The return of the fallen king

Chapter 51

Chapter 51: Unexpected Visitors

Chapter 51: Unexpected Visitors

Hi guys here is author!

Before you read the chapter I want to point out one of my mistakes during my early writing. I had in fact messed up the daily cost of Conradin army , I had trouble converting English medieval coins' value as the Italian one , as such the daily cost of the army is not 6700 gold but 3600 . I am sorry for the mistake


Conradin glanced at the letter to his mother on his desk for a long period. As he gazed at it, he felt a combination of emotions: regret and grief for the past and the hatred that had surfaced between them, but also thanks and love for her for everything she had done for him. He knew the letter wouldn't cure everything, but he hoped it would be the beginning of their reconciliation. He was eager to attempt to mend their relationship and go on in love and forgiveness, and he thought of this letter would be the first step.

He folded it up, knowing that she would see it as a sign that he was sincere in his efforts to reconcile with her, and he closed his eyes as he wished that the letter would reach her safely and that she would soon respond with words of forgiveness and reconciliation.

After that, Conradin decided that it was time to wrap up everything. He rose from the desk and threw himself at the bed, trying to get to sleep again.

Conradin woke up feeling refreshed and renewed after his night's sleep, and he was ready to face the day ahead. He felt a sense of peace and composure that he had not felt in some time, and he was looking forward to starting his day with a clear mind and a fresh perspective. He felt confident that he had taken the first step towards reconciling with his mother, and he was eager to continue making amends and healing old wounds.

After a good half-night sleep he got up from his bed, and spent some minutes looking out the window in the room, admiring the beautiful garden. With the tail of his eyes, he observed a nest of birds, with the mother feeding her little. Such sight convinced the young man that his decision was the right one, and he lost himself in such scenery. After some minutes had passed, Conradin woke himself up from his daydreaming and walked away from the window.

He stretched his muscles out, feeling the tension and fatigue from the previous day's events slowly recede. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, releasing the tension in his body and mind, and he felt a sense of serenity wash over him. He felt his mind clearing and filling with positive thoughts and feelings, and he was ready to face the day ahead.

After dressing up, he left the room, and while minding his own business, he met Corrado in the hallway .The two men walked together, engaged in light conversation about the weather and other mundane topics in order to kill the time, before breakfast was served.

Breakfast was an occasion for friendly banter and small talk as the two friends caught up on each other's recent activities. Over meat and eggs, they sat and chatted about the past and present, sharing their experiences with each other. They also discussed current events and politics, sharing their opinions and insights on the state of affairs. At that moment, Conradin had completely forgiven Corrado, Maletta, and Galvano for their betrayal of his father and him. The past was to remain in the past, and now they both walked towards the same goal together. For the first time, Conradin started to consider them his friends. They discussed their concerns and fears about the campaign and the impending conflict, but they also shared their hopes and dreams for the future. Corrado was an optimistic man who always seemed to be able to find the bright side of things, and Conradin found his optimistic outlook comforting and encouraging.

Soon after, the other awoke, and together with Corrado and Conradin, they sat at breakfast, laughing and conversing. They noticed a sense of peace and oneness between them. They had all faced pain and sorrow, and their shared experiences had bonded them. They realized they had a common aim and a shared vision, and they felt unified in their purpose and commitment at that moment. It was a pleasant feeling, and it would see them through any difficulties that arose as they worked together to realize their shared vision for the future.

This wonderful moment was, however, broken by a servant from the mansion, who hastily walked towards Conradin. Conradin was surprised by the servant's urgent manner, and he quickly stood up to hear what the servant had to say. The servant came close and whispered something in his ears. Prompting the other to stop laughing upon seeing the serious face of Conradin. He listened intently as the servant spoke, and the others quickly fell silent and looked on in concern, not wanting to interrupt their conversation. Once the servant had finished, everyone looked at Conradin with concern, as if expecting to hear something important. Conradin was not one to take things lightly, and they were all aware that whatever it was the servant had said, it must be urgent . josei

''It seems we will soon have guests," Conradin said with a frowning face.

As Conradin spoke, the others became even more puzzled, wondering who could possibly arrive unannounced and why they would come. Conradin's frown made them all feel a sense of foreboding and alarm, and they all knew there must be something important about this unforeseen meeting that required such haste and attention. They all looked at the servant expectantly, hoping he would tell them more about their guest and why it could be so urgent that they would come unannounced and without any prior arrangements; however, the anxious servant did not move or look at any of them.

Frederick and Galvano looked at each other and then at Conradin, asking, "Who could these strange guests be? Do you have any idea of their purpose for coming to us so urgently and at this hour? It must be something important indeed to cause such a stir."

Frederick said while raising his eyebrows, expressing his doubt.

Conradin sighed and shook his head. "I wish I knew, but these fuc*ing cardinals are a complete mystery to me. I can only imagine that they have some important business with us if they have come so urgently and without prior notice. It would seem that whatever their purpose for coming may be, it must be something quite serious if they have taken such extreme measures to reach us. I hope that they are not coming to bring ill news or some other unpleasant tidings, but I fear that could indeed be the case. We shall just have to wait and see what they have to say to us."

The new did arouse interest in the group; they knew that the church would not come and support them after their history with their liege's dynasty and Charles.

"What could the Cardinals possibly want from us?" Frederick wondered aloud. "Probably nothing good'' Answered Galvano while taking a bite out of a piece of bread.

The arrival of the cardinals certainly raised many questions and concerns for the group, as they knew that the church was unlikely to support them in their ambitions. They also knew that the church was a powerful entity and would not lightly come to threaten or warn anyone, which led them to believe that there must be some important and urgent reason for the cardinals coming to see them. It was clear that the cardinals would have much power and influence, and the group knew that it would be wise to tread carefully as they navigated their dealings with them.

''Well, there is only one way to know, isn't there?'' Frederick said before briefly stopping while pouring down an entire cup of wine in his troat , '' Should we not go and see what these crepit old men want?'' Frederick said trying to humor the group.

This led to Conradin rising to his seat, prompting the group to do the same: "We do not have much choice, do we now? Who knows, maybe this time the church want to call a Hungarian royalty as king of Jerusalem. '' This led to the group letting out a light sneakering, which helped to calm down their nerves, which were unnerved by the cardinal's sudden arrival.


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