The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 199 - A Bad Decision

Chapter 199 - A Bad Decision


You can combine 3 <Basic> affinities and an <Advanced> affinity to learn a new affinity.

Would you like to merge the affinities to learn an <Mythical> affinity? You wouldn't lose any ability you've learnt so far and you'd be able to learn their respective abilities in future as well.


•Yes or •No


"Wait... Wasn't I supposed to get a Mythical affinity as a reward for completing the ascension quest?" Arnold mumbled.

He quickly checked the mission tab and there it was, written in golden letters. He was supposed to earn his first mythical affinity upon completion of the ascension quest. He was surprised to learn, he could unlock a mythical affinity right then and there, but he wasn't going to complain about it. 

He didn't know what this new affinity would be but he was super excited to learn it! He was certain the light affinity would be combined in it, as it got triggered after he learned that.

As for the basic affinities, he wasn't sure. He wanted to know what he was getting into but there was no way for him to so apart from using foresight, which he had already wasted on the material box... Once again. 

"Guess, there's only one way to know it." He took a  sighed and continued, "Yes."



Combining <Earth>, <Wind>, <Water> and <Light> affinities...

The combination was successful.





You've unlocked new ability(s):

• [ELEMENTAL SUMMONING: FOREST GOLEM ] : (Active ability) Summons 4 forest golems to do your bidding. Their HP and abilities depend on the summoner's level. When they are destroyed, they have a 15% chance of exploding and at the place of the explosion, a life tree grows up. This explosion can cause damage up to 30% of target's HP. The fruit of the tree can restore an ally's health by 50% and also give them 80% damage reduction for the next 2 minutes. The objects affected by the explosion are temporarily covered by vines of the life tree and are unable to move for 3 minutes. Each life tree produces only one fruit. (Beware: this fruit can also be consumed by your foes and will heal them as well). 

[ Rank: S ]

[Mana cost: 1000/Golem]

[Cooldown: 3 hours]

• [ ELEMENTAL CONTROL: Nature (phase 1 of 5)] : (Active ability) Upon being activated, you can the ability to manipulate the existing flora within a  radius of 1 kilometre around you. Essentially, turning the plants and trees into your trustworthy allies. You can make them move, attack or defend yourself or someone/something else, as per your will. Tree of life (or life tree) can also be manipulated using this skill. 

[ Rank: Cosmic A]

[Mana cost: --]

[Cooldown: --]

Due to the effect of the title [Killer Of The Masses] the skill(s) have been upgraded to level 5.

EXP required to unlock the next phase: 1,000,000.

Current EXP: 694,596

 <Unlocking the next phase would increase the number of plants/trees, the range in which you can control them as well as new Flora Regeneration technique.>

<Unlocking new phases would also unlock new abilities.>


He had earned a mythical affinity for the first time in his life, yet it didn't seem to be much of an achievement. Moreover, he felt like he had been cheated. It obtained an affinity, but he hadn't unlocked its true potential yet. The true power of the affinity was still hidden behind the walls known as, 'phases'. Apparently, Arnold was required to feed it EXP in order to unlock new 'phases'. And it required him a million exp to unlock the next phase. 

All of a sudden, the gargantuan amount of excess exp he had, didn't seem much. He couldn't even upgrade the affinity into 'phase 2' with his current reserves of EXP. He did not doubt that the abilities he gained were useful, especially in regions like the swamp. He now was practically invincible in the swamps or any type of forest for that matter. 

The 'Unique' trees he once had to be conscious of during his visits in the swamps were now his prime protectors. He was fairly sure he could eradicate the remaining lizardmen from the surface of the earth if he wanted to.

'Those fckers would never dare to pull another ambush on me again.' He thought while slyly smiling, 'At least, gaining these abilities would help me while taking down Devon.'

But before he could rejoice anymore, he suddenly felt weak. It felt like his head was being torn into pieces. But when another notification popped up on his interface, he immediately stared at it. He had earned yet another title.


You've achieved a new title! 

Name: [The First]

<This is a title exclusive to the human known as ×Arnold Ling×, which he achieved by becoming the first paladin to earn an ability to have Cosmic Rank, on the planet known as Earth.>


• If you're threatened by the presence of another Paladin in your vicinity, the level of your class-specific skills is increased by 5 levels while the skill level of the other paladin reduces by the same amount of levels.

• If a Paladin forms an alliance with you, then they too enjoy the effects of this skill, however, their skills only increase by 2 levels. 

Please note: Effects of this title are nullified in presence of a God. It doesn't matter if it is a Demigod, Lesser God, or a Higher God, as long as it is a godlike entity, you won't be able to enjoy the title's effects. 


"Give me a break!" Arnold closed the interface in frustration. The system was giving him positive information, but it was too much information to take in at once, even for him... But it wasn't that. Something else was going on. Something much worse. 

He didn't knew but learning a mythical affinity before he was supposed to, took a toll on his unprepared mind. It felt his brain could burst at any moment and the constant buzzing sound of system notifications didn't help him at all. His legs lost their strength, his body went numb all of a sudden. His consciousness was slowly fading away... Darkness was all he could see.



Your mind is unable to handle the sudden insertion of multiple affinities!

ALERT! josei

The nervous system is failing! 

Heartbeat is slowing down!

The brain has ceased its functions! 

Multiple organs are failing! 

Emergency reconfiguration of the host's body initiated!

Configuration completed! 

Resuscitation is being performed!

Please wait!

No response from the host!

Repeating the process! 


This was the last text Arnold saw before collapsing on the ground. He did what no one could... He put an end to himself.

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