The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 1495 Proposition

Chapter 1495 Proposition

Remembering Minos' promise regarding Harold, the supreme elder soon started running towards that fellow to question him when he would do that.

'I hope you don't go back on your words now, brat!' He thought as he considered that he could keep Minos away from the Flaming Empire for a while.

"Hey, wait a minute. I have something to ask you." He called out to Minos as he saw him near Isabella's residence.

Minos turned around and saw the old face of that man. "What do you want?"

"Didn't you say that when the 8th stage arrived, you would go to the Flowers Kingdom to rescue His Majesty? When do you intend to leave?" He asked with a small smile at the corner of his mouth.

Minos remembered that and answered. "I intend to leave for the Flowers Kingdom in no more than two years. Of course, that depends on the situation related to Mortimer Burgess and my state..."

"When I am sure I will be able to leave, I will keep my promise."

When he finished saying that, Isabella appeared in front of her house and heard Minos' promise. "Is that true?" She asked, pleased that he was reaffirming his earlier promises.

Minos nodded to that woman as he smiled. "Yes, I'm not the type to go back on his own words."

"That... But wouldn't that be after you reach level 70? Why do you need two more years?" The old supreme elder asked.

Two years was a short time for a Spiritual Saint to improve their strength. So for this man, Minos would not get stronger in this period, and anything this fellow wished for, he could do immediately.

Waiting two years would not change anything, so it would be better to hurry the resolution of whatever the problems were so he could leave for the Flowers Kingdom as soon as possible.

Emperor Edwardstone's survival was at stake!

Minos then said. "It's not that simple. I need to have the confidence that my sect and state will be safe when I leave... Not only that, even the Flaming Empire is at serious risk if I leave without securing regional peace before I leave."

"That is true..." Isabella commented while already standing in front of Minos, almost hugging him.

The supreme elder could not say anything against Minos, so he was silent after those words, holding in his heart the day when this two-year period would end.

'I hope you don't make another excuse later!' He thought before turning and leaving from there.


"He's finally gone..." Minos commented to Isabella as he hugged her waist.

"Don't talk like that. The supreme elder is overwhelmed by my father's duties and recent threats." That red-haired woman commented as she felt the warmth of Minos' muscular body. "In any case, you know that there won't be any major problems, that you just have to put up with talking to him. So there's no reason to get so stressed about it."

"Hmmm." He muttered before hearing those people from his sect greeting Isabella and then setting off toward the place where other local leaders should already be waiting.

There was still a little over a week left until the start of the meeting of local leaders. Still, many were arriving early to deal with business between sects and noble families.

That was precisely why several elders had accompanied Minos on this occasion to continue dealing with the affairs of their respective houses and also of the sect.

As for Minos, he stayed by the side of the Crown Princess, going to take care of this woman who had not had the chance to sleep with him for months.


The next day...

The news of Minos' presence in the capital of the Flaming Empire had already spread through Payton, and many in that city were anxious for the start of the meeting led by the imperial family.

Various local powers were trying to predict the results of this meeting, which now had a guest organization with almost as much power as the host itself.

Considering Minos' recent demonstrations of power, many did not doubt that he could do something of the sort in this city.

So the atmosphere was somewhat tense in the streets of Payton while some local leaders were still arriving for next week's event.

But amidst the many inhabitants and visitors in doubt about the future, the experts of the Spiritual Church in this city had different reactions to the current situation.

Those already part of the Gloria faction were quite calm about everything, sure that Minos was not planning anything dangerous.

But those who were not part of this faction had expectations for the coming days, and even bets were being placed among the ranks of this organization.

But among the local Church leaders, the situation was somewhat strange, not for what Minos might soon do in this city, but for what he had promised and delivered in the past.

Gloria's mother had finally lost her bet with Minos, and now she could no longer question the union of these two or even have him join the Church.

She and Minos had bet on him reaching level 70 in 20 years. But he had achieved such a thing in less than 12 years!

As such, the core of this post was somewhat impressed with his performance but in doubt about what to do.

Would they give up on someone so promising? With such a cultivation speed, Minos would certainly surpass them all in no time.

So taking him into their factions or even trying to negotiate his entry into the Church could bring many benefits to these people.

As such, Gloria's father was currently leading a group of Patriarchs and Matriarchs from the local post to visit Minos at the imperial palace.

Unlike 'ordinary' guests of the meeting that Isabella would lead in the coming days, Minos stayed at Isabella's home.josei

Thus, soon several elders were in one of the halls of the imperial palace, waiting for Minos to talk with him.


"Patriarchs, Matriarchs, to what do we owe this visit?" The supreme elder of the imperial family faced those colleagues and asked.

Gloria's father, the leader of the local Church post, looked at that old fellow and smiled bitterly. "We are waiting for Minos..."

The old supreme elder's face contorted upon hearing that. But to avoid being inelegant, he exchanged a few words with those people before he left there angrily, feeling offended that he had people in his family home to visit the damned Minos.

After that man left, Minos arrived at that place accompanied by Princess Isabella.

"Princess..." Everyone there greeted her, while Gloria's parents looked at Minos with impressed and relieved looks.

With such an accomplishment, Minos was not so bad for their daughter!

"Minos, congratulations on becoming a Spiritual Saint." Joseph Frost said as he squeezed one of Emperor Stuart's shoulders. "Now you are truly powerful and can protect my daughter and granddaughter."

"Hmm." Minos nodded, saying nothing more.

"I admit my defeat. You no longer owe me anything, Minos." Margot commented as she pinched the tip of one of her fingers from having to admit defeat to this rascal.

"However," Gloria's father continued. "Even though you don't owe us anything more for that previous incident, we want to make you a proposition..."

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