The Return of the God Level Assassin

Chapter 581 a good friend

Chapter 581 a good friend

LUO YAN had a gentle smile on his face when he asked that, but Yu Jiao couldn’t help but feel that he would directly assault Mo Jian once he knew what happened. Like some kind of avenging angel.

He might look like all innocent and sweet but that’s just barely scraping the surface of who he was. To his friends and family, he was caring and gentle. But to people who offended him and tried to hurt the people he cared about, he was like a scheming black lotus who would not stop until he got even.

Yu Jiao stared at this seemingly harmless boy and couldn’t help but smile a little bit helplessly. "If Yan Yan promised that you won’t go to someone’s hospital room and confront them directly, then I will tell you."

The only thing Luo Yan understood from that sentence was that someone was indeed involved with what happened to Yu Jiao. Considering that she was meeting her mother and stepfather when this ’accident’ happened, it wouldn’t take a genius to guess who was the one responsible for this.

But he didn’t outright say that and decided to respect what Yu Jiao wanted. "Okay, I promise."

"It started with a confrontation with Mo Jian. I think I won that round that’s why she became so pissed. That kind of ended up with her being so angry that she tried to fall down the stairs and pin the crime of supposedly ’pushing her down’ on me. I stopped it, of course. But it ended up with the two of us both falling. And thus, this situation," Yu Jiao explained, gesturing to herself lying on the hospital bed. It’s her awkward way of lightening up the situation.

But it seemed that that attempt was not very successful seeing the other’s increasingly dark face.

Of course, Luo Yan was pissed. That Mo Jian, he couldn’t believe she would be crazy enough to actually fall on the stairs on her own accord just so she could make Yu Jiao the bad guy. As someone who’s good at scheming against others, he already had an idea on what Mo Jian was thinking while doing that action.

She probably thought that as long as she fell on the stairs with Yu Jiao standing at the top of the staircase, the other would immediately be blamed for what happened. Then whatever apology Yu Jiao’s stepfather gave her would be invalidated. Because it would seem that, between the two, she was the bad one.

But too bad for Mo Jian, Yu Jiao stopped her plan just by being a good person and saving her from falling. That fact didn’t comfort Luo Yan at all. In fact, it only made him even angrier. Yu Jiao was hurt because of that girl’s stupidity.

He would have actually preferred if she just fell on her own. No matter how hard she tried to blame Yu Jiao, he would simply look for the other’s innocence. Considering that everything happened at a restaurant – a public place – there would surely be recordings and witnesses. At least, that way, Yu Jiao didn’t have to get hurt.

If the same situation happened to him, he would probably watch the other fall down the stairs. And then he would smirk as he did so. Telling the other with his expression just how stupid she was. But alas, Yu Jiao was simply much kinder.

"It’s not really as bad as it looks," Yu Jiao continued when he saw Luo Yan not responding. "I don’t even feel that much pain."

Luo Yan stared at Yu Jiao and then sighed. "Well, at least you didn’t break any bones."

Before Yu Jiao could reply back, the door of the hospital room opened and her mother walked in.

When Ji Xiuying saw her daughter was already awake, tears immediately clouded her eyes. She couldn’t wait to rush over and hugged her daughter tightly. But she stopped, remembering that Yu Jiao’s friend was still here.

She smiled despite the tears threatening to fall from her eyes. "Jiao Jiao is awake." She walked to the side of the bed and held the other’s hand. "Good, good."

Yu Jiao squeezed her mother’s hand. "Mom."

"Auntie, Jiao Jiao, I’ll let you two talk," Luo Yan said, smiling at the two before walking out of the room.

The moment he left, the smile on his face vanished. He took out his phone and dialed his older brother’s number.

Inside, Ji Xiuying glanced at the closed door. When she first met Luo Yan earlier, she was really surprised. Not only because of the other’s beautiful appearance, but because of the fact that he readily visited Yu Jiao after he knew what happened to her.

"You have a good friend," she said to her daughter.

Yu Jiao smiled. "Yes."

Seeing that smile, Ji Xiuying felt relieved. Now she knew that Yu Jiao was at least not alone and ostracized in that school for the rich kids.

She sat down on the side of the hospital bed and patted her daughter’s hand. "The doctor said that you only suffered from a minor head wound. It’s a good thing that it didn’t lead to serious brain trauma."

But it could have. And that’s why Ji Xiuying couldn’t forgive Mo Guang Lin’s daughter. josei

Earlier at the restaurant, when she and the other heard the commotion from the outside, they both went out to look. When she heard that the cause of that commotion was two girls falling from the stairs, she suddenly had a bad premonition.

And sure enough, when she ran over to see what was happening and saw her daughter at the bottom of the stairs, she felt like her world started spinning. Especially after she saw how much blood there was. And all of it coming from her daughter.

It didn’t help that Mo Jian was shrieking like a banshee, telling everyone that it was Yu Jiao’s fault. When she saw the other trying to hit Yu Jiao when her daughter had already lost consciousness, her mind just went blank and her eyes turned red. She didn’t know how she got down the stairs, but when she did, she pushed Mo Jian away from her daughter.

After that, everything just became mostly a blur.

Ji Xiuying hugged Yu Jiao tightly. "Jiao Jiao, I decided to divorce Mo Guang Lin."

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