The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 1230 You Watched Because You Wanted To

Chapter 1230 You Watched Because You Wanted To

After a few minutes, Minos and his wives left the previous VIP room with an agreement with that Spiritual Saint for him to produce the techniques they wanted.

They left the payment for their orders and picked up the copies of Silver-grade techniques specialized in this profession of spiritual judges.

The original Black-grade techniques would take a few months to be ready, so Minos had also already arranged with that person that someone from the Gray Clouds Sect would pick up such things in the future.

So, after saying goodbye, they were led by the same attendant as earlier towards the exit of this store. But as they were leaving to go on with their business in this city, their group came across two men waiting for them at the exit of that establishment.

Ford and Troy knew they could not cause a stir inside a sect elder's store, so even though Kara's brother was nervous, he had waited for Minos there with his friend.

Then, Gloria saw those individuals for the first time in her life while Abby and Ruth reviewed these people they had not heard from in years.

"Troy? Ford?" Ruth was the first to exclaim since, after the Spiritual Tournament, she had heard of these individuals several times because of Kara and Mona, who were in the Gray Clouds Sect with her at that time.

Kara was Ford's sister, while Mona was in love with Troy then.

Coincidentally, Kara had been estranged from her brother because of Minos, while Mona had lost her love for Troy after experiencing King Stuart's rod.

Minos had slept with Mona in some situations before he left the Black Plain, something that Abby herself had authorized him to do, even if there was no need for it.

In Mona's case, she was Abby's best friend, so this queen, like a good friend, let that woman experience a great man as her first partner...

In any case, Ruth had heard their names a lot from those two in her time in the Gray Clouds Sect after the Spiritual Tournament. Thus, after so many years of not seeing them, she could not help but be surprised to find them here.

As for Abby, she was also wide-eyed in surprise at these two, especially seeing Troy, who had stood out in the Spiritual Tournament she had participated in.josei

'That fellow has reached level 60...' She thought as she recognized Troy's talent and effort, as he had achieved an incredible feat, probably more impressive than Dennis Red's.

On the other hand, while they looked surprised at those two, the two had also recognized them. Abby was the queen of the Black Plain and had participated in that Spiritual Tournament edition. Meanwhile, Ruth had always been by Minos' side in that competition.

Therefore, although the two had improved their levels quite a bit and surpassed them entirely, Ford and Troy recognized those women easily.

And, of course, they were both impressed with Minos since they knew that these two had married him.

'What a lucky bastard!' Troy thought about this as he looked at Minos, seeing how impressive his former rival had become, not only in terms of level but in the quality of his companies.

Ford was also focused on Minos, only with a slightly less friendly expression than his friend's. "Minos!" He said while having his teeth pressed against each other, recalling all the feelings from years ago in his family's royal palace.

Minos was as calm as before seeing these individuals and simply asked as if there was nothing to discuss with them. "Ford, Troy, what are you doing here?"

"We are disciples in this sect..." Troy was saying in a low voice, but Ford shouted. "Minos, what are you doing in the empire? You're going after my sister, right?"

"Sure, it's part of my plans to see Kara..." Minos said while he had a smile on his face, speaking the truth since he was going to look for that beautiful woman upon arriving at his family's sect.

As his three wives watched him, Ford almost pulled his hair out in anger at this fellow. "Bastard! How dare you? Don't you think you've messed with my sister enough? Leave her alone!"

"Ford, calm down, man..." Troy tried to help, but then Minos asked. "Ford, what are you talking about? When I did something against your sister? She, like all my women, chose to stay with me. Our relationship was mutual, or she wouldn't have come to me on other occasions..."

"Then don't talk as if I have done her any harm. I am sure that I, unlike you, can provide a healthy relationship for her..." He smiled as he suggested Ford and Kara's forbidden relationship.

Ford turned red with anger upon hearing this and said. "Minos Stuart, I saw it when you broke into my family's palace and forced her to have sex with you in our royal throne room!"

The people in the surrounding area began to stop what they were doing, turning their attention toward those people.

"What a shameless..." Someone commented as they looked at the situation, almost as if they were watching a show unfolding in front of that store.

"My goodness!" A woman brought her hands to her mouth.

"Minos Stuart? Isn't that the name of the King of the Black Plain?"

"That must be the case..."

"I can't believe that kind of thing is happening in the northern region..."

Comments erupted in the area as Ford boiled with anger.

Minos then said. "Ford, you know very well that it is not how it happened. Don't you? You were there, after all. You made a point of watching the whole thing from beginning to end while pathetically..." He stopped at this point, laughing at what this fellow had done at the time.

'If this guy knew what I did to his mother, he would kill himself...' Minos closed his eyes and remembered Linette's mature body, which he had already played with in every possible way.

"Bastard!" Ford exclaimed as Troy held him back, a little surprised by Minos' words.

"Anyway, you watched it because you wanted to, so don't come complaining to me about your traumas. What Kara and I were doing at the time was none of your business..." Minos shook his shoulders, noticing how Gloria looked at him, wanting to know what this was all about.

"But don't keep saying such things in front of my wives. Don't you think it's rather inelegant to talk about my adventures with your sister before my pregnant wife?" Minos hugged Gloria's waist as he spoke this, surprising those two.

"What? Her too?" Troy opened his mouth in surprise, not expecting that even this Spiritual Church woman had fallen into Minos' net.


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