The Return of the God Level Assassin

Chapter 683 fourth match

Chapter 683 fourth match

LUO YAN appeared inside a dark pink room that was filled with heart-shaped decorations – couches that had heart-shaped back rest, a heart shaped center table, heart-shaped glass lamps, heart-shaped flowers on a heart shaped vase, and even a heart-shaped screen where he could watch the ongoing match. In short, it was a room that was simply screaming it was the room of the Duke of Hearts.

How tacky.

[Mashter, this room hurts Eclipse’s eyes.] – the little fox complained, burying his small furry face on his master’s arms as if everything around them was indeed hurting his eyes.

Luo Yan chuckled and gently patted Eclipse’s head. [Then, just stay like this.]

Eclipse raised his head. [But Eclipse has to watch the match. Whoever wins it will be our next opponent. So, Eclipse definitely has to watch it!]

[It’s fine. I will fight the next match on my own.]

The little fox’s face immediately crumpled, obviously sulking. [Why? Did Mashter not like how Eclipse defeated that- that plant woman?]

[Of course not. Didn’t I just praise you for doing a good job?] – Luo Yan said, clearly amused by Eclipse’s reaction.

[Then, why?] – Eclipse asked, tilting his head to the side, showing his confusion.

Luo Yan tapped the other’s button nose. [Because your master also wants to shine on the rink just like Eclipse did. Don’t you want to see me shine?]

Eclipse’s face finally brightened. [Eclipse wants to!]

Since he knew that he there was no need for him to watch the match, Eclipse just buried his head in Luo Yan’s arms.

Luo Yan patted Eclipse’s head once again. He glanced around the room and that’s when he noticed the other two people. One was Lovelee and the other was Razor. The former was looking curiously at Eclipse while the latter was sitting on one of the couches and seemed to be sleeping.

Based on Lovelee’s expression, if he gave her even a bit of attention, she would definitely jump to the chance of asking him all sorts of question about the fox in his arms. So, he decided to just return his gaze to the screen and watch the fight.

The fourth match – Malekith versus Pan – had already started since a while ago.

Malekith, no, Ying Chen was a dark elf while his opponent was also another elf, just the normal kind though. The two were currently exchanging blows right now. One could immediately see their classes based on the weapons they’re using. Ying Chen was using a staff while Pan was using a bow and arrow. The former was a Mage and the latter was an Archer.

Pan pulled the bow string and pointed the arrow to where Ying Chen was standing. The moment he released it, it turned into a speeding ray of light. Almost like a laser.

Ying Chen stomped his staff down on the floor and a black shield appeared in front of him. Although it held out against Pan’s attack, it still caused Ying Chen to be pushed back.

Before the black shield completely shattered, he released an attack. Because of the cover of the black shield, Pan didn’t saw the attack coming. It was a small black energy ball. But still, at the last minute, he managed to avoid it. Though it still grazed his side.

Pan raised his bow and quickly nocked another arrow. The moment he released it, he nocked a second one, and then a third one. Three consecutive shots were fired. Surprisingly, Ying Chen did not use that black shield again. Amazingly enough, none of the three shots hit him.

Confusion appeared on Pan’s face. Clearly, he wasn’t sure how could that happen. But he didn’t let that affect him too much and quickly executed another attack. But the result was still the same. Most of the attacks didn’t hit Ying Chen. Those that did barely grazed the other.

While Pan was attacking, Ying Chen was also doing the same. And because Pan’s attack didn’t reach his opponent, Ying Chen, of course, managed to dish out more damage.

Luo Yan raised one of his brows in interest. That black energy ball that grazed Pan earlier most likely lowered his accuracy. What a nice skill, perfect against an Archer or a Gunslinger.

But it’s probably not so nice for Pan.

The other’s expression was filled with frustration. His next move clearly showed that. It showed that he wanted to end the match as quickly as he could.

A rain of arrows flew down from the sky. It came from the single shot of arrow that Pan made. As the arrow reached a certain point in the sky, it suddenly glowed and divided itself into countless of arrows.

It must be a skill that would consume a large amount of MP just by the scale of the attack. It’s most likely one of Pan’s strongest skills. If the strength of one arrow was as strong as a bomb, then having these many arrows rained down from above like that could easily wiped out a group of monsters or players.

A very good AoE attack if he must say. Against a single opponent, it could certainly be fatal. As the arrows landed on the rink, it clearly showed their strength. And yes, each was as strong as a grenade.

Because of these numerous arrow attacks, the rink was filled with rubble of smoke. Because of the smoke, the audience couldn’t see what was happening on the rink. Who won or who lost. When the smoke slowly cleared, the one standing at the end was finally revealed.

It was Ying Chen.

Luo Yan smiled, half in interest and half in wonder. Just how did Ying Chen do it? Maybe he would know tomorrow. After all, his next opponent was him.

"That was an interesting match," the Duke of Hearts said. "And the winner is Malekith!"

The audience was silent at first and then they cheered, rather loudly too.

A few seconds after the duke announced that, Ying Chen appeared in the winners’ suite.

Luo Yan turned to him and smiled, "Congratulations on your win."


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