The Rise of Otaku

Chapter 321 - The Crossing Story

Chapter 321 - The Crossing Story

Chapter 321: Chapter 321 The Crossing Story

Qin Zhuan studio was like a flower garden that grew many story flowers. As long as Zhou Yu took care of them, he would be able to harvest many stories that could be used for games. Therefore, sending special personnel to protect them was necessary, and it could also avoid other people from stealing the stories once they blossomed.

After hearing Kaka said something happened to the staff of Quan Zhuan, Zhou Yu attached great importance to it and immediately went to check what happened. josei

Stimulated by the young secondary school student couple, Little Rat and Xiao Lu, the story flower seedlings were growing one after another inside Qin Zhuan studio, the future harvest looked very promising. Among them, there were employees of the studio falling in love with each other or falling in love with the staff of the amusement park, there were even people falling in love with the people outside the park.

In short, no matter what, it was important to look after those seedlings.

The strange thing that Kaka said actually happened between two couples. The originally very normal flower seedlings were growing in the wrong directions. The flower seedling of man A suddenly started to grow toward woman B, and the flower seedling of man B was also growing toward woman A.

God damn, why is it so messy?

These four people were good friends with each other, so probably after playing with each other for some time, the relationship between those fours started to shuffle like cards. Zhou Yu did not like such a chaotic love story, but he did not have the right to point fingers at others’ private matters. He could only quietly watch the flower seedlings grow up in this environment until it finally matured.

After a door was opened on man A’s chest, and a mysterious man with a mask came out of the door, while in the door of woman A’s chest, there was an incomplete story called “Past Life”. From the door on man B’s chest also walked out a masked man, while inside the door on woman B’s chest was an incomplete story called “This Life”.

Er... So what exactly is going on with those two couples?

After the two incomplete stories were placed with each other, they could be combined together and became an empty story called, “Past Life and This Life”. However, the two masked men still did not take off their masks, and after checking their information, it was still shown question marks. So Zhou Yu was extremely confused as to where he should start to look for a clue. Moreover, it was supposed to be two stories, but now, it was just one story. It was a huge loss.

From what happened between those two couples, this story must reflect the emotional entanglement between these four people. Since it was a love shuffle, if he also shuffled those two masked men, he may be able to find something. Therefore, the masked man A was thrown into the door of woman B, and the masked man B went to the door of woman A, and the positions of the two incomplete stories were also switched.

However, the story remained silent.

This puzzle was really a headache.

Just when Zhou Yu was at a loss for what to do, a strange person suddenly came to Luhua City, shouting that he wanted to see the city owner. Looking at the person closely, it was a man, who dressed like a nerdy scholar.

As soon as he saw Zhou Yu, he anxiously said, “I heard that there is an A-rated story that hasn’t been opened here. Such a story could only be written by a scholar like me. It must not be forcibly opened, otherwise, a good story will be ruined!”

Naturally, stories were also divided into different levels and the quality of every level was also different. However, the story level did not affect the quality of the game itself, but the game plot, dialogue, etc. would become more literary and artistic. To put it simply, if Zhou Yu wanted to have better gaming content, then he would need a better story.

All the stories could be forcibly picked like fruit when they were mature, it would just require some effort to do that, but if the task was handed over to the Story Collector, then it would be even more perfect.

“Story collector, Ning Feixian, requesting to join Luhua City.”

A talented mini person, who took the initiative to come to his doorstep, at the time when he needed him the most, of course, Zhou Yu would not let this person go. However, the procedure should still be followed, and a three-month observation period was inevitable.

However, Ning Feixian, who only got the temporary resident permit, did not complain. After entering the villa area, and seeing the growing stories inside the studio, he said excitedly, “What a magnificent scenery! I have traveled all over the world, but I have never seen so many unopened stories.”

Looking at the man’s eyes that were filled with obsession, it didn’t seem like he was pretending it, so he should just be an ordinary book fan.

Under the supervision of The celestial vision, Ning Feixian began his work. It turns out that the correct way to write this complex story was to let the two masked men walk into the heart of woman A together first, and then start writing “Past Life”, and then enter the heart of women B together to write “This Life”.

What exactly were those four people doing?

Looking at the question marks on Zhou Yu’s face, Ning Feixian said with a smile, “Lord, do you really think that only love can be the nourishment of the story flowers? Family, friendship, and other intense emotional fluctuations can also be the beginning of a story. Especially in Luhua City, where the concentration of the ACG world force is so high, and all the people gathered here are the people with high otaku power, so it is more likely to have other types of stories.”

Huh? So it was not just love flower seedlings? However, all the flower seedlings that appeared in the amusement park in the past were all love flower seedlings.

Seeing that Zhou Yu still did not understand, Ning Feixian explained in more detail, “using this ‘Past Life and This Life’ as an example, its foundation is love, but since then a lot of friendship has been added, which has made a huge change in the story itself.”

Oh, so it was like that. Fortunately, it wasn’t a messy relationship, otherwise, I don’t know how to deal with it. Zhou Yu thought.

With the help of Ning Feixian, the writing of the story progressed smoothly. But compared to the speed of collecting stories in the past, it was obviously much slower, and eventually, it took a week to complete the collection of the story. After all, a good story required patience. Using force to collect a story like what Zhou Yu did before, for Ning Feixian it was an extremely unwise thing to do.

A week later, the hardcover version of “Past Life and This Life” appeared in front of Zhou Yu. At the same time, he also gained a pair of masked men. Although they were two people, they were only regarded as one person: Role-Playing Master, could work in the Six-pointed Star Disc.

With them, “The Heartless Girl” could finally start its production.

Earlier, Zhou Yu had promised the abyss company to make ten exclusive games for them, including “The Heartless Girl”. Now that the main characters have been gathered together, he could finally start to make the game and then show the abyss company his sincerity.

ARPG masterpiece “The Heartless Girl” was finally born.

Still the same old rules, Zhou Yu needed to play it himself first before giving it to the abyss company.

Because the Abyss console game was selected during production, it could only be played with the Abyss console when the game finished. A few days ago, The Abyss company told them that they were worried that Hu Tu studio would not be familiar with the Abyss console, so they wanted to give Zhou Yu an assistant team to help them to get familiar with the console.

But there was no way Zhou Yu would fall into that trap. Their main purpose was definitely to find out the location of Hu Tu studio and the information of the people that worked in the studio.

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