The Returning EX (Sophia and John)

Chapter 1469

Chapter 1469

Chapter 1469

Chapter 1469 The Morning After

In the end, Ian turned over to face the back of the sofa and closed his eyes.

Aurora slept well that night, but Ian still went to check on her in the wee hours of the morning. The smell of alcohol on her had dissipated quickly, and nothing seemed to be wrong with the woman. novelbin

Ian stood by the bed and stared at Aurora for a long time. At last, he gave an inaudible sigh, turned around, and left the room.

Cindy didn’t sleep well that night either. In reality, neither Ian nor Aurora had made any loud noises outside, but Cindy was half-asleep and half-awake all night as if something was weighing on her mind. The next morning, she woke up early. Since she didn’t have a good rest, her head throbbed habitually, and she didn’t feel better after sitting up for a long time. At the same time, it was obvious that she could no longer fall asleep.

Nevertheless, she got up and left the room in the end. Ian had woken up from sleep and tidied up the sofa, whereas Aurora was still asleep. Luckily, Ian didn’t have any filming schedules until this afternoon, so he wasn’t in a rush this morning.

Cindy could tell that Ian didn’t sleep well last night. After washing up, she said to him, “Why don’t you take a nap in my room? You have filming this afternoon, so you shouldn’t let your regular work be affected.”

Ian’s head was buzzing. He felt uncomfortable lying on the sofa, plus he was worried about Aurora, so he really didn’t have a good rest last night. After a moment’s hesitation, he decided not to stand on ceremony with Cindy. “In that case, I’ll go take a nap. Wake me up if anything happens.”

Cindy nodded. “Just take a nap first. I’ll make breakfast a bit later than usual.”

Ian entered the room, which had been tidied up very neatly. After letting out a sigh, he went to bed and fell asleep right away with nothing else on his mind.

Meanwhile, Cindy leaned back on the sofa outside and turned on the TV. After tuning in to a cheerful television program, she forced herself to watch it with her eyes wide open.

Ian and Aurora were completely quiet when Cindy had idled half an hour away with her mind foggy. After checking the time, she decided to make breakfast first. She made porridge mixed with some cut vegetables and ground beef before whipping up some refreshing salad. Then, she took several frozen buns out of the fridge, heated them, and boiled some eggs.

When everything was done, both Ian and Aurora were still completely quiet, so Cindy went to knock on Aurora’s door first.

Aurora was lying in bed with her arms and legs spread out and her hair covering her face—which was what a person who had gotten drunk the night before should look like. Cindy went to the bedside, bent down, and patted Aurora on the shoulder. “Time to wake up, Mrs. Morgan.”

Aurora frowned and narrowed her eyes after a long time. “So it’s you. What time is it? Is it dawn already?”

Cindy stepped aside to let Aurora see the sunlight that shone into the room. “It’s morning already. I have made breakfast, so get up and eat.”

Aurora sat up and remained still for a long time. “Oh, I woke up in the middle of the night and knew that I had gotten drunk last night. I’ve become so bad at holding my liquor after not touching any alcohol for a long time.”

Instead of responding to what Aurora had said, Cindy turned around and went out. “There’s a new toothbrush and a new towel in the bathroom, so wash up quickly before we have breakfast.” After leaving the room, she went to her own room and knocked on the door.

Ian said after a while, “Come in.” He had already woken up and folded the quilt, but one could tell from the look on his face that he was still somewhat tired.

Cindy merely opened the door a crack as she stood at the door. “Let’s eat breakfast first. There’s still some time left, so you can sleep after having breakfast. I’ve checked your afternoon schedule, and your filming won’t take long. After we’re done with your schedule, we’ll come home at once so that you can have a good rest.”

Ian nodded. “Okay, I got it.” He waited until Aurora had washed up and left his room before returning to his room to take a shower.

Meanwhile, Cindy had served the dishes on the dining table and ladled out the porridge.

Aurora felt somewhat embarrassed. She waited until Ian came out before apologizing first, “I’m sorry. I got so excited yesterday that I lost my self-control for a moment.”

Ian didn’t want to talk about this, though. “Let’s eat.”

The three then sat down for breakfast, during which Aurora talked about what she would be doing today as she couldn’t restrain herself.

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