The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 1131 Celebration for Some, Terror for Others

Chapter 1131 Celebration for Some, Terror for Others

Chapter 1131 Celebration for Some, Terror for Others

After the previous conversation, Maisie left to get to know her son's city better after all the recent improvements that had taken place locally.

On the other hand, while the people who stopped by King Stuart's residence to congratulate him and Gloria returned from whence they had come, Minos and his women made their way to the royal throne hall.

Initially, they had to deal with the business of the previous day's mission. Still, because the news of Gloria's pregnancy had already spread, they had to receive the various local leaders who had come to congratulate them.

So, soon they were in that place, where after Minos sat on his throne with Gloria on his lap, they began to receive those people and their gifts.


"Congratulations, Your Grace, and Archbishop Frost. I hope your child is healthy and strong!" Lorelei and the other Spiritual Emperors of Stone Island said similar things while admiring Minos and that red-headed goddess.

After that, they placed their gifts in one of the corners of the royal throne hall before Linette and Jade entered there with smiles on their faces.

Seeing those women who had some of Minos' scent on their bodies, his three wives, especially Gloria, could not help but watch them with frowning eyebrows.

These married women, who were cheating on their husband, dared to come to this place and face them as if they were good people without any crime...

"You..." Gloria was saying but felt Minos' hands massaging her waist, and she stopped.

After they said their kind words to Minos and his family, he allowed them to climb the stairs in front of his throne and kneel in front of him and his wives.

"Thank you for your words, Linette, Jade. You are indeed good subordinates, concerned for the welfare of my family." Minos calmly said, but his voice had power over these women who had already surrendered to him.

"I see you are still a bit tired from yesterday's battle, so I will give you some time to rest. After that, I will allow you to participate in something new in the region." He thought of the black hole inside the medium-level grade-3 array.

"Minos..." The two looked at him with bright eyes, almost managing to ignore the beautiful redhead on his lap.

Seeing this, Gloria closed her eyes and moved on Minos' lap, preventing those two from seeing him. "What are you talking about, honey?" She looked at him and asked.

"You three will see this later, so don't worry for the moment..."

Abby and Ruth looked at him and realized that from the looks of it, he was not planning anything shameless with those two.

"All right, then." She replied and pouted, annoyed that he simply would not tell her right away what it was all about.

Minos then said to those two. "Go get some rest. Maybe this thing I talked about will significantly increase your cultivation speed... I don't think it will be impossible for you to advance in half the time it would originally take."

Hearing that, the two, for some reason, were not so happy.

Minos saw that and smiled. "Don't worry. I will give you some time to consolidate your foundations when you move forward."

"All right, we'll do our best!" Jade commented with a smile before she looked meaningfully at Minos and left alongside her harem sister.

"How lucky Gloria is..." Linette commented to Jade after the two left that area.

Jade agreed with an odd look in her eyes. "Besides, it must be amazing for her to go through that... If it's already so great to be filled by Minos, getting pregnant by him would be even better."

"That's true... Unfortunately, it's not for us. Anyway, it's good enough that he treats us so well." Linette sighed.


After a while, Minos and his wives welcomed all the visitors and their gifts, having heard various wishes about Gloria's well-being and the speed of the pregnancy.

Pregnancy in the Spiritual World could last different amounts of time depending on the mother's level, talent, and the Physique of the fetus.

Considering this, women usually had to endure between 1 and 5 years of pregnancy to give birth to their children if everything went well.

The mother would also be in a weakened state during the entire pregnancy, which only worsened as the time of childbirth approached. For example, when pregnant women reach between 3 and 6 months before delivery, they usually could not even cultivate, as the spiritual energy was harmful to the final stage of gestation.

For all these problems, most of the people who met Minos and his wives wished the best for Gloria, who probably could not advance a stage before delivery.

Minos and Gloria accepted everyone's words, and when the last person passed by, he left his two wives with his favorite pregnant and went to the Spatial Kingdom to look for the three Spiritual Emperors.

He felt it would not be long before Gloria's mother came back to talk to him, so he hurried to bring those people to Dry City.


Meanwhile, Margot was flying to the capital of the Brown Kingdom, where the nearest branch of the Spiritual Church was, from where she could send her request to the empire.

She had a communication array with her, but such a thing was connected to her husband's and had a smaller range than those found in the Church posts.

As for the problem of the communication arrays in the northern region posts, that was only for the local Church members, who did not have high-level crystals to supply it. But Margot had such resources. So, she took this alternative to send a request for a spiritual judge to come to this region as soon as possible.

Moreover, for someone of her level, the distance between the capitals of the Black Plain and the Brown Kingdom was only two hours. Thus, she flew in that direction without hesitation while thinking about Minos' annoyance.

'That fellow is full of nastiness... Ah, if it weren't for Gloria being so in love with him, I would have hit that face of his at least a dozen times!'

'How does he have the nerve to talk to me like that? To make matters worse, I'm his mother-in-law! He should be more careful when talking to me!' While she was thinking about this, not far away from her, another person flying in the vicinity swallowed his saliva and tried to hide.

'Who is that? Why is there a level 77 Spiritual Saint in this damn place?' The Spiritual Saint sent to investigate what had happened on the previous day trembled with fear as he sensed Margot.

He had arrived in this region so quickly because Prince Abe's group had connected a teleportation array between the capital of that state and this region.

That was a necessary measure. After all, they could not risk their Spiritual Saints frequently traveling from their state to the region of Minos. That would be too suspicious!

So, when the first Spiritual Saint had failed to deal with Minos, he immediately established this connection to avoid suspicious travel.

Hence, this man was already investigating the surroundings because of this teleportation array, already seeking to discover how Bond had died.

Unfortunately for him, that woman appeared while he was scanning the area near one of the camps attacked by Minos' group on the border of the Brown Kingdom and the Black Plain.

"Uh?" Margot did not fail to notice that there was someone besides her nearby and immediately looked in the direction of the level 71 Spiritual Saint, who was already trying to escape.

'Level 71, huh? That fellow said he was attacked by a Spiritual Saint yesterday. I wonder if it was this person?'

"Hmm, too much of a coincidence for me!" She decided to act.josei

"Stop what you are doing, or I will kill you!" She shouted as she flew in pursuit of him, sensing that such a fellow was behaving suspiciously.

Upon hearing that, such a man felt unimaginable terror, something he did not think he would still be exposed to after becoming a Spiritual Saint.

But for him, this was not his lucky day!

'Damn it!'

'What do I do? Maybe I can fool this woman? But if I fail, not only will the prince fall, but my whole family will perish!' He swallowed his saliva as he stopped flying away from Margot.


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