The Return of the God Level Assassin



SECOND time that day, Luo Yan once again appeared at the plaza of Goldcrest City. Because it was already night time, the city lights were all opened. Adding a certain kind of beauty to the city.

He opened his Status Window and sent a message to Shen Ji Yun’s alt account.

Noctis: [Brother Ji Yun, I’m already here. Where are you?]

SHEN: [I’m sitting on the seat outside the café at the West side of the plaza.]

Luo Yan immediately looked to that direction when he read that reply. And he quickly saw Shen Ji Yun’s game avatar. Even though he looked like he would blend in with the darkness because of his all-black outfit, his blue eyes were like a beacon of light that could pull the attention of anyone.

He ran towards the café and sat on the seat opposite Shen Ji Yun.

"Brother Ji Yun," he greeted and smiled.

Because the lower half of his face was not covered, everyone could see how beautiful he was. And how that beauty bloomed even more with that bright smile.

Shen Ji Yun suddenly wanted to cover the rabbit’s face. Especially after he saw that most of the players near them blatantly stared at Luo Yan. Some probably even took a screen shot. He unknowingly let out a cold atmosphere, even staring coldly at some of the players around them. It seemed to be effective since most immediately looked away.

Of course, Luo Yan noticed the sudden dropped in temperature. He looked at Shen Ji Yun who seemed to be in a bad mood. "Brother Ji Yun, is something wrong?"

Shen Ji Yun stopped. What was wrong with him? Didn’t he want to remove the mask on Luo Yan so he could clearly see his smile? Then why did he suddenly feel irritated when he saw him smiling just now without anything covering it up? Wasn’t that what he wanted?

He shook his head. He felt like he’s becoming bipolar or something. He wanted one thing and then the next moment, he wanted the complete opposite of it? Should he go to a psychiatrist to have a check-up? Maybe there’s really something wrong with his brain and he just didn’t know it.

How else would he have so many ups and downs in his emotion? Something that didn’t really happen. Especially to someone like him who barely felt any emotion. He’d been numbed to almost everything. No matter what other people around him do, it couldn’t get a rise from him. That had been the case for 12 years now. So for him, feeling all these varieties of emotions now was just weird. And truth to be told, a bit scary. josei

Of course, he knew what changed. It’s because he met this rabbit that he’s currently experiencing things like these. What he couldn’t understand was why Luo Yan had such an effect on him?

"Brother Ji Yun?" Luo Yan called again when Shen Ji Yun didn’t answer his question.

Shen Ji Yun shook off all the complicated thoughts inside his head. Why did it matter if he started to feel emotions now anyway? Although it’s kind of unwarranted, it’s not something that would affect his everyday life. He might felt irritated from time to time, just like now, but it didn’t matter. Truthfully, there’s a small part of him that was glad for it.

Because it made him feel more like a human.

"It’s nothing," he answered Luo Yan. "By the way, you didn’t encounter any problems while submitting the video?"

Although Luo Yan felt that it was definitely not ’nothing’, he didn’t pry and just shook his head. "No. It went quite well."

"What’s the content of the video?" Shen Ji Yun asked curiously.

He knew Luo Yan shot the video for it last Saturday and Sunday evening. He actually wanted to help, but Luo Yan declined. Saying that he had to do everything himself. Or else, it wouldn’t really have the same meaning.

Shen Ji Yun wasn’t even allowed to watch his filming. Telling him that it’s a surprise and that he should just wait patiently until the video streamed by Monday. That’s why he couldn’t help but be curious.

"I believe I already told Brother Ji Yun that it’s a surprise," Luo Yan said with a playful grin.

"Then I guess I just have to wait," Shen Ji Yun could only say in a helpless but spoiling tone.

Luo Yan was about to say something when an NPC waiter suddenly put a huge glass of mixed fruit parfait in front of him.

"Please enjoy," the waiter said before walking away.

Luo Yan stared at the colorful glass of parfait in front of him and he almost drooled. And then remembering that he didn’t order anything, he raised his head and looked questioningly at Shen Ji Yun. Even though the lower part of his face was covered, he could see in his blue eyes that he was very amused by his reaction.

"I ordered that and told the waiter to bring it here once my companion arrived," Shen Ji Yun said, answering the question in Luo Yan’s mind. "I figured you might want to eat something while we’re waiting for your advertis.e.m.e.nt to stream."

"Thank you, Brother Ji Yun! You read my mind perfectly."

After saying that, Luo Yan no longer hesitated and just dug in. Eating his first spoon of fruit, milk, and cream, he almost sighed in contentment. The parfait was so delicious with just the right balance of sweetness and tartness. He couldn’t help but eat one spoonful after another.

Shen Ji Yun didn’t mind that the rabbit was busy eating. He probably wouldn’t be bored even if he had to watch him eat every day. Because there’s so much joy in his every action. As if in every bite, he was eating the most delicious food he had ever had. Even he who really didn’t like sweets would be tempted to try eating one just by watching him eat.

He was about to say something when the big screen on the plaza suddenly lighted up. Because they were near it, Shen Ji Yun managed to see it immediately. He had already guessed that this must be the rabbit’s advertis.e.m.e.nt.

When the screen turned dark, a soft music suddenly filled the air. Then the first image that appeared on the screen was that of the lake found in the recreational garden. The huge full moon was being reflected on its surface. Because of the way it’s shot, it brought a certain kind of mystery and allure to the whole scene.

Then the camera was raised and it focused on a building up ahead the lake. It was an ancient building surrounded by different kinds of flowers. It suddenly zoomed in towards the said building, showing some parts of its exterior. Showcasing its beautiful architecture. Added that to the flower petals dancing around and the effect was just magnificent. One couldn’t help but want to enter.

The door to the building suddenly opened as if on cue. Enticingly inviting everyone to enter.

The moment the camera did, what welcomed everyone were three groups of beautiful women in colorful robes. One group was playing the guqin, another one was playing the bamboo flute, and the last one, the one at the very center was dancing. No one was scantily clad, and yet anyone who watched them dance would have a desire to peel off those complicated robes layer by layer.

Then the music suddenly ended and the screen turned dark once again. When everyone thought that that was it, a single spotlight appeared. The light centered on a figure in red. One couldn’t really tell if it was a man or a woman. But most would probably assume that it was the latter. Because how could a man exude such an unbridled charm?

’Her’ long black hair was unadorned. A red veil was covering the lower half of ’her’ face. But if one looked closely, they could still see a soft outline of a mischievous smile. The only thing that could be clearly seen was his pair of blue eyes speckled in gold. ’Her’ long pointed ears were a sign that ’she’ was an elf.

The music once again started. But this time, it became more serene. The elf in the red robe danced with the music. With ’her’ each step, a small ball of green light appeared. Until it filled the whole place. The other dancers also moved but none of them over staged the elf in the red robe.

Then the camera zoomed in towards the elf. And ’she’ looked straight towards the camera.

"I’m here, waiting for you,"’she’ said in a very sweet voice.

’She’ closed her eyes and as ’she’ did, the whole screen once again turned dark. Then two characters making up the word [Yuexing] suddenly appeared. After that the numbers [9.21] came next.

Then another video played. But no one paid attention to it. Because their attention was still on the last video.

Shen Ji Yun was no different. It was even much worse for him. Because he knew for a fact that the elf wearing red robe on the video was none other than Luo Yan.

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