The Returning Ex

The Returning Ex Chapter 1380

The Returning Ex Chapter 1380

The Returning Ex Chapter 1380

Logan began talking about business. “I gave my friend a call to have him help settle things with Shawn.”

A smile tugged on the corner of Lola’s lips. “Being with you makes me feel safe.” It was true, and not only was it due to his familial background, but also because of his personality. Lola had a feeling that she could wrap Logan around her little finger, or rather, Logan was willing to allow that to happen, so she never feared accidents.

They took some time to catch their breaths before buying some offerings to pay their respects to Faye Hunt, Lola’s grandmother. Having memorized the route, Logan drove them all the way there. He helped Lola while they were traveling uphill, but ended up carrying her on the back later on. In short, Lola didn’t expend much energy throughout the process.

It wasn’t easy to locate her grandmother’s grave, so they spent a long time doing just that before they were able to settle down to pay their respects. Lola babbled about her marriage and pregnancy, all the while reassuring Faye that Logan had been treating her with much care, saying he would also look after her parents.

After going through all the necessary steps for the worship and setting the offerings down in front of the tombstone, the group of people went down the hill. The journey down the hill was less tiresome, so Lola held hands with Logan, and the latter even began humming a tune.

Falling behind the group, Langdon asked in a hushed voice, “I wonder what I saw in Shawn back then. Look at Logan. Shawn can’t even compare to him.”

Fiona lamented as well, saying, “I never expected Lola to find someone like Logan. All I wanted was for her to have a stable life, but I never envisioned this.”

Nodding, Langdon agreed to her. “How did they even get to this stage? I’ve been racking my brains for an answer. With Logan’s familial background, he could easily date any woman he likes, but his love for Lola is so whole-hearted that I couldn’t help but wonder if this is too good to be true.” Meanwhile, Logan and Lola were walking ahead of them, so neither heard the conversation behind them, as both of them were already discussing what snack to have after getting home.

On the other hand, a full day’s filming on set left Ian feeling utterly spent. He heaved a sigh upon sitting down in the lounge, closing his eyes after noticing that no one was around. Although he was only planning to take a nap, he fell asleep just like that after some time, his brain conjuring up a chaotic dream in his sleep even.

He dreamed of when he was young, when Bryce recently took him in under his wing. It was a time when he had yet to get used to life with the Morgans, nor was Bryce nice to him, so life was a bit of an uphill battle. Truth be told, he already forgot those days as time passed, but they somehow came rushing back to him in his dreams.

When Cindy came to fetch him, she saw him asleep on the sofa as soon as she opened the door. Having full knowledge of his schedule, she knew how taxing his job was, so she bit back whatever it was that she was planning to say. There was nobody else in the lounge, so she shut the door quietly before packing up Ian’s clothes. Then, she sat down on the chair near him.

Ian’s dream was rather chaotic, so he wasn’t in fact aware of what the dream was about. Still sound asleep, he stirred his body before muttering, “Mom…”

Frightened by the sudden noise, Cindy stared at him wide-eyed. However, Ian didn’t wake up but continued sleeping after shifting to another more comfortable position. Pondering on the situation, she draped on Ian an extra throw that she retrieved from his luggage, whereas Ian remained sound asleep, showing no signs of waking up. She watched him sleep for some time before abruptly heaving a sigh.

Ian got some quality sleep until he was roused awake by a phone call from his driver, who inquired if he got into some sort of trouble and if he needed help, as the driver had been waiting for a long while downstairs. With a sleep-addled mind, Ian picked up the call and mumbled a few words before ending it. After that, he turned to see Cindy sleeping soundly while leaning on the table.


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