The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 1119 Intruder and Capture 2

Chapter 1119 Intruder and Capture 2

Chapter 1119 Intruder and Capture 2

The moment Minos' voice came up from the ceiling of that place, all the people there looked up and saw the figure of this young man.josei

Upon seeing him, each of them opened their mouths and eyes wide, seeing a level 60 Spiritual Emperor wholly equipped with low-level grade-3 items.

That was extremely rare to see, even in Albano!

Minos wore a dark-gold body armor that protected his abdomen, chest, back, thighs, and shoulders with thick metal plates. At the same time, he had a purple-bladed sword in his right hand, and only his face was uncovered, revealing his brown eyes and hair.

Seeing this handsome young man who seemed to be wealthy, the people there finally regained some of their calm to understand this situation.

"What's going on?"

"Who are you?"

"Why are you in our camp?" A Spiritual King next to the three Spiritual Emperors asked as those three looked cautiously at Minos.

They should be stronger than this newcomer, but Minos was well protected, so they knew they had to be careful!

Minos ignored the questions of the people in the surrounding area and then looked at the three Spiritual Emperors there, smiling. "You have no idea how much easier you have done my job by joining these criminals..."

The leader of the three felt a bad feeling and decided to act. "You two, with me!" He shouted as he drew his weapon.

Infinite Dream!

Unfortunately, after his words left his throat, his two companions suddenly fainted, falling face down on the ground.

Devouring Art!

Indestructible Body!

Chaotic Gravity: Float!

Minos did not wait for anyone there to act and activated several of his techniques, bringing chaos to that place suddenly.

The moment he did this, the more than 100 people there began to float in the air as they felt their energies being sucked away rapidly.

At the same time, that still conscious Spiritual Emperor unconsciously shivered as he realized how powerful this opponent was.

"Damn it. We're dead!" He screamed in terror, but I could not do anything about his floating state.

"Most of us are, but not you. At least not today..." Minos mischievously grinned before using his movement technique to get to that old man's side and then punch him right in the height of his navel.


That man coughed up blood as he felt like a hole had been punched into his body, quickly losing consciousness. "How?" Such was his last word before darkness surrounded his eyes.

Minos then placed spiritual arrays on the necks of those three individuals to seal their cultivations. He then sent them to the Spatial Kingdom, where there were people to hold them somewhere.

Seeing all this, the dozens of high-level Spiritual Kings in that place broke into a cold sweat, feeling that if those men had fallen so easily, there was no hope for them.

"Why? Why are you doing this?" Someone asked.

"Why?" King Stuart repeated.

"Oh, I almost forgot. You wanted to know who I am, right? Well, I'll tell you. I am Minos Stuart, the King of the Black Plain. Is there anything else you need to know?" He looked at the one who asked and then others in the vicinity.

"Bastard! You can kill us, but you will have to deal with every one of the Spiritual Kings in this camp!" The strongest one in that area shouted while floating in the air with no control over his body.

"That is what I was planning!" Minos said as he viciously looked at those people and moved his left hand, using his 7th technique.

Chaotic Gravity!

Heads started exploding in the surroundings, shocking those people even more to the point that some started clamoring for their lives.

"Please! Please spare me! I'll do anything you want, including being your wife! No, even being your slave will be good!" One of the most beautiful ones there said in desperation.

Minos then looked in the direction of that woman and said coldly. "I don't need you."

He then slashed with his sword towards her neck, causing this person and several others in the surrounding area to die from the energy blade he launched.

At the same time, a massive slash appeared in that tent, finally giving sight of the tragedy happening there to hundreds of people in the surrounding area.

"Help us! This demon will kill us all!" One of the few leaders still alive said in terror, alerting countless people in that camp.

And as Minos killed a few more of them, emergency alarms began to sing in the surrounding area, drawing the attention of the thousands of people there.

"Enemy invasion! I repeat, an enemy invasion!"

"A Spiritual Emperor is attacking the center of the camp!"

Many voices sounded from one corner of this place to another, quickly alerting everyone in the area.

As the many enemies ran toward him, Minos finished killing the enemy leadership, stopping for a moment before continuing his work there.

'Time to test the limits of my abilities...' He looked at the hundreds of people running toward him with horrified expressions.

"Come, invaders!" He laughed and shouted loud enough for everyone there to hear his voice.

The next moment, he raised his left hand in the air, palm up, and quickly closed it.

Chaotic Gravity: Attraction!

The next moment, hundreds of people began flying wildly in his direction.

But Minos did not stand still. Instead, as he floated in the air, he began to dance with his sword, launching a series of blows from different angles against the pile of bodies coming toward him.


At that moment, as sounds of air being cut spread through the surroundings almost continuously, pieces of bodies began to fall from the sky.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Someone shouted in terror as he saw this happening to his companions.

Unfortunately, a second later, his body was sliced by one of the many blades sent by Minos, ending his suffering.

Infinite Dream!

Minos also used his mental technique to knock several people out of range of his 7th technique, considerably frightening the enemies there.


"How can this be? How can this be happening?"

"Is he human?" Several terrified voices arose as many stopped running in Minos' direction.

It was only the beginning of the fight, but Minos' first move had already killed over 400 of them!

Because of this, everyone who could perceive this began to doubt reality, fearing their demise.

They were not afraid to face anyone a few seconds earlier since even a high-level Spiritual Emperor would have to be careful when attacking that many people. But seeing how the enemy eliminated them, they could not help but reconsider the situation.

"Guys, don't go near him, or we'll be under the effect of his techniques!" One of the elders there shouted as he broke into a cold sweat.

"Launch your techniques against him!" Another yelled as he shot arrows in Minos' direction.


When one of those spiritual energy arrows hit Minos' armor, it did not even make a scratch on such a thing, only having caught his attention.

"If you will not come to me, then I will come to you!" He flew through the area, getting closer to another group of opponents.

"Damn it!" The man from earlier felt Minos' terror as he suddenly froze in his position and saw this young man slashing toward his neck.


"There's no point in staying away from him. He's too fast!"

"Our only chance is for all of us to stay within the range of his technique to overwhelm it!" Another person there shouted amid cries of pain and attacks being launched.

And with that, they rushed with everything they had against Minos, quickly making over 2,000 people enter the space of influence of his techniques.

Because of this, soon King Stuart felt the limitation of not being able to deal with all of them at once, giving some of the enemies room to attack him.

'Spiritual Kings of Albano are truly different...' So, he thought with a smile as he began to fight on the ground, constantly absorbing the opponents' energies and killing part of his many opponents.

Meanwhile, he was running from side to side, dodging many blows, and even using hand-to-hand combat to eliminate those who got rid of the effect of his 7th technique.


As Minos soiled his armor with the blood of his opponents, making a mess in the middle of that camp, someone was watching him in complete shock.

"How can that be?" The level 70 Spiritual Saint muttered incredulously, not believing his eyes. 'What kind of monster is that?'

'He's only at level 60?'


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