The Returning EX (Sophia and John)

Chapter 955

Chapter 955

Chapter 955

Pursing her lips, Isabelle pondered on it for a moment and said, “Actually, we still can rely on Uncle Ernest.”

Old Mr. Bailey laughed at her words. “It’s not that I look down on Ernest, but he’s really an incompetent man. I’ve worked with him for many years now, so I know that he’s incapable of leading the company. Without your grandpa and me, the company would have gone bankrupt a long time ago.”

Her father had engaged in countless business negotiations before, so his persuasion skills were excellent. Hence, it was improbable that Isabelle could win the argument with him. Knowing this full well, she decided to keep her mouth shut.

Understanding that this was unfair to his daughter, he said, “When you’re able to make our company thrive again, you can do whatever you want by then. Belle, sometimes, we have to make sacrifices for the common cause. Moreover, it’s not really a sacrifice for you. You still love John, don’t you?”

Isabelle was rendered speechless by her father’s irrationality, so she pressed her lips together without responding to him.

Knackered as well, her father said, “I hope you’ll take my words seriously. You have to learn to accept your fate.” Upon finishing his words, he turned to leave. novelbin

Dejected, Isabelle remained seated on the bed for a while before she rose and reached for the door. Seeing that no one was in the corridor, she snuck out of the room and headed to her mother’s room.

At this moment, Philippa was asleep with a photo album in her arms. Traces of tears could still be seen on the corners of her eyes.

Pulling the photo album out of her arms, Isabelle put it down on the bedside table and stared at her mother for a while. With a helpless expression, she turned to leave the room and reached for her father’s study.

There was still a small gap at the door. Perhaps her father and grandfather didn’t think that anyone would be moving around the corridor in the middle of the night, so they didn’t close the door properly

Isabelle stopped in her tracks not far from the door and listened in on their conversation. Her grandfather said that he would bring her father to the shadow bank the next day. He even consoled his son that the latter didn’t have to be so nervous, since the employees at the bank had known him. With a frown, Isabelle thought for a bit and returned to her own room. Clenching her phone, she was hesitating whether she should tell John about it. However, thinking of John’s previous message, she became dispirited in an instant. After a moment of hesitance, she decided not to send the message. Putting down her phone, she slumped into the bed and spaced out. At that moment, she felt that she was put under immense pressure, and her life was starting to get out of control. Lying on the bed, she slowly dozed off. In the latter half of the night, she suddenly awakened in shock. Since the room was dark, she couldn’t figure out what happened to her for a moment. A while later, she sat

up on the bed and realized that she hadn’t gotten changed nor removed her make-up. Spacing out on the bed for a while, waves of grievance started overwhelming her out of nowhere. It was out of her control that her eyes were swimming with tears, yet she obstinately stopped her tears from streaming down her face. Never before in her life had she found herself in such a miserable state, gripped by a sudden surge of mixed feelings. What if no one ever truly cares about the way I feel? Then my life will be truly hopeless… Brushing her tears off, she entered the bathroom and turned on the light. Standing before the washbasin, she looked at her own reflection in the mirror. Her make-up had been messed up from all the crying, even though she still looked okay. However, in her current state, she appeared to be nothing but dispirited and discomfited. Staring at herself in the mirror, she found herself pitiful.

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