The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 1421 Captured 2

Chapter 1421 Captured 2

Gavin soon lost any conditions for fleeing the battlefield and was soon at the mercy of his enemies.

But the opponents were not merciless with this traitor of their organization. When they had the opportunity, one used his innate ability and made countless vines appear around the red-haired man's body. He rapidly tied him up in a way that Gavin could not escape.

At the same time, another of those people quickly jumped on top of Gavin and rigged a sealing array around this opponent's neck to ensure that this slippery fellow would not escape.

Gavin was very good at escaping, so these people were focused on preventing this from happening again!josei

Next, another individual put chains on Gavin's feet. Then a third came up to restrain this man's hands, placing three sealing arrays on his body.

Finally, someone stood in front of this man bound in vines and used his techniques to create a tough and resistant clay sculpture under Gavin's body.

Only Gavin's head was left exposed, but with an eye patch capable of obstructing the vision of his three eyes.

While these individuals did all this almost simultaneously, the other cultivators who attacked Gavin were guarding the surroundings.

Minos' forces saw all this happening and were obviously there to try to disrupt their opponents' lives as much as possible.

Most of them did not know Gavin's worth exactly, but they knew that the enemy leader wanted this redhead for something. So, upon seeing this situation, many did not hesitate to try to rescue him.

"Hey! Free him!"

"Quick, don't let those damned people take him!"

Several shouts erupted from Minos' group as they flew around the area, actively struggling to get closer to Gavin.

Minos saw this from a distance and sensed that the worst was about to happen to his companion.

Gavin's eyes were dangerous, but the worst thing for him would not be for those eyes to be in the hands of someone else, as in Mortimer's case. After all, such eyes could only show their full splendor with their rightful owner. The problem would be that he would lose an ally and friend who might one day reach level 100!

Few people Minos knew had the potential for that, so if Gavin fell there, it would be quite a loss for the Black Plain.

This brown-haired man then hurried on, finishing placing the black hole in the mirrored sphere that was empty.

However, seeing that Minos was about to act, the enemies were no dummies to wait for him.

The individual closest to Gavin used a teleportation formation in conjunction with the sculpture that was trapping this man.

"Minos!" Gavin shouted as he sensed his situation, asking for help from the only one there who might be able to do something about him.

"Damn it!"

Minos finished preparing himself and then hurled that mass destruction weapon in the direction of his enemies, knowing there was not much time left.

"Do what I..." Gavin's voice disappeared before he could finish speaking, with him and a few individuals closer to him disappearing from the battlefield.

Meanwhile, many of Minos' enemies were already fleeing while the living members of his group retreated.

"Hahahahaha, finally! Finally!" Mortimer distanced himself from the area as he looked back, happy to have seen his target being successfully captured at the last moment.

On the other hand, Oswald frowned as he saw the spatial crack from which Gavin had vanished, closing in. "Damn, that will be terrible!"



The Black Hole Bomb detonated, generating even greater destructive power than the mass destruction weapon Minos had used in his attack on the Lizard Men tribe.

Dozens of the survivors of this conflict felt their bodies being thrown away from that area due to such a powerful explosion. But, at the same time, the few who were too close to where Gavin was, were unlucky and met their end.

But in the meantime, in the crack opened by the teleportation arrays used by Mortimer's men...

Such a thing had not yet closed entirely. A crack in space, wide enough for a strand of hair to pass through, was yet to be closed when the violent flames from that explosion surged into that area.


Plasma, even hotter than the inside of a star, traveled through that tiny space crack, heading toward the only path in front of it!



Seconds after Gavin's group arrived at the headquarters of the Saints Killing Sect, the level 78 expert observing the area felt something strange as he saw the group ahead of him arriving.

He was no fool and believed entirely in his senses. Thus, he unconsciously stood up from where he was and activated all his techniques simultaneously.

"Supreme elder..." Mortimer's wife, who was there waiting to receive Gavin, saw that and stood up from her chair, trying to understand what could have caused such a reaction from this man.

Unfortunately for her, this man had to choose someone to save, and that someone was Gavin!

So that man used what he could to escape before violent flames invaded that area through the spatial crack that was yet to close.

With that, the worst happened!


Part of the explosion from Minos' mass destruction weapon hit the headquarters of the Saints Killing Sect, with enough power to kill high-level Spiritual Saints on its way.

When such a thing happened, the wife of that sect master did not stand a chance and was blinded by the glow of those flames before having her body consumed.

At the same time, most of the upper echelon of this force, those who had not gone to the battlefield with Mortimer, met their end with this merciless explosion.

The entire floating island of that sect's headquarters shook with the attack that transcended dimensions, while a giant mushroom formed in the skies above that area.


​ "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Shouts began to spread in the more remote areas of this island, the few places not affected by the powerful explosion that invaded them from the inside out.

There were even many defenses to protect this headquarters, which was why not all of this place was wiped out. But the defenses of this sect protected different areas, and there was no defense protecting the members in the core of this organization, only those outside this area.

So, those who could not act in time like the supreme elder mostly died without knowing what had just happened!

Thus, this day that would soon be marked in the history of the Flaming Empire ended with the death of more than half of the members present in the headquarters of such an organization.

It would mark the lives of generations of this empire, making the fame of Minos even more impressive, going even beyond the limits of this territory to reach other areas.

The supreme elder saw all of this from the local skies while he sweated coldly, pale from what he had just done and seen.

"It can't be..." He lamented such calamity as he held Gavin's partially-destroyed body with one of his hands and felt his cultivation level drop an entire level.

At the last second he had, this man used a sacrificial art to save Gavin, but he could barely escape in time.

Almost half of that man's body had been destroyed!


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