The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 213 - All Hell Breaks Loose (1)

Chapter 213 - All Hell Breaks Loose (1)

"Can you do it?" Arnold had finished explaining his plan to Talos, waiting for his reply. 

"It's not a matter whether I can, master." The automaton replied, "It's a matter of time. Even if I try to make the equipment inside the domain, it still might not be enough. However, I believe I can do it. We already have the generators and the crystals to store the energy, now we only need to make a device which could pour the stored energy in the barrier."josei

Arnold agreed with him. There wasn't much time left. They needed to act now if they were to save the millions of people inhabiting the city of angles. 

"Time is of the essence, we can't waste any more time. Take as many automatons as you need. Hell, I don't care if you need my blood to make it, just do it." Arnold once again opened a portal leading to his domain, but this time it much bigger than before. For he needed his army. Now. 

One after another, monsters of different shapes, sizes and species walked out of the endless portal. The monsters stood in neat files as if they had undergone strict military training. Their eyes fixed at their master. Awaiting their orders. But they weren't the only ones that came out of the portal. The entire armoury was also emptied. 

This sheer display of power rendered everyone speechless. Most of them had one thought, 'Johnny Black who? This guy is stronger than him!'

Even those who had been on the verge of dying moments ago were stunned. But their surprise quickly turned into anger. 

"If you had an army at your command why didn't you use it earlier!?" One of the injured ones barked at him. 

"Yes! You could've saved everyone with your powers. So many of us died yet you didn't do anything!"

"We risked it all to save your a*s, and this is how you thank us? Do our lives mean nothing to you?"

"Hey, he did save your lives, didn't he? Look that those two who are endlessly looking after you!" One guy came to defend Arnold. 

"So what? We are in this trouble because of him in the first place!"

Kolt lost it, "Do you mongrels even know what he has been through? The man almost died for God's sake! Not to mention if you're alive, it's because of him. Do you think if it wasn't for his summons all of you would've perished long before!"

Everyone, except a few, joined in to berate Arnold. But they got their answers even before Arnold could say anything.

As soon as the portal closed, Arnold collapsed on his knees, sweating as his life depended on it. His already weakened body couldn't handle the stress of opening the portals in quick succession. Much to his dismay. 

"Huh... What a slap in the face it is..." Arnold mumbled struggling to get back on his feet, "Earlier it used to be as easy as breathing for me to open and close the portal as many times as I pleased, and look at me now. Just opening it twice brought me to my knees."

"Arnold, there's no need to overdo it..." Johnny helped him back to his feet.

"Nah, it's okay Johnny. I deserve it." Arnold smiled wanly. But even in that smile, pain dwelled within. 

What the others said deeply hurt him but he knew they were going through a lot. Most of these people weren't warriors, yet they put their lives on the line to protect him. Had he been like he was eight years ago, he would've said similar things. He knew exactly how they felt because he had pretty much lived his entire life in constant fear.

Fear of losing his sister. Fear of losing the people he had grown close to. Fear of losing control over himself. Fear of going astray from the righteous path. Fear that the burden on his shoulders would become too much for him to handle on his own.

Yes. Despite been given such powers, deep down he was still the same porter he had been all those years ago. Clueless and angry. Yet he never cursed the powers he had been given by the immortal one. Not once had he regretted doing what was needed to be done.

But now was the time to demand more from his 'family'. Under normal circumstances, he would've handled it on his own, but these weren't normal circumstances. He was weaker than ever before and he needed help. 

"My fellow family members!" Arnold finally turned to face the ones badmouthing him, "An unknown threat approaches us. A threat that can wipe us all out. You were correct. I'm nothing without your help. I'm weak. I'm pathetic. The ones who attacked us killed our people think no different about me either. But they are cowards. Bastards who don't have the guts to end what they started themselves. Rather than accepting defeat with dignity, they chose to be remembered as cowards. Cowards who are willing to unleash a horde of monsters in hopes of 'making us pay'."

He carried on, "Yet we were almost defeated by those cowards. They have lost many among their ranks, but so have we. But no more! Here we will stand and fight! No more hiding. No more running away. The path ahead of us isn't easy. But it's our responsibility to protect the innocent civilians. Even at the cost of our lives. If you don't want this, I'll understand. You are free to escape."

"The enemies were after me, to begin with. Thus I'm not running away, because those innocent people are in danger because of me and I'll save them. I'll save them if it's the last thing I do. I don't care how many enemies there are, for my honour dignity, and family I'll crush them all! I repeat it again, If you don't want this, I understand. You are free to walk away. But to those who want revenge, to those who have a thirst to prove themselves, to those who are not cowards... Lend me your strength. Lend me your strength to end this fight once and for all. If those bastards want a war, they'll get one. Let my soldiers guide you. Let me, guide you. I won't lie and say it's going to be easy. I won't lie and say every one of us would make it back alive. But for every soldier that dies, we shall kill a hundred more!"

Arnold's words acted like gasoline for their already ablaze hearts. They had cursed him and yet he was willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of others. Most of them still saw him as an outsider because he belonged to the 'other side'. Yet his resolve to avenge the fallen as well as to protect the innocent was enough for them to fight for. No. They couldn't allow it. It was their job to defend their city. No matter the odds. 

Those who could still fight and chose to do so, went ahead and grabbed a weapon from the pile and stood next to the monsters. Not everyone joined, as Arnold had expected. But their numbers were more than he thought. 

"Looks like your little speech worked, Mr Section Chief." Johnny complimented him and stood next to the armada, "Gotta say, you're way better than the old man at this."

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