The Return of the God Level Assassin

Chapter 810 INTERVIEW (XV)

Chapter 810 INTERVIEW (XV)

Luo Yan knew that 'she' was just playing 'her' part, so he decided to just play along. "Sofia, don't you want to help me figured out the truth? I didn't ask this question because I want to disrespect the dead. Any information you will give me will definitely help in uncovering the truth. So, I hope Sofia could help me."

Now that he had given the other a viable reason to answer his inquiry, 'Sofia' finally no longer looked so hesitant. "I don't really know much about her. I know her name was Elizabeth and that she passed away three years ago. Eddie doesn't really talk much about her. At least that was the case at first. Servants do talk. And as much as I didn't plan to… listen to them, I did hear some things."

"Things like…?" Luo Yan prompted the other to continue.

"That she and Eddie didn't really get along, especially on the later years before her death. They often quarrel because of Elizabeth's, how do I say it, gambling habit. When Eddie's political career started, he became extremely busy. I suppose they started to drift apart then. 

"Theirs was not really a marriage born from love. It's more of a business. At least that was the case om Eddie's part. Shen was from an old aristocratic family, you see. You know how most of them had started to lose their wealth at the turn of the century. To support their lavish lifestyle, most of them married rich merchants for their money. In return, the merchants will have the upper circle connections they needed for their business. It was some sort of equal exchange. 

"But from what I heard from the servants, I think Elizabeth loved Eddie dearly. She was the one who approached him first and expressed her interest. With how Mr. Harcourt was, he immediately approved of the match. Eddie wasn't really too keen on it but because it's what his father wanted, he went through with the wedding.  josei

"You see, Eddie might appear proud and prickly but he really respects his father. All he wanted was to get his approval. I guess that wouldn't happen now. No matter what the things the others might have said about him, I don't think he's capable of killing anyone."

[So, you're now even defending your new beau in front of your old one.] – Luo Yan thought but he quickly wiped it off from his mind. What a silly thing to think of at a time like this. 

But since his cinnamon roll had assured him that Edward was not the culprit, then he most likely wasn't. The other must have found evidence of that for him to say so. He would definitely not say that just because he was too much in character. With his assurance, Luo Yan could probably eliminate Edward from the list of suspects. Not that he was ever at the top of the list anyway.

But something was still nagging at Luo Yan. And he couldn't let go of the feeling that it had something to do with this Elizabeth. Her, dying three years ago just before they met William Harcourt had to mean something. In plots like this, something like that was hardly coincidental.

"Do you know how Elizabeth died?" he asked.

"If I remember correctly, it was due to a heart attack."

Heart attack? Wait- didn't Mrs. Harcourt died of the same thing? Another coincidence? That icky feeling he felt just intensified. 

"Did you hear anything from the servants, about anything strange that happened on the day that she died?" he asked.

'Sofia' was silent for a second, as if trying to remember if 'she' heard of something like that. Then, as if a light bulb turned on inside 'her' head, an enlightened expression appeared on 'her' face. 

"I don't know if this is of any import, but the servants did say that someone visited Elizabeth on the day that she had a heart attack. It was a woman. No one recognized her, they just said that she was very beautiful."

A very beautiful woman, huh. "And no one questioned her death? They just accepted that she had a heart attack? She's probably not even 50 back then. Too young to suffer a sudden heart failure. Unless, she already had a history of a weak heart."

"I'm not really sure. But- but I can ask Eddie. Then, I could tell it to you later," 'Sofia' said. "If you have any more questions about Elizabeth, I could ask Eddie about it."

"Thank you, Sofia. That would be really helpful," Luo Yan said. "More information surrounding Elizabeth's death would be much appreciated. And if you could also ask information about Madame Harcourt's death, then I would be more than thankful."

"Madame Harcourt? You mean Eddie's mother?"

Luo Yan nodded. "I think it will be very vital in this investigation."

"If it is, then, okay. I will do my best to get the information you need," 'Sofia' said with determination.

"Thank you, Sofia, that would be most helpful."

'Sofia' smiled in 'her' charming way. "Anything to apprehend the culprit."

Luo Yan stood up. "I think that should be all." He walked over in front of 'Sofia' and stretched his hand to the other. 'She' put 'her' hand on his palm and he gently pulled 'her' up. "Thank you for being so cooperative, Sofia."

"Oh, it's nothing James. I'm just doing what I have to."

"You truly are so beautiful." Then, Luo Yan slowly lowered his head, kissing the back of 'Sofia's' hand. He didn't remove his gaze from 'her', as if trying to seduce the other with his eyes. Once he's done, he continued, "If you are a fleeting cloud, I wish I could be the night sky that could envelop you forever."

'Sofia' seemed to be nailed on the floor, unable to move. And then, just like what Luo Yan expected and wanted, 'her' whole face turned bright red. 

Luo Yan smiled triumphantly at that.

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