The Returning Ex

The Returning Ex Chapter 489

The Returning Ex Chapter 489

The Returning Ex Chapter 489

Sophia found something inside the washing machine, which turned out to be the dress that she wore earlier wrapped in her bedsheet. Soon, her mind began to have flashbacks of images that seemed blurry to her. In fact, she had been having vivid dreams so frequently that she somehow got them mixed up with reality. This looks like they’ve been washed before. I just haven’t dried them. Staring at the dress, she remembered wearing it that day when she hung out with Logan.

Therefore, she put it back into the washing machine and washed it again before she proceeded to prepare her meal while recalling what had happened earlier. Gosh! Everything that happened that day seems like a mess in my mind right now. I guess I must have drunk a little too much than I could handle.

However, Sophia failed to recall what happened even until she was done preparing her breakfast. Fearing that she’d think of something erotic, she decided to give up recalling as she didn’t want those dirty thoughts to pop up in her mind. That can only exist in my dream but never in reality.

After taking her breakfast, she received a call from Ian, who mentioned the matter that she had been recalling. Besides, he told her that he had finished packing his stuff because he had to be away for his training, so he’d like to say goodbye to her. I can hear Logan’s voice. It sounds like Ian is now with him, and Logan is giving him a checklist of things that he should bring along. Upon hearing that, Sophia said, “Are you going to leave right now? If you are, I’ll head over right now.”

Ian hesitated and said, “I’m now at Logan’s place.”

In response, Sophia responded with an affirmative hum, immediately hanging up the call before she grabbed her belongings and set out. In fact, she didn’t do that just to show Ian her support but also to give him her blessing. By the time she got there, Ian was already standing at the entrance with a car parked by the roadside, which suggested that his ride had arrived. While Ian already had his luggage placed in the car, Sophia quickly got out of the vehicle and scurried toward him. “Ian.”

When Ian saw Sophia approaching, he felt his pent-up irritation surging through him. Nevertheless, when he noticed the lady’s nervous look, his annoyance dissipated. Well, let’s not make my life miserable and unhappy. After all, I doubt Sophia knows what happened that day too. Soon, Ian showed a smile and greeted Sophia with open arms. Then, he said, “Come, give me a hug! I don’t know how long until the next time we meet.”

Sophia said with a smile, “I’ll pray hard for you, and you’ll succeed!”

Ian nodded and wrapped his arms around Sophia. “Alright, since you’re blessed with good luck, I should probably stick to you to get more of those positive auras.”

Meanwhile, Logan patted Ian’s shoulder and said, “Don’t worry. My sis is right there, and I believe she’ll take care of things for you. So, just relax and get famous.”

After brief contemplation, Ian let go of Sophia and stared at her, saying, “If John ever comes and disturbs you, just tell him off with my name. I wouldn’t mind that.”

Sophia sniggered as she tried to pacify Ian. “Alright, alright! I heard you loud and clear! He won’t be able to take advantage of me.”

Soon, the driver wound down the window and said, “It’s about time, Mr. Morgan.” Then, he gently rubbed Sophia’s hair with his palm and waved at Logan before he entered the car and directly left.

After that, Sophia sighed and said, “I doubt we can be crazy as we used to be the next time Ian comes back. By then, he is probably a famous public figure.”

“Nah!” Logan walked closer and rested his arm over Sophia’s shoulder. “It looks like it’ll just be me and you from now on, Sophia.” Disgusted by his words, Sophia shook off his arm and replied, “Knock that off! You make me sick, actually.”


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