The Return of the God Level Assassin

Chapter 377 a helpful clue

Chapter 377 a helpful clue

LUO YAN and Shen Ji Yun went to the labyrinth area next. They didn’t plan to go around the labyrinth since it was a pretty big area and it might take more of their time. It’s already more than an hour since they arrived at Tropical Land and they’re still at the second area. If they wanted to at least go around the whole place, then they should manage their time properly.

According to Shen Ji Yun, the labyrinth was like a big garden maze. And some monsters would appear from time to time to impede the progress of the people riding on the cart that was going through the labyrinth. Of course, they wouldn’t hurt the players. They would just make their journey a bit harder.

Luo Yan had no interest in the labyrinth since it’s just like a maze version of the mystery coaster. So, he just suggested to Shen Ji Yun to ask the NPCs working there. In which the other readily agreed.

They went to the maintenance room where the NPCs maintaining the garden maze were. Seriously, Luo Yan wondered why there’s still a need for things like this considering that this was all virtual anyway. It’s not as if these NPCs were really maintaining the maze. He’s sure there’s a program that would automatically fix any damage done to any part of the amusement park.

Well, maybe it’s just to give an illusion of reality. That this place was no different from the amusement parks found in real life. Though considering the rides here, it’s highly unlikely that anyone would think that Tropical Land was just like any other amusement park out there.

The two were now inside the maintenance room talking to the third NPC since arriving at the labyrinth area.

"Have you seen a male elf with short blond hair that almost covered half of his face and was wearing glasses? He might have worked here for a couple of days. He should be very quiet and didn’t like to interact with others. The work that he should have done would be one that didn’t require him to interact with guests," Luo Yan said to the male NPC in front of him. "Was there someone like that who actually had worked here?"

He was already getting used to asking this question. He was no longer expecting much since they had been getting nothing but negative response since that one time he talked to that sous chef in the train at Dream Land. But when Luo Yan saw the NPC in front of him being silent, as if contemplating something, he suddenly felt a bit of hope. Maybe this NPC would give an unexpected answer.

And soon, he was proven right.

"Yes, I’ve seen to remember someone like that. He worked here about two weeks ago, cutting off the extra leaves on the garden maze," the NPC answered after a while.

Luo Yan’s eyes shone brightly when he heard that. If it was about two weeks ago, then it’s possible that this was the last place Lhoris worked in before resigning. After all, the day that he resigned was exactly nine days ago. He looked at Shen Ji Yun who was also looking at his direction. Even though the other was wearing a rabbit mascot suit, he felt that they were probably thinking about the same thing.

He turned his attention back to the NPC. "Have you noticed anything different about him?"

"Not really. Just like you said, he hardly talked with anyone. He kept to himself and hardly said anything."

Luo Yan remembered his conversation with that sous chef. Lhoris also did the same when he worked as a dishwasher at the train. "He didn’t have any conversation with anyone at all?"

The NPC seemed to be thinking of an answer to that question, probably trying to remember if he did see Lhoris talking to someone or not. After a few seconds, he had a look like he finally remembered something.

"Ah! I saw him talking to another employee. It seemed like they knew each other."

"Why do you think that?" Luo Yan asked.

"Well, he was arguing with them. No, it’s probably more accurate to say that the other person was the one who was arguing."

"What were they arguing about?"

"I didn’t exactly hear it clearly. But I heard the other person shouting words like, ’can’t leave’, ’crazy’, oh and somehow even the word ’dragon’ was mentioned."

Hearing those words, this time, Luo Yan’s eyes were shining even brighter. Because he was sure that once they found this employee that this NPC was talking about, they could finally get an important clue as to where Lhoris went after resigning here.

"Can you tell us who this employee is?" he asked.

"Sure. He’s one of the actors at the amphitheater. An elf named Alen. He’s quite famous so I immediately recognized him." action

So, they only needed to go to the amphitheater area. Knowing that, he couldn’t help but reach out to the male NPC and enthusiastically held the other’s hand. "Thank you. Thank you very much."

Before the NPC could answer, the big rabbit that had been silent since entering the room suddenly made a chopping motion. Separating the hands that were joined together.

Luo Yan was too startled that he wasn’t able to move for a few seconds. He could only blink at the big white rabbit suddenly standing between him and the NPC.

Shen Ji Yun knew that what he just did was too childish. But his body just moved on its own. After he did that, he could feel his whole face heating up. So, he could only hide his gaffe by saying, "Yan Yan, let’s now go to that amphitheater."

Luo Yan looked at the blushing face of the rabbit in front of him. And he knew that Shen Ji Yun must have felt embarrassed by his action just now. It seemed that the vinegar jar of this guy was turned over again. Well, at least he was embarrassed enough to blush at the thought of being jealous of some NPC.

He could only shake his head helplessly and said, "Okay. Let’s go there now."

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