The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 1228 He Fucked My Sister!

Chapter 1228 He Fucked My Sister!

While Minos and his wives were heading to the place in the Holy Sect where they could order their techniques, Troy and Ford were walking around the outside area of that sect.

The Holy Sect had a headquarters city where most of its members lived together with the locals. There were focal points in this city where only authorized people could go, but places such as the commercial area and others were freely accessible.

In the case of where these two individuals were at the moment, this was where the stores of the elders and their disciples were located, one of the most important places in this city.

This area was open to anyone since this organization, like others in this state, was open for business and did not limit who its members did business with.

Each member of the Holy Sect knew its rules, as well as the laws of the Empire. So, if one of them thought it was worth doing a business, then such a person would be taking all the risks, and the sect itself would not limit them.

Because of this characteristic and the lack of many spiritual judges available to do what he wanted, Minos was in this city to do business.

As for Ford and Troy, these two were just walking towards a training site of this sect, which happened to be in the vicinity of the commercial area of this city.

"Hey, look who's coming over there!" Ford commented to his friend as he had a smile on his face after seeing the beautiful brunette woman coming their way.josei

Ford liked that person, so he could not help but be pleased to see her little face this morning.

On the other hand, Troy saw the expression on Diana's face and thought something was odd. "Hey, Diana, what's up with you?" He waved one of his hands and asked her without having to speak up since she was already right next to them.

Hearing that question, Diana finally looked toward these two, whom she had not even seen until that instant.

But she could not ignore them because Troy was even more talented than her, someone who had already reached level 60 at only 33 years old.

"Troy, Ford, what are you guys doing here?"

Ford, currently at level 57, smiled at her and answered subserviently. "We will train in the coliseum. What about you?"

She understood where they were going and said. "I'm going to train too. Unfortunately, I've just come across something terrible, and I have to vent some of my energy..."

"Something terrible?" Troy asked with interest.

Diana looked despondent. So, this fellow from the Cromwell Kingdom could not help but think that this was a northern region thing, this woman's biggest concern. 'Could it be that something has happened to the Brown family? Maybe something happened to my state too?'

The Brown and Cromwell Kingdoms had been the most affected and subsequently least benefited at the hands of Minos and his government. So, this fellow knew that if Diana's family's kingdom was going badly, his family's state might also be experiencing similar problems.

Thus, he soon began to worry about the situation of the Cromwell Kingdom and, consequently, his family.

Diana sighed and then cleared up the doubts of those two. "I just ran into Minos Stuart in a cafeteria on the city's south side."

"What?" The two exclaimed, both losing their previous expressions to be incredulous at this information.

Ford had lost her silly smile, while Troy's concern had changed to one of uncertainty and a little curiosity.

She then said. "The bastard is around here, but he said he will not liberate the northern region. Do you guys believe that? He said he would not abandon that place as I did!"

"He said it like I've committed a crime or something! Do you think he can judge me, no, judge us like that?" She asked in an indignant tone.

"He said that?" Troy asked with his mouth open.

Meanwhile, Ford's mind quickly took him back to his family's royal throne room, when Minos and Kara had done things he would never forget.


"That asshole is certainly going after my sister!" Ford's face darkened with anger, sensing that Minos was there to taunt him.

Troy then asked as his friend trembled with anger. "What level is he at now?"

"Level 61. But he's almost at the top of this level..." She said in a sighing tone, feeling it was a shame that someone so repulsive had such superb talent.

'He managed to do something so extreme in the northern region... Meanwhile, I still haven't managed to reach level 61 being here in the Empire, even considering that I reached the 7th stage before him.' She felt frustrated that she had such a powerful enemy.

But Diana knew that Minos' level was just the tip of the iceberg, so her disappointment was even more significant than expected just from the speed of advancement he had at the 7th stage.

"Diana, where is he? I want that bastard to answer some questions for me!" Ford asked angrily, feeling confident about going to talk to Minos.

Troy frowned and looked at his friend, "What are you talking about? Why don't you get over this issue? What's the point of going on about it?"

"He fucked my sister in front of me! How can I get over it?" Ford growled as Diana looked at him with wide eyes.

'No way! Is that fellow so disgusting as to do that?' Her mouth opened, but no words came out of it.

Diana felt moved and then said. "I don't know where he's going, but he was..."

After she told Ford the place she had passed earlier, Diana saw that fellow running from there while Troy stayed behind, shaking his head in disappointment.

He then said to her. "Just so you know, Kara, this fellow's sister, had sex with Minos because she wanted to. As for Ford, this fellow, unfortunately, saw 'part' of the process... But it's not like Minos forced anything."

Troy had already gotten over his issues with Minos, so he would not let the image of his former 'rival' be soiled because of a misunderstanding.

He had noticed the disgust on Diana's face, so he promptly made that comment before preparing to go after his foolish friend.

'So that was it...' She sighed in relief for Kara but still felt terrible for Ford since this poor bastard had seen his sister with an enemy.

'Good thing I don't have any sisters, nor was my mother forced to fight in the war, or that bastard would try some mischief!' She pondered before continuing on her way to a training site.


Meanwhile, Minos and his wives had just arrived at the spiritual judge's store they were searching for, a place that looked like a large school.

"Welcome to the House of Laws. How can I help you?" A young attendant came up to them to welcome those four...

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