The Return of the God Level Assassin

Chapter 534 end of the sudden meeting

Chapter 534 end of the sudden meeting

DUAN YU wanted to calm Zhong Hui down. But before he could, his attention was once again attracted by the still playing video. The next scene made him frown even more. So, it seemed that this Raphael was also the one responsible for that article that’s been getting a lot of attention since this morning.

Now, he understood the reason why team Yunyue staged such a scene. So, they could trap Raphael and have him confess everything. And they used a fake Li Xu Min as bait. It was a good plan, he must admit. He would probably also do the same thing if he was in the same situation.

After finishing the video, he closed his Status Window. He raised his head and looked at Noctis. He had a feeling that the one who made this plan was this guy. But there was still one thing that was puzzling him.

"How did you know that using a fake captain would make that Raphael confess everything that he had done?" he asked, still looking at Noctis.

"We’re actually not 100% sure. We found out that Raphael actually had long wanted to be part of team Celestials and that he admired your captain very much. From that, we guess that your captain might help us in unraveling the truth. But since we couldn’t really use the real person, I let my pet imitate him," Luo Yan answered, shrugging. "In short, we just took a gamble and it paid off."

Duan Yu raised one of his brows. That was a very hasty conclusion. Many things could have gone wrong with that plan. But he guessed they didn’t really have much choice. If they wanted to deal with that article before this day ended, they could really only use this method.

And just like Noctis said, their gamble paid off.

"If you’re going to post this video, then I suggest you not show our captain’s face," Zhong Hui suddenly said. His voice was much deeper compared to before. Showing just how much emotion he had been suppressing.

And Zhong Hui was indeed suppressing a lot. Anger in particular was the main one. Throughout the years that he had known Li Xu Min, there were a lot of people who had expressed their admiration towards the other. Especially after he became famous.

As a close friend, he didn’t have any qualification to stop this people from trying to get close to Li Xu Min. After all, they didn’t have that kind of relationship. No matter how much he wished that they did. So, he could only watch from afar and make sure that those people wouldn’t do anything bad to Li Xu Min.

But an incident before totally changed his mind from just being a protective bystander.

About two years ago, Li Xu Min encountered a male stalker. It first started with the other sending Li Xu Min simple gifts. Then it quickly escalated to the other sending messages and calling Li Xu Min’s private number. No matter how many times he tried to change his number, that stalker would still find out about it.

And then, soon enough, the stalker even started leaving things in Li Xu Min’s apartment. Which thoroughly scared the other.

Zhong Hui had no idea that these things were actually happening. He just entered military school that year and was very busy with a lot of things. Li Xu Min also chose to keep it a secret. But when things started to really get out of hands, Duan Yu told the whole thing to him.

He was so angry at that time that he could barely control himself. But he knew that Li Xu Min needed his help. So, he quickly used his family’s power to investigate and find out the identity of the stalker. They discovered the identity of the stalker pretty quickly. It was Li Xu Min’s assistant at that time.

Nobody really suspected him since he’d been with Li Xu Min since the other started working at the entertainment industry. It turned out that he had long been harboring those kinds of thoughts towards Li Xu Min.

Of course, Zhong Hui made sure that that guy paid for all the fear and sadness that he had caused Li Xu Min. If not for Li Xu Min’s strong mental fortitude, maybe that incident would have left a great psychological shadow on him.

After that, Zhong Hui promised himself that he wouldn’t let another thing like that to happen again. When he saw the way that Raphael grabbed the fake Li Xu Min, he knew that that guy was the same kind of person as that assistant. His attitude was already nearing the obsessive level. So, before that escalated further, Zhong Hui decided to nip it at its bud.

"Don’t worry, that’s what we’ve been planning from the start," Luo Yan reassure them. "I would even edit it in a way that anyone who watched the video wouldn’t hear your captain’s name."

"If there’s nothing else, then, I’ll take my leave."

As soon as Gabriel said that, he immediately vanished from the main hall. A sign that he teleported.

Duan Yu sighed. He already had an idea on what Zhong Hui would do next. He probably should light a candle for that Raphael. He stood up and smiled at the three members of Yunyue sitting there.

"Since our captain technically helped in this matter, why don’t team Yunyue invite the main players of our team for dinner?" he suggested. "I think Yuexing Pavilion would be a great place. What do you think?"

Luo Yan couldn’t help but feel that this guy was planning something. But since Michael indeed helped them in a way, it would be rude to just decline. So, he turned to Shen Ji Yun and let the other decide what they should do.

"What does Brother Ji Yun think?"

Shen Ji Yun looked at Uriel. "No need. We’ll just send some items to team Celestials as compensation. You can leave now."

Since everything had now been cleared. There’s no need for them to continue mingling with one another.

Duan Yu almost couldn’t retain the smile on his face. Luo Yan had a hard time stopping himself from laughing because of that.

Seeing the other enjoying the show, Duan Yu couldn’t help but say to the white-haired elf, "I hope Noctis still hasn’t forgotten the favor you owe me." josei

He saw the change in YUN’s expression after he said that. Satisfied, he happily teleported out of there.

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