The Return of the God Level Assassin



THE first thing that Luo Yan saw when they entered the tower was a huge statue of a woman. Because of the structure of the Tower, there was a space at the middle that spanned from the top of the tower to the bottom. The statue stood at that space in all its glory. It was sculpted from ivory. She had long flowing hair and was wearing a long dress. Her eyes were close as she was holding both her hands together as if in a prayer.

The statue looked so life-like that it seemed that it would come alive at any second. Which was a bit scary considering how big she was. He didn’t need to ask the priest who guided them inside who the statue was. Considering the name of this tower, this statue could only be Edia – the moon goddess. It seemed that the NPCs here were programmed to be quite dedicated to Edia.

There wasn’t an elevator in the Tower, so he was sure they had to climb a staircase. Luo Yan couldn’t say that there was a floor because the staircase was just winding around the Tower. But he could see doors which probably led to a particular room. There were also people walking in and out of those doors, most probably the priests in this tower. So, obviously, there was something beyond those doors.

Considering how they were on their way to meet the high priest, his office would probably be located at the very top. Luo Yan looked up and felt a little cramped seeing how far they were from the top. Maybe before they reached that place, Rhys was already dead.

Shen Ji Yun probably also thought of that because before the NPC leading them walked towards the stairs, he spoke;

"What room is high priest in?"

The NPC stopped walking and looked confused by the question. But he still answered, "The one at the very top left from where you are standing."

Hearing that answer, Shen Ji Yun turned around towards Luo Yan. "Pardon me," he said.

Before Luo Yan could understand what he meant, Shen Ji Yun already bent forward and princess-carried him once again!

[This is so fun!] – the little fox in his arms exclaimed.

Eclipse’s voice inside his head finally helped him returned to his senses. Shen Ji Yun was now jumping from wall to wall while holding him in his arms. He looked at the other’s focused expression, as if all he was thinking right now was how to get to the high priest as fast as possible. If not for his red ear tips, Luo Yan might believe that all his attention was indeed on that.

This guy... he wouldn’t be getting addicted on holding him, right?

For some reason, he had a feeling that he wasn’t too far off. Well, this much skin ship was probably okay. Since he didn’t really dislike it. Actually, he’s getting used to it. Just like how Shen Ji Yun’s presence was already starting to be a big part of his life.

In just a few seconds, Shen Ji Yun landed on the part of the stairs that was in front of the room the NPC earlier told them to be the High Priest’s office. He carefully put down Luo Yan. And just like what Luo Yan was thinking earlier, he was indeed getting addicted to holding him. How could he not when his rabbit was so soft and fragrant? Okay, that was a bit weird. And this was most definitely not the time for his thought to veer off in that direction.

He needed to focus on getting the information on where that Rhys was. After all that talk he did on how he would take care of this situation, it would be truly embarrassing if he couldn’t even back that up with the right actions. What if his rabbit thought of him as useless because of that?

He turned to Luo Yan. "Let’s go?"

Luo Yan nodded.

Shen Ji Yun opened the door without even knocking. Inside was a spacious room with rows of floor to ceiling windows. Because of the location of the room, most of what could be seen outside were nothing but clouds and endless blue sky. The design of the room was very minimal. A desk, a chair, a shelf of books. As if only the barest necessity was allowed.

Standing near the floor to ceiling windows, with his back on them, was a man wearing the same white robe as the NPC earlier. All they could see was his long gray hair. Luo Yan no doubt that this was the High Priest.

He turned around. It was a kind-looking old man with long gray hair and an equally long gray beard with half-moon spectacles on top of his straight nose. He had a gentle smile on his face. He looked like one of those mysterious old men who loved to spout vague nonsense instead of just talking straight to the point. Yes, Luo Yan was calling out the leader of the Crimson Corps.

Then he suddenly remembered what the Gatekeeper told them before, that the High Priest of the Tower most likely belonged to a Legendary race. But from what he could see, he looked like a human. Or was his humanoid form just too human?

"Welcome, Lord Qilin," the High Priest said. "I assume you’re here for a very important reason if you have to act like you have forgotten your manners," he added with a smile.

Oh, it seemed like this NPC had attitude – Luo Yan thought. He glanced at Shen Ji Yun, wondering what he would do next. But knowing him, he’d probably just go straight to the point.

"There’s an elf named Rhys in this Tower. I don’t care if he’s a priest here or one of your priests is hiding him here or all of you are protecting him. I want you to bring him to us within 15 minutes. If you don’t comply, well, I think you already know what I will do if you don’t."

See? Very straightforward.

"Lord Qilin, if you think that you could take on all the priests in this Tower, then please, you’re welcome to do so," the High Priest replied back, still with the same gentle smile. "Your threat is a big insult to the goddess."

"The real insult here is you, the High Priest, refusing to cooperate," Shen Ji Yun countered. "You said it’s an insult to the moon goddess? Then do you know what that elf, Rhys, did to a moon elf – the race directly born from the goddess tears?" josei

Luo Yan raised one of his brows. He kind of didn’t know that. With a tacit understanding, he followed up what Shen Ji Yun said by removing the hood of the cloak he was wearing. He put that on again earlier while they were still waiting for someone from the Tower to welcome them. Long white hair fell down behind his back like a waterfall, showing the unique trait of a moon elf to the High Priest.

He looked at the NPC with his blue eyes filling with tears. "The Gatekeeper of our village, his wife died from a curse. The last place she was before she died was here. And Rhys was the one who took her here in the guise of doing some kind of mission. Which ultimately ended with her being cursed. Her name was Finnea. Her husband asked us to help him find out how she was cursed. So, he and their son could have the closure they so needed. Please, if you could just help us meet Rhys. I’m begging you."

He closed his eyes to squeezed out tears. And drops of pearl like tears fell from his blue eyes.

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