The Returning EX (Sophia and John)

Chapter 1941

Chapter 1941

Chapter 1941

Chapter 1941 The Famous Designer

However, just hearing Ian’s words was enough to make her feel more secure. Both of them walked away from the basketball court and toward a park in their residential area, where they sat around for a while. The park was almost empty—it usually filled up later in the evening. There were only a few old people who passed by occasionally.

Cindy leaned against Ian as she listened to him talk. “You should focus on your work in the new company too. If your colleagues come close to you, you shouldn’t respond to them either.”

She nodded dutifully. “I wouldn’t even spare them a second glance.” Both of them were trying to extinguish any romantic sparks around them before the sparks even happened. The more they thought about it, the more they realized that their precautionary measures were rather childish.

Ian shifted to talk about their engagement. He mentioned that he wanted to bring Cindy back to his hometown after they got engaged. The main intention for this was for her to meet his friends there. Although their engagement wasn’t a big thing, he wanted his friends to be able to witness the engagement.

Cindy clung to his arm. “Do you have the time?” she asked. He hesitated before answering. “We’ll be able to free up one day, I think. I’ll have to see how things go after this round of filming begins.”

The next morning, both Cindy and Ian woke up early. Ian was supposed to attend the booting ceremony, while Cindy was supposed to go back to work officially. Both of them seemed rather different from their usual state that morning. While Cindy prepared breakfast, she pulled her phone out to check

the news. As expected, her news with Ian was out, but it hadn’t made the headlines.

The entertainment sites made guesses that Ian may have followed Cindy home to meet her parents, but they could only state them as guesses since they didn’t have any other proof. Cindy scrolled through the comments to find that most of them were positive—some individuals even approached the news in a calm manner as if they had expected this all along.

Previously, Ian and Cindy announced that they had been dating for quite a number of years. Therefore, the fans would probably just see Ian as a responsible man since he was going over to meet Cindy’s family. Some other celebrities who shared the same levels of fame as Ian might be more distracted by the temptations around them, so they might not treat their girlfriends the way Ian treated his.

Even Ian’s fan clubs had to step forward to commend him for being such a good man. Cindy curled her lips into a smirk as she thought about the spiteful exchange that she had with Yulia a while ago. I wonder if Yulia is still so confident about herself. She really thinks that she’ll be able to get Ian under her control if she keeps trying, huh?

Cindy spent the morning making breakfast, and the couple parted ways at their front door after that. Ian took the company’s car to attend the booting ceremony, while Cindy hailed a cab to go to Paramount Group.

When Cindy arrived at the company, she was careful and reserved. She took two deep breaths before stepping into the lobby, then walked over to the front desk. Although the staff member was busy with work, she put her work aside and greeted Cindy the moment she saw her.

The friendly front desk worker brought Cindy into the lift and up to the third floor, where Cindy found the other lady who had been her interviewer. The interviewer was as friendly as ever—she brought Cindy

around for a tour before leading her to the designer’s office area. novelbin

It was the first time Cindy had ever seen anything like that. The office was filled with designers, and the office was so large that it took up half of the building. The lady from the HR department brought Cindy to the designer she was working under. This designer was rather famous, and Cindy had seen her on the TV a few times.

When Cindy first walked over, the designer was looking at a few drafts, and there were a few others who were huddled around her. They looked like apprentices. The HR department lady walked over to address the designer in a polite tone. “Miss Warhol, your new apprentice is here.”

Serena Warhol turned to glance at Cindy before she nodded. “Okay, got it.” The HR department staff nodded at Cindy and excused herself while Cindy was left in her spot. She didn’t know what to do next.

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