The Returning EX (Sophia and John)

Chapter 834

Chapter 834

Chapter 834

William only responded with silence until the car pulled up outside the company. When he opened the car door and stepped out of the vehicle, he finally said something. As he stood next to the car, he answered, “Yeah, it’s pretty easy for her.”

At first, John didn’t catch on to what William meant, until a few moments later when he realized his father was answering his earlier question. Nevertheless, he only smiled and entered their company with William.

In the afternoon, John was swamped with work, so he couldn’t find time to check on William. Still, he knew the latter would probably be moody considering the incident that happened earlier in the day. It was only until the evening that John was finally able to settle all his work.

Then, he stretched himself and gave Sophia a call to ask where she was, to which he was told that Sophia and Matilda were still at Logan’s club, where they were planning to have their dinner. Upon hearing that, John quickly replied, “Count me in. I’m joining you ladies!”

Sophia chuckled and replied, “But if you come here, there will be no one else at home to keep Old Mrs. Constance and Mr. William company. For that, I doubt you’ll be spared from their naggings.”

Unconcerned, John answered, “Well, it’s not like my presence is going to make the house a lot more crowded. So, I’ll be fine.”

After a brief contemplation, Sophia agreed to that, thinking that she was in no position to turn him away since they were on Logan’s turf.

Upon hanging up the call, John tidied up his desk and waited until it was time to leave work. As he made his way to the corridor, he ran into William, who happened to be stepping out of the pantry with a glass in his hand. When William saw his son hurriedly leaving, he asked, “Hey, what’s the rush? Is it time to go home already?”

“Sophia and Mom are eating out, and I’ll be joining them,” John said.

William pursed his lips and nodded a few seconds later. “Well, that means your grandma is going to be alone at home.”

John raised his eyebrow and asked William a question instead of responding to the latter’s statement. “Are you going to stick around for overtime work?”

William responded with an affirmative grunt. “I don’t seem to have a choice either. There is just too much on my plate.” The man’s voice was filled with helplessness and dismay, but John didn’t seem to express his concern about that. Instead, he only told William that he would be setting off soon before heading toward the elevator.

As William stood behind and watched his son leave, he couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by mixed feelings. It looks like we’re going back to the old days where there was just me and the old lady at home.

Meanwhile, John proceeded to make his way to Logan’s club, which was crowded with people. At the same time, Sophia and the others were about to enjoy a mouth-watering buffet as the chefs were busy preparing various types of dishes. When John entered the lounge, he happened to see Sophia messing around with Logan as she tried to take pictures of herself with the man, who looked miserable.

Nevertheless, Logan covered his face to show his resistance, even though the bruise on his cheekbone wasn’t that obvious and could be taken care of by a beauty filter app. Still, he was reluctant to give in, covering his face while dodging the camera, but because Sophia was pregnant, he tried to avoid struggling too violently by only covering his face. In the meantime, Sophia only gloated and gleefully laughed, showing no signs of hiding her ‘evil’ intention.

At the same time, Matilda was busy serving the dishes on the table without even bothering to look at them. She only reminded Sophia, “Watch out, Sophia! You’re pregnant after all. And you, Logan. Can’t you just give in to her and let her snap some pictures? Look at her! She is getting carried away because of you!”

Mom just seems like a biased parent. At the sight of their interaction, John was amused. While Logan was shouting in resistance to avoid Sophia’s camera, the lady still insisted on aiming her phone at him to snap some pictures.

As soon as John entered the lounge, he approached Matilda. “Is there anything I can help with?”

Upon looking up at her son, Matilda responded with a smile and replied, “Oh, here you are. Well, everything is fine, so just sit down. We can eat anytime soon.” Then, she turned her attention to Sophia in a helpless manner. “Quit messing around, both of you. Get over here now.”

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