The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning

Chapter 484

Chapter 484

Chapter 484

Chapter 484

Madelyn responded, “Actually, leaving might be a good thing for him. I can’t meddle in their issues. Forrest has done so much for me, and I’m going to repay it all slowly. As a friend, I genuinely hope he can start fresh and have a better life in his new


She added, “From Ethan’s point of view, in our current relationship, I shouldn’t have any contact with all of you. I shouldn’t even bring up anything about Forrest. Ethan made an exception because of me, and I don’t want to let him down.

“I’m very sorry about Forrest leaving. But I believe you all will meet again someday.

“He’ll find happiness.”

People saw things differently. Some thought Ethan had driven Forrest away without mercy. But Ethan needed family and loved ones around, too. It’s all about how you look at it.

George once told Madelyn that she was Ethan’s only family now.

When Forrest and Sylvia were sent abroad, Owen angrily went to the Arnold residence and slapped Ethan. The next day, Owen went overseas with them. Madelyn thought, ‘Owen was Ethan’s father too…. Perhaps, Owen felt indebted to Forrest and his mother. Over the years, they became more like a family. But Owen forgot that he had another son.‘

Ethan bore not only the responsibility of a son, but he also shouldered the entire Arnold family business.

In everyone’s eyes, he was out of reach, extremely powerful, and could do as he pleased.

However, outsiders did not know that beyond all of that, he was also a human being who needed the company of those around


Madelyn still remembered that night when Ethan held her in his arms. His voice carried a hint of sadness. She had never seen him like that before. The room was dark, but Madelyn could imagine what Ethan looked like at that moment.

Ethan told her that from then on, he only had her.

Madelyn was touched. And she could feel the warm tears on her neck. Ethan cried. His body was trembling too. At that moment, he was like a lost child on the street without a home to go back to.

Madelyn did not know what to do at that time. She could only hug him tightly to give him warmth and comfort. She felt that they were not so different after all.

That night, Madelyn did not sleep at all. She did not know what she was thinking about.

Kayla persistently wanted to find out from Madelyn about Forrest’s whereabouts. Madelyn told her that she did not know about that. She was indeed speaking the truth.

Kayla said, “You’d better not lie to me, or I won’t spare you.

Madelyn calmly looked at her, “If you genuinely love him, respect his decision. Someday, he’ll come back to find you.”

Timothy chuckled, “Madelyn, do you really not know, or are you pretending not to? Aren’t you the one Forrest has always had a thing for?”

Kayla snapped, “Shut up!”

Timothy raised his eyebrow, “Kayla, stop deceiving yourself. Deep down, you know whether Forrest’s feelings for you were

real or not.”


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Late back m decission Matale was summoned to the offe by Sailey, Bailey pulled out Madelyn’s report card and

asked. “Do you have an explanation the this grade

Wabelun shook her head “N”

Bailer responded, “I wont comment too much on your personal mars, de your teacher, I just want to offer some advice. Relationships arent essential Even if you don’t valanchers, telere you can create a

better future for yourself Even seemingly small exams can have an impact on your pach ahead. I’m going you a chance this time. You don’t need to change

desses. From now on concentrate on your studs”

Madeln senlied, “I understand Thankyou Miss Sann”

Bailey continued. “If you have any questions, you canst ae. You ao are close, right? She’s already earned a scholarship. You should pur în mare efine and try to be more disciplined”

Kadem nodded. “Okar.

When Mañelm left, she heard Baller sigh

Madelyn only glanced at the exam report card before throwing it into the trash bin. Her average score was over seventy, Anni she even failed in a few subjects. Her grade was indeed a lot worse than before.

Kennedy walked our of the men’s restroom. Lem casually flicked water off his hands before reaching into the trash bin. Cleanliness wasn’t his concern. “Well, her grades have really dropped. Does that mean I’m back to being the second–best in


He then added, “Tisk, both your grades and Madelyn’s are quite similar. You were first, and she’s first too, but from the

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