The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 244 - Newfound Strength

Chapter 244 - Newfound Strength


Would you like to claim the rewards? 

Yes or No




You've received: A new class! 

• [Destroyer]: A godly class that grants users a single ability: destruction. The more destruction you cause, the stronger you become. Unlike your other class and subclasses, this class is exclusive to you as proof of your alliance with the immortal one. It is also an exclusive class that only immortal one had, but now his strength is yours. Be careful not to abuse it or... The immortal one might not be pleased. 


"What a vague description... I don't even know what it does? Cause destruction to gain strength. Sounds easy to do at first but the last statement kinda gives me bad vibes." Arnold mumbled and reread the entire thing, yet he remained confused, "System-sama, can you explain what is this?"

< You'll get to know about it soon enough. Right now is not the time. >

"Should've expected that." Arnold shook his head and left the forge with his summons.

He desperately needed a shower. Being drenched in ones own blood wasn't a great feeling. But before that, he remembered something else. 

"Wasn't I supposes to get a mythical affinity too?"

< Don't you already have one? >

"Well... Yeah but-"

< I don't think that's how you spell 'thanks for saving my life because I was stupid enough do something I shouldn't have unnecessarily and endangered my life'. > 

"... Technically, you were the one who gave me the option to unlock <nature> affinity. I just answered when you asked 'Yes or no'." Arnold smirked, "I won't be the only one getting roasted here, my dearest system-sama."

< Never mind, the reward only stated that you'll have a 'chance' to unlock a mythical affinity. It wasn't a guarantee. >

The system had a point. Also, Arnold was grateful to the system although he never showed it. Not only he was grateful to it for saving his life again and again, but also for giving it a meaning, and whatnot. But he wasn't going to show it. Or the system might end up roasting him again.

Finally, with the death threat off his head, his mind was clearer than ever. Now he only had one goal in his mind: to show Devon how much he appreciated him messing around with him and his family. 


Arnold let his wet hair go wild and the hot droplets of water slowly rinsed the blood away. All the tensed thoughts were washed away along with the blood as well. After a while, he stepped out of the futuristic shower as a warm dry towel present itself in front of him. 

"Talos never cease to amaze me," Arnold mumbled while using the towel to dry himself. 

While Arnold generally used his creationist abilities to make weapons of war, Talos often used his knowledge to make other's lives easier. Especially Arnold's. This newly installed shower was a prime example of his abilities. He was no ordinary robot, but more like a man with extraordinary talent.

Arnold quickly warped the towel around his waist and stepped out, only to be greeted by the luscious succubus, Natasha, who was lustfully gawking at her master's wet body. 

"I believe it's done?" Arnold asked without paying any attention to her. 

"Y-Yes master! She's been dealt with." Natasha replied before going back to gawking at him again.

Arnold had asked her to deal with Mali's half-sister and she finally did it after tormenting her soul in the most sadistic ways. Something not even Arnold would want to hear despite his tough-love attitude. But now... None of it mattered. 

She didn't know why but Arnold seemed weirdly attractive to her. Whenever she was around him she felt... Like a lady rather than a monster. Especially ever since he gave her the collar she wore around her neck.

Arnold didn't know, but the magic of the beast collar had dissipated a long time ago. Despite knowing she was free to do as she pleased, Natasha felt a weird sense of accomplishment whenever she completed a task given to her by Arnold. 

She was a succubus. A creature known to control their target using the powers of seduction. Yet, she was the one being seduced by her uncaring master. Whenever she was around her master, she didn't want to harm him anymore.

While she was under the spell of the collar, she noticed his good side. A side Arnold only showed to those who were special to him. Unknowingly, Natasha had become a part of that group too and thus the way Arnold treated her had improved significantly. She felt he trusted her, and she would go to any lengths to preserve his trust in her. He had turned her into a woman and now she wanted to become 'his' woman. But she knew it was just wishful thinking and nothing more. 

"You did well Nat. Thanks for helping me out. I owe you one... Well, technically I don't because you're my summon but you get the gist."

