The Returning EX (Sophia and John)

Chapter 917

Chapter 917

Chapter 917

John waited for a moment before he got out of bed.

After checking his phone, he changed into a new outfit before heading out of the room.

Sophia didn’t even know when John had left as she only realized that there wasn’t anyone sleeping next to her when she turned around.

However, Sophia’s mind was still drowsy, so she went back to sleep thinking that he got up to go to the toilet.

When Sophia woke up again, it was already the next day.

She opened her eyes drowsily to see John lying next to her sleeping soundly.

Sighing, she wasn’t able to figure out whether what happened last night was a dream or not.

She couldn’t sleep anymore, so she got up quietly and made her side of the bed before going downstairs to walk around.

The air in the morning was fresh. As Sophia stretched her arms, she made her way toward the backyard.

On the other side, Dylan was walking out slowly and looked like he was about to head out.

Sophia was surprised. It was too early, and most people would still be asleep at this time.

Then, she waved and greeted Dylan. “You’re leaving really early.”

Dylan was surprised when he noticed Sophia, but he still smiled and nodded. “I need to settle something, so I have to head out earlier.”

Sophia smiled as she walked toward Dylan before she said, “It’s too early! I bet you’re going on a date.”

Dylan paused at that before he turned around to stare at Sophia, who had already walked past him.

Pursing his lips, he initially wanted to say something, but he chose not to when he realized that Sophia was already a distance away from him.

There were some things that didn’t really make a difference even if he didn’t say it, so he might as well just not say anything.

Sophia only walked about in the backyard and ran into Lady Jennifer coming out when she walked past the house of the Second Constance Family while returning to the main building.

The two of them weren’t really near each other, so they gave each other a look when they walked past each other.

However, Lady Jennifer immediately turned around and acted as if she didn’t see Sophia. novelbin

Hence, Sophia dropped the idea to greet her.

John was heading downstairs when Sophia returned to the main building.

He looked refreshed and didn’t look like he went out in the middle of the night.

Sophia raised her hand and waved toward John before purposefully asking, “Did you sleep well last night?”

John smiled. “No, I didn’t. I was suffering last night, but you couldn’t help me.”

Sophia couldn’t continue the conversation any longer due to what he said, so she snorted. “Shameless.”

Old Mrs. Constance was already in the dining room, and she called out to them when she heard those two. “Come eat your breakfast! Sophia, I didn’t expect you to get up so early today.”

Sophia went over and sat down on a chair before she replied, “I didn’t even get up that early. I saw Dylan heading out already when I was going downstairs. It seems like he got up really early.”

However, Old Mrs. Constance wasn’t surprised that Dylan left so early as she explained, “Oh! I heard that Dylan met a girl that he liked recently, and they have been hanging out during these two days, so he probably went to meet her for breakfast.”

Both Sophia and John were surprised. Sophia then immediately asked, “Did he meet her through a blind date?”

Old Mrs. Constance frowned and thought of a moment before she shook her head. “I don’t think so.”

Dylan was against blind dating, so it was unlikely for them to meet under that circumstance.

Since they didn’t meet through a blind date, Sophia contemplated for a moment before saying, “He probably met her on his own. I guess he’s serious this time.”

John, who was sitting in front of Sophia, gave her a look. “Hopefully he’ll be able to get the girl this time so that we don’t have to worry about him so much.”

Sophia started chuckling at that. “You’re worried? It seems to me that you’re just watching the show from the sidelines.”

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