The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 1066 Confirmation

Chapter 1066 Confirmation

Chapter 1066 Confirmation

In the Black Plain cities annexed from the Brown Kingdom, the situation in these areas was somewhat different from that found in the other parts of this territory. That is, there was a prominent resident population there, with already well-developed economies, and most importantly, this was the only part that had not been affected by the war.

Some of these cities were previously ruled by the Gill, Austin, and Parkinson families. And in these, the actions of these organizations had been happening more naturally.

However, in the other cities, particularly those in the Red Valley region, there was some resistance on the part of the communities to follow Minos' plans with all sincerity.

Of course, they were not foolish enough to stand in the way of the actions of the dictator, who was now their leader. But many made structural changes difficult, refusing to sell land to the new governments, etc.

At the same time, these areas were the farthest from the central part of the Black Plain, so not all of Minos' ideals would reach there. Hence, little investment had been made in this part of his territory.

The main focus of the state government for this area was not to totally change the place, build roads, and the like. That was even in the plan for the future, but not at the moment. Instead, the focus for these areas was to organize the governments, bring in new rules and review the structure of some institutions.

At the same time, the forces of Minos continued to enlist citizens interested in migrating to the central part of the Black Plain, sometimes also trying to discourage populations from leaving for other states.

Yes, people were fleeing from the 'cruel clutches' of Minos, heading to the new Brown Kingdom, Cromwell Kingdom, or Kingdom of the Waves.

In any case, Minos did not want disinterested or ill-willed people in his state when millions were striving to join him. So, apart from warning these people to think twice about that, his forces had not stopped anyone from leaving those areas.

So, little by little, this new state was taking shape, with many cities being built, others being redeveloped, and many population movements!


A week after Dumas had passed through the Miller family city, his group had already arrived in Dry City.

After sailing to the first naval base of the Black Plain Army in New Maritime City, his group traveled along the road between there and Dry City.

This road was only 50% complete, but this was already enough to improve the quality of local travel and increase the speed of the same.

So, after Minos received the warnings from his staff of the arrival of Dumas and the captured pirates, this king wasted no time and went with Abby to the local prison.

After many months of doubt as to whether the map in his spatial ring was the one sought by the Blood Triangle Pirates and the purpose of this, Minos had people with answers to give him.

So, as they passed through the prison corridors, the couple wasted no time observing the surroundings full of war prisoners, who were silent at the moment. They just walked at a brisk pace until they reached their destination.

In that place, an interrogation room with only one table and three chairs, three chained men were standing beside a wall, observing the area with arrogant and cruel looks in their eyes.

At the same time, some soldiers from the army who had brought them there were standing at the four corners of that room while police officers from this prison watched over the entrance door.josei

"Your Grace!" A local police officer said as he noticed Minos' arrival, respectfully making room for the couple to pass.

"Dumas, you did a good job this time." Minos immediately spotted the soldier who had led this capture, stopping beside him and tapping this man twice on the right shoulder. "Pick up your rewards at headquarters and take a few days off."

"Thank you, Your Grace!" Dumas said in an honorable manner, just before leaving with his men, going to celebrate this successful mission.

As for Minos and Abby, they drove all the soldiers and police out of that interrogation room, leaving them alone with those three lawbreakers.

Minos sat next to his woman at one side of that table and said to those men. "Well, from now on, we will talk about some of my doubts. But, if you are sincere, perhaps there is a future for you..."

"Anyway, my soldiers told me you were doing work for the Blood Triangle Pirates group. Is that true?"


"That's right. We work for the glorious Blood Triangle Pirates!"

"Well, are you still going to keep us here? Don't you know how powerful they are?" A thin, tall man with an ugly look said this in a tone full of prepotency.

Seeing how those individuals behaved, Minos closed his eyes momentarily, thinking how foolish these people were to trust an outside power that was not there to save them.

"I don't think the Blood Triangle Pirates care about you." Minos laughed, making those three feel like idiots. "And even if that were the case, I'm already taking action against their third-party pirates. Do you think your threats scare me? Do as I say, or regret it later."

"Your choice."

He then took out the map in his spatial ring and asked. "Well, let's get on with the most important thing. Is this the item you are in search of?"

Seeing it in Minos' hands, each of the pirates lost their expressions from earlier, becoming wide-eyed and mouthed now as they swallowed their saliva in agitation.


"That's that map!" One of them said in a tone laden with nervousness but containing greed that was hard to hide.

"Hey! Hey, that map... Kid, that map is what the Blood Triangle Pirates are after!"

"If you agree to let us go and split some of the prizes from that, we can pass on such a thing to that organization!"

"Hahaha, we're rich! With this map, even becoming Spiritual Emperors is not out of our prospects!" They began to celebrate among themselves, sure that someone like Minos would also want ways to achieve such a thing.

"Kid?" Minos felt a sudden urge to deal with that person but held back for the sake of his doubts.

Abby then said. "It seems that the value of this map is much greater than we thought."

"That organization is even willing to make such generous pledges to regional pirates..."

"Hmm, that must be the case." Minos nodded in agreement.

He then continued his interrogation. "So what is the purpose of this organization in finding this map? Is there any relevant information they have passed on to you to facilitate your search?"

"What? What are you talking about? Come on, release us, and we can make a good deal for all of us!" The middle-aged man who had called Minos a boy, said this, not understanding the calmness of the people in front of him.

He knew this must be Minos Stuart, a dangerous person in this region. But what could the mere Spiritual King do about the possibility of becoming a Spiritual Emperor?

There were rumors that Minos had strength equivalent to a person of this stage, but these criminals did not believe in absurd like that. To them, this young man's strength was limited to the regional level!

On the other hand, even if he was as good as the rumors said, so what? He was still a mere Spiritual King and would remain so if he stayed in this region without taking advantage of such an opportunity.


"Looks like you guys don't value your life, huh?" Minos commented, finally making up his mind regarding the future of those three. "Previously, I had thought of destroying your cultivation and making you stay a few decades stuck here as punishment if everything worked out."

"But since all of you are lost to greed, don't know how to respect the one who decides your life and death, then so be it!"

"Abby, make them talk." He said in with murderous intent on his voice. "Whether you like it or not, I will find out everything you know..."

"After that, you guys are going to the Puller!"


"You bastard! What are you talking about? Stop this nonsense..." One of them was saying this, but suddenly a blue fog hit his feet, making him shiver uncontrollably.

Abby's innate ability had not evolved in this period on the Black Plain. But her level had increased dramatically since her first time with Minos. So, she already could use her nerve manipulation skill from a distance without having to touch her targets.

And with that, those men soon lost all their last will, becoming totally under Abby's control, as if they were dolls without feelings, existing only to answer questions.

"All ready, my love. Ask your questions..."

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