"Nat..." Natasha mumbled as she saw Arnold smiling at her through the mirror. 

"You don't like it? I won't call you that if you don't want." He turned around to face her, "I thought you'd like a nickname because others have it too."

"N-No master, I like that name." She jumped up and down while Arnold shook his head and asked her to leave if there's nothing more. 

She did leave but not before getting one last glance at him, slowly stripping his towel away. 


After the shower and a quick lunch, Arnold once again entered the forge. Only this time, Duke and few of the other golems were following him. Each of them had a different type of material in their arms. But they all had one thing in common. All of the materials were once a part of the Dragon Goddess, Tiamut. 

It was time to upgrade his gears and weapons for the upcoming battle. Not to mention, his cloak was torn to shreds during his fight with Tiamut. Also, his gloves were in rough shape from all the fights he had been in. 

Soon the forge was lit up once again. Accompanied by the loud banging noise of his hammer. It took him another day to forge a completely new set of gears and weapons. 

Once it was over, Arnold placed the hammer back on the anvil and admired the products of his hard work. A new cloak, pair of new gloves as well as the new addition to his arsenal: A sniper capable of killing a God. 


• [Cloak of Absolute Strength]: A cloak made up of the hide of the Dragon Goddess, Tiamut, containing unparalleled abilities. 

Grade: Cosmic B

Defense (DEF) : +206 (physical)

Strength (STR) : +50

Armour Type: Cloak

Weight : 0.40 kg

Additional effect : [TITAN'S BLESSING] - Reflects 15% of damage received as physical damage to the attacker.

Additional effect : [Antidote] - Upon dawning the cloak, the user will gain total immunity from any poison of the universe. 

Additional effect : [ Dragon Goddess' Blessing] - Damage dealt to reptilian monsters permanently increases by 30%.

• [Dragon's Hand]: A glove made using the bones and hide of the Dragon goddess, Tiamut. A specific trigger has been placed inside the gloves, which when pressed, pops out a vicious claw made of Dragon's bones coated with poison. 

Grade: Cosmic C

Defense (DEF) : +40 (physical)

Strength (STR) : +60

Armour Type: Glove

Weight : 0.15 kg

Additional effect : [Dragon's Claw] -

When a target gets scratched by the claws of the glove, the target enters a poisoned state, making the target numb and limiting their visibility while making them lose 10% of their total health per minute. The duration can be extended by continually inflicting damage to the target.

Additional effect : [Dragon Goddess' Blessing]

• [Dragon Bone Sniper]: A sniper carved off of the bones of The dragon Goddess, Tiamut. Upon the creation of this sniper, it was further enhanced by its creator. This sniper is a true work of art having skills and abilities that no one had ever seen before. A perfect weapon designed to kill low ranking godly beings with precision and ease. 

Grade: Cosmic B

Strength (STR) : + 350

Weapon Type: Gun

Weight : 13 kg

Range: 5km (effectiveness decreases as distance increases. The weapon would be no longer effective if shot from a distance of more than 6km. Moreover, the damage dealt will be decreased.) 

Additional effect : [Bull's Eye] - Every second bullet fired from the sniper will hit the target without fail. Headshotting the enemy will increase the range of your vision along with your perception. josei

Additional effect : [Chain shot] - Firing rate increases with every successful hit on a target. Each successful hit also increases the damage dealt to the next target by 0.2x for the next 3 seconds. Can be increased up to 2x (twice the base value). 

Additional effect : [Preacher of Death] - Killing enemies having a higher rank than that of the user, will permanently increase the user's strength by 5%. If a high ranking godly being is killed then the strength will increase by 8%.

Additional effect: [Headhunter] - whenever a new type of enemy (monster or god) is killed, the user gains a 'soul'. The soul is stored inside the sniper itself. Once the threshold value is reached, the sniper will evolve. 


With gears like these, he no longer had to worry about the measly lizards of the swamp. He was ready to walk out of his domain and face the lizards a final time. 

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