The Returning Ex

The Returning Ex Chapter 358

The Returning Ex Chapter 358

The Returning Ex Chapter 358

Zack quickly blurted, “Go and surf the Internet for a bit. Sophia issued a statement last night.”

At this, John chuckled. “Don’t tell me she hauled me over the coals?”

“No, no, she’d never do that.” Zack then clarified, “She explained things for you, but I’m not sure how the public opinion will be today.”

Sitting up, John leaned against the head of the bed. “Alright, I’ll go and take a look for myself.” He hung up the phone and went online to look at gossip. He didn’t even have to look for it, for it had already been bumped to the top. Sophia is kind-hearted, after all. As I said, she’s just a paper tiger. She merely dresses herself up with a prickly exterior, but she’s actually a very gentle person.

He read the statement Sophia issued several times and concluded that her words weren’t for the sole purpose of helping him out. I think it’s actually her true feelings for the most part. She disclosed that she wasn’t happy living at the Constance Residence because she couldn’t integrate into the lives of the Constance Family.

Besides, she divulged that she always felt somewhat unconfident when she went out with him since she’d never seen much of the world, finding herself at a loss when they went to high-end places. All these are probably things that she’d been bottling within her, so she merely spoke from her heart.

Below this statement were loads of comments that expressed sympathy for Sophia. After all, she was a village girl who had the good luck of marrying into a wealthy family, yet she then realized that it was a world she couldn’t integrate into.

Thus, she was always on her toes, living cautiously every second of every day. Her statement was very down-to-earth, and she didn’t try to conceal her background either, frankly admitting to the shortcomings in her background, education, and experience. Such honesty garnered her a horde of random fans.

After reading this statement, John knew that while the public opinion might not be completely overturned, it was indeed of great help to him. Putting down his cell phone, he went to take a shower before going downstairs.

William was already downstairs. While descending the stairs, John heard Old Mrs. Constance lamenting, “Sophia is a kind-hearted child. Look how Matilda bullied her, yet she isn’t holding a grudge. Your father once said that she’s a nice person, and indeed, she’s an admirable person.”

Looks like they’re aware that Sophia issued a statement. When John had gone downstairs, he greeted, “Grandma.”

Upon seeing that he was here, Old Mrs. Constance promptly stood up. “John, you know about the statement, yes?”

John nodded. “Zack called earlier and informed me about it.”

Old Mrs. Constance murmured an acknowledgment before saying, “I’m thinking of going over to Sophia’s place to visit her. No matter what, we need to thank her for doing this.”

John didn’t object. “You’re right. Regardless of how big a help it’ll be to us, I’m still grateful to her.”

Chortling, Old Mrs. Constance took his hand and stroked it lightly. “Well, well…” I just knew that he’ll be on the losing end when it comes to matters of the heart, and I seem to have been proven right now.

Not quite comprehending her meaning, John merely smiled. “Do you want me to go with you?”

“No, no, I’ll go by myself.” Old Mrs. Constance waved a dismissive hand. If he goes with me, I may not be able to speak freely with Sophia.

At this, John nodded. “Okay. Have the driver send you there.”

Subsequently, William got to his feet as well. “Let’s go and have breakfast.”

Meanwhile, when Sophia turned on her phone upon waking up in the morning, her cell phone was inundated with unread messages and missed calls. Hmm, this looks about the same as the previous time. Actually, she had a rough idea what they were about without even looking at those messages.

Ignoring everything, she went to take a shower. When she came out, her cell phone had gone silent. Glancing at the messages, she saw that they were from Ian, Logan, Robin, and Zack, in regards to the statement she issued.


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