu but went away from Mount Zhongnan. They felt both happy and worried at the same time and decided to return to the Chongyang Palace. The Quanzhen people were glad that the Yang-Long couple had gone far away but worried that if Xiao Longnü didn’t recover, the sect would have big trouble ahead. On the other hand, the Old Urchin Zhou Botong was worried that he wouldn’t get the Jade Bee honey but also quite happy that he didn’t have to meet Xiao Longnü and could avoid exposing his crime of stealing the bee honey in the first place.

Even though the Quanzhen Five Masters had lived on Mount Zhongnan for several decades, they couldn’t have guessed how Yang Guo and Xiao Longnü came back to Gu Mu.

Shielded by the Jade Bees, the Yang-Long couple rushed to the back of the courtyard and then saw a small building on the side of the mountain. Yang Guo knew it was the Sacred Scripture Chamber of the Chongyang Palace so he carried Xiao Longnü inside. They let out a gasp of air and then heard the sounds of many people shouting. Dozens of Taoists were pursuing them but they were afraid of the Jade Bees and dared not come too close.

Yang Guo settled Xiao Longnü in a chair, looked around, and contemplated the situation. Then he saw that in the back of the Sacred Scripture Chamber was a mountain creek which was 30 to 40 feet below. Even though the gorge was deep, the good thing was that it wasn’t too wide. On the side of his body, he always carried a long rope for tying between two big trees to make a bed. Now he tied one end to a pillar of the Sacred Scripture Chamber and then leapt down while pulling the rope. He swam across the mountain stream and then straightened the rope. He then tied its other end to a big tree before using his lightness Kung Fu to walk on the rope back to the chamber.

When he was back at Xiao Longnü’s side, he softly asked her, “Shall we go over there?”

Xiao Longnü said, “You said we should go there; then I’d go there with you.”

Yang Guo laughed and said, “That is called “Marry a chicken, act like a chicken; marry a dog, act like a dog!” [Chinese saying: A woman must follow and comply with her husband’s wishes]. Then he paused and asked again, “In your heart, do you really want to go over there?” Xiao Longnü let out a gentle sigh and her facial expression changed. Yang Guo knew she most wanted to go home to Gu Mu but they could only get inside at great expense. While hesitating, they heard the shouting from outside the chamber and knew that they couldn’t delay getting out of there much longer.

While he could read her mind, Xiao Longnü also understood him just as well. So she softly said, “I don’t really have to go back to Gu Mu. You don’t have to worry about me.” Then she smiled, “As long as I can be with you, any place is just as good.”

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