The Returning EX (Sophia and John)

Chapter 1643

Chapter 1643

Chapter 1643

Chapter 1643 Invitation to Play

She lamented, “You know, I feel like I’m the old person here. Feels like I’m here just to take it slow, unlike those youngsters over there.”

Aurora turned around. “That’s all in your head. You’re being too careful with your life. You think too much for everyone else. I mean, you have a great boyfriend, so you don’t have to worry too much. Just live how you want to.”

Cindy chuckled, but she didn’t explain. She didn’t know how. Of course she’d live how she wanted to if Ian was really her boyfriend, but the point was that he wasn’t.

The ladies strolled around the park before finally sitting under a tree. Beside them was a group of youngsters in a two-on-two badminton game. There were also some playing a table tennis game, while the girls were doing jump rope.

The ladies sat on a longbench beside some workout equipment. Cindy glanced at them, but she was unmotivated to move. She was feeling old, so she didn’t want to move.

Aurora was envious of the youngsters who were hard at work. “Ah, it’s good to be young. I wish I were ten years younger.”

Cindy said, “And they wish they’re financially free like you.”

Aurora smiled. “True. Every age group has their own benefits, I guess.”

Ian was leaning against the tree not far behind them. Cindy was always gentle and smiling whenever she wasn’t talking to him. Every time she did that, she looked warm and friendly. Honestly, anyone would fall for a girl like her.

He looked away and recalled something else with pursed lips. He shouldn’t have fought with Cindy that night, since she already told him many times that she wasn’t dating Gary. He was just her business partner; nothing more and nothing less.

Ian knew she wouldn’t lie and he believed her. Even if someone were to make the first move, it’d be Gary, so him getting angry was just him being impulsive. But that realization only made him more frustrated, since he realized something that annoyed him even more next.

Even if Gary liked Cindy, he had no right to be angry about it because it had nothing to do with him. However, before he could think further, he saw some movements near Cindy. The badminton players had stopped playing, and one of them had walked over to invite her to play. Obviously, the guy was flirting with her.

Cindy looked surprised, and she waved them off shyly. “I’m not good at it, so I’ll pass, but thank you.”

The person who came over was a guy in a tracksuit and sported a buzz cut. Obviously, he was involved in sports a lot, and he smiled. “It’s fine. You can still play with us. There’s a bunch of us and there’s even a spare racket, so I can teach you.”

Ian was about to go over and stop them when Aurora said, “Go. You guys should mingle well together. You don’t have to stay with me. I’ll just sit here and watch.” She even pushed Cindy, obviously giving her permission to go.

Ian arched his eyebrow in confusion. Even he could see the guy was hitting on Cindy, so there was no way Aurora couldn’t.

Cindy was still being shy, but Aurora was being too persuasive. In the end, she couldn’t refuse since that’d make things awkward, so she got up and followed the guy.


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