The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 295 - A Good News

Chapter 295 - A Good News

They say anger is a protector. One tasked with protecting sadness. And when anger fails, tears take the job instead. But what if, anger and sadness merge together? What happens next? What replaces anger? Chaos. Utter chaos. 

Whether the chaos stays within the angered one or flows freely around him, is a different matter altogether. The strong-minded force the chaos to hide within themselves, while the weak, the desperate, let it all out for the world to see. You see, Nicole was the example of a strong being, Andrex, however, was not. It was apparent to everyone, that's why their eyes... Their stare burned a scar of humiliation deep in his heart. 

At first, all Andrex wanted was to make the Blacks lose their credibility, their influence. But after the shitshow of a meeting today, he wanted them to feel like what he was... Humiliated. He wanted Nathan to grovel at his feet. Begging for forgiveness. But he knew it was just a pipe dream of his. Unless... 

"Just my fcking luck..." He mumbled while sitting in his private bar, fixing himself drink after drink. 

"Well if you think long and hard, anything can work." The man sitting next to him spoke while sipping his drink. 

"At least you look like that bastard," Andrex scoffed while eyeing the man next to him, "but your voice is nothing like him. Either way, your plan of disguising yourself as Arnold Ling and attacking me wouldn't do us any good now, Luke."

Luke, sat there and laughed wholeheartedly. He most definitely looked like Arnold, however, his demeanour gave him away. Anyone who knew Arnold would be able to distinguish between the two almost instantly. But Luke was a master of disguise and had the ability to alter his appearance to look like anyone he liked. All he needed was to eat a strand of hair of the man, woman or child. The next moment, his body would change accordingly, upon will. 

Thus Andrex and Luke had planned for Andrex to try and pass a law against the Blacks. Once that was done Luke was to turn into Arnold's body double and attack Andrex leaving him 'wounded'. Then Andrex was to frame the attack as a 'grunge filled crime' due to the 'unfairness' of the above-mentioned law. Then all the families would've mobilised against the Blacks, ensuring their demise. But the plan had failed in its first phase itself, much to their dismay. Yet Andrex refused to give up. Not after how he was humiliated in front of all the leaders. 

"At least it wasn't a complete failure, Andrex." Luke chimed in, "Our ambition got the best of us, that's all. But we got what we wanted nonetheless."josei

"What do you mean? The law we wanted didn't pass." Andrex turned to face Luke, who was now back as his real self. 

"In the unfortunate case of, attack from one family to other. The rest of the families can take action as they see fit to ease the tension." Luke cited the newly created law, "So... We got what we wanted."

"... I don't quite get you. We don't have a logical reason for the Blacks or Arnold to attack us. That grudge factor is gone." Andrex mumbled. 

"Then we'll give them another reason. Like by harming someone close to him." Luke smiled viciously, "Like a family member or love interest."

Andrex finally understood what Luke was trying to imply, "Attacking Nicole is out of the question. I'll rather kill myself than go up against her. But... I think our boy does have a pretty bird he hangs around with."

"Then we aim for her." Luke lifted his liquor-filled class high in the air, "To our next prey."

"To our next prey. Cheers!"


Somewhere far away, the nightlife of LA was in full swing. People were on and about enjoying the night under the sky laden with the beautiful skyline of the city. A couple dressed in complete black roamed around the city. The lady was dressed in a beautiful black cocktail dress, tightly hugging her hourglass figure. Her head laying on her partner's broad shoulder. 

The man, on the other hand, was wearing a soft and smooth black shirt, with the upper buttons left undone to show off his well-built chest. Over the shirt, he wore an elegant black tuxedo. He didn't like to wear fancy clothing but since they were going for a date after a long time, he put his comfort aside. He was happy as long as his woman was happy. 

"So, did you enjoy the night?" Arnold asked planting a kiss on Nina's glossy lips. 

"The night has just begun, senor." Nina chuckled as she kissed him back, "How's your arm? Does it hurt?"

Arnold took his left metallic arm out of his pocket and flexed it, "I think it's as good as the real one. Talos outdid himself with this one."

Nina didn't reply, but kept her head on Arnold's shoulder, leaning against him, "There's something I have been wanting to talk about..."

"And what's that?" Arnold asked as he waved at one of his newfound fans.

Ever since returning from the swamps, Arnold's popularity had skyrocketed. And while he didn't crave for all the attention, he wasn't going to reject it either. After all, it boosted his influence on the people. He had been called for interviews, talk shows and whatnot, but he declined them. Too much attention would only invite trouble for him. Especially, when paladins had been given the task to eliminate the vassals. 

"I'm pregnant." Nina dropped the bombshell, "I did the test last night and it came back as positive."

Arnold momentarily stopped in his tracks, before turning around to face Nina, "Are you sure? Like sure-sure?"

Nina couldn't get a read on Arnold's face, but she had taken the test three times already, so she was fairly certain. 

"Mm-hmm." Nina nodded, not expecting how Arnold would react to the news, 'Will he be happy? Or will he think it's too soon... God, I should've consulted Nicole first... It was an accidental pregnancy, I don't know what to do now...'

All of her worries however were unfounded as Arnold took her by her waist and started swinging her around, rotating like the earth around the sun. Finally, after what seemed ages, Arnold put Nina down and kissed her passionately before asking... 

"Who else knows?" Arnold asked, excited like he had never been before. 

"You're the first person I've told." She said kissing him once again. 

"We have to tell Nicole. SHE'S GOING TO BE AN AUNT FOR GOD'S SAKE!" Arnold screamed at top of his lungs. He had genuinely never been so happy before. Lucky for them, everyone was too busy to listen to what the man was yelling about. 

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