The Return of the God Level Assassin



SHEN JI YUN wasn’t sure what was happening right now.The moment Luo Yan’s thin arms surrounded his waist, his whole body just automatically froze.Almost as if he was being nailed on the spot.When he finally realized what was happening, all he could feel was the warmth of Luo Yan’s body against his.And then his heart immediately went into overdrive.

It was beating so uncontrollably fast that the amount of blood it’s pumping was probably more that it should.And that’s probably why his whole face was heating up as if he was inside a very hot sauna.All his mind could think of was; how can this body be so soft and warm?

He couldn’t exactly describe what he’s feeling right now.If he was shy, happy, or confused.Maybe it was all of those emotions combined together.All he was certain of was that he didn’t dislike this feeling.In fact, it would probably more accurate to say that he liked it.This uncontrollable beating of his heart, these confusing emotions welling up inside him, he didn’t mind them.He relished the idea that he only ever felt this way whenever he’s with Luo Yan.Because that just showed how special the rabbit was to him.

But the question was why?Why did he feel this way towards Luo Yan?Why was he the only one who’s special?Suddenly, the answer that he somewhat able to grasp earlier when he laid his eyes on Luo Yan again was finally taking shape.He felt like just a bit more and he would be able to name this unknown emotion that had been plaguing him since the day he met the rabbit two months ago.

Luo Yan, on the other hand, was also quietly questioning himself.He hugged Shen Ji Yun so he could check if he would feel different once they had this kind of skin ship.To see if his heart would throb or if he would feel embarrassed.He wanted to know if what he was feeling for Shen Ji Yun was platonic or something else entirely.That’s why he did this kind of ’experiment’.

Don’t people often say that being close to the person you like on the physical level would make you feel all tingly and bubbly inside?Like the fizzy feeling one felt when they drank a very cold soda.

But after a few seconds in this position, Luo Yan hadn’t felt anything at all.Well, it was indeed comfortable hugging him and all that.Because he was so warm.It was almost like he was hugging his favorite plushy – the one that Luo Jin gave him.But he was sure that was not the kind of emotion he was looking for.So, was this the answer to his question?

Then he heard a loud sound.Like a drum beating very fast and hard.It was only then he realized that the sound was Shen Ji Yun’s heart.Because of their height difference, he barely went passed his shoulders, so he could hear the beating of his heart perfectly.

"Your heart is beating so fast and loud," he commented without much thought.

After he said that, he didn’t think it was possible but Shen Ji Yun’s heart beat became even faster.Wouldn’t this guy have a heart attack if this continued?He raised his head to look at Shen Ji Yun and was extremely surprised when he saw how red his face was.

It was almost the color of a very ripe and very red apple.Luo Yan suddenly had an urge to bite him.Because he just looked so delicious in his eyes right now.Before he could think more properly, he already tiptoed and then bit Shen Ji Yun’s chin.

After a second, both of them froze.

Realizing what he just did, Luo Yan quickly let go of Shen Ji Yun’s waist that he was still holding and stepped back as fast as he could.What the heck?What the heck?What the heck?What did he just do?Did he really just bite another person’s chin?What was he, a pervert?

Does this mean that, in some way or another, he was indeed attracted to Shen Ji Yun?But was that one time urge really enough to prove that?No, he needed more concrete proof.Which meant he needed to experiment more.But doing so right now, wouldn’t Shen Ji Yun think of him as a pervert?He shook his head.He couldn’t continue this now.Maybe some other time.But definitely not now.

He tried to calm himself.And when he thought that he was finally able to act normally, he turned to Shen Ji Yun."I’m sorry, Brother Ji Yun, if I made you feel uncomfortable.I don’t know what’s gotten over me.Maybe I’m just hungry or something."

Shen Ji Yun didn’t look up and just said, "It’s okay."

Honestly, he didn’t even hear what Luo Yan said.Because his heart was beating even louder and faster right now.It’s almost as if he was having some kind of panic attack.He didn’t know what to do.If he just went and collapsed because of this, it wouldn’t even surprise him.Truthfully, his chest felt so tight right now he couldn’t even breath properly.Maybe he would really end up collapsing.

And all the fault lay in Luo Yan.Just why did he do that?He was already having a hard time calming down because of his sudden hug.And then he just suddenly did that thing – b-biting his chin.It was the reason why he was currently on the verge of having a heart attack.

But, of course, he couldn’t blame Luo Yan for this.He couldn’t even bear raising his voice at him, in what universe could he actually tell him ’it’s all your fault’?He put his hand in front of his still wildly beating heart and clenched his shirt tightly.Seriously, he needed to find a name for this unknown emotion.Because he had a feeling that if he didn’t find out soon enough what it was, he would really go crazy.

Just then, Luo Yan received a WeChat message from his older brother. action

[Ren]: Yan Yan, I think you already had enough fun.Come and meet us outside the building.

Since his motive for going here was already finished, he no longer needed to be far away from his brothers.So, he replied and said yes.

He turned to Shen Ji Yun."Brother Ji Yun, let’s go down.The others are already waiting for us outside."

Shen Ji Yun could only nod.

And the both of them, with different thoughts swimming inside their head, went down the rooftop.

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