The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 1524 Quick Destruction

Chapter 1524 Quick Destruction

After Minos decided to head to the headquarters of the Saints Killing Sect, his wives finished collecting the items from the bodies in that area and gave them to the black hole.

If those were Spiritual Saints, Ruth and Gloria would have kept those bodies in their spatial rings to bury them in the Black Plain Empire.

There were many spiritual roots in that area that needed 'fertilizer' to recover a bit!

Unfortunately, those were the bodies of Spiritual Emperors and Spiritual Kings. So their value was small, and the two women simply chose to let those bodies integrate Minos' powerful black hole.

With that, Minos and his wives overpowered all the surviving beasts, giving them a chance to either surrender and become part of the Black Plain Empire or die.

They all chose the first option, and soon Minos tasked Little Green with escorting all these creatures to its master's territory.

First, this beast would take Minos and his wives to the nearby Saints Killing Sect headquarters, and only then would he make this journey.

With that, they went to the outskirts of the area previously filled with Saints Killing Sect experts alongside several weaker beasts.


After 3 hours of travel, Minos and his group arrived at the location of the enemy headquarters, where he had come once in the past when he made that organization surrender to the Gray Clouds Sect.

But this time, instead of a place full of Spiritual Saints, Minos, and his wives found an area almost abandoned by these experts.

There were people there, Spiritual Emperors and individuals of lower stages. But not even a single Spiritual Saint was anywhere near this formerly important place.

They also noticed that the place was still partially destroyed by the Black Hole Bomb that had traversed space and caused chaos in this sect.

"It seems that Mortimer abandoned this place years ago." Gloria said to her fellow travelers.

"Hmm, they didn't even try to rebuild their own main base..." Ruth looked at the people in the area, members of that sect who had been left there to maintain a presence in this place.

These were the sacrifices that Mortimer had chosen for his organization to hide their tracks and make it look like this place was still used by him. But in fact, the core of this force was now far away, in a place that only those who were there knew about.

Minos then said. "There must be nothing of value here..."

So he made his black hole again show itself, intending to make quick and clean work of that place.

The beasts in the surroundings saw that and remembered that the dark thing could even contain the sacrifice of a level 76 Spiritual Saint.

So each of them retreated a little, afraid they would be eliminated just by being nearby.

As they did so, they saw Minos hurling such a thing against that floating island in front of them, putting everyone in that place under the threat of destruction without even trying to talk.

The two sides had already identified themselves, and Mortimer's men in that place were prepared to die.

So without much ado, they faced their end, with Minos eliminating them without blinking, only interested in wiping out the enemies before them.

Those people were irrelevant to the current him. But that was still the official headquarters of the Saints Killing Sect.

It carried too much weight for him to eliminate that place and everyone there, so he didn't fail to act in this part of the Flaming Empire!

Thus, in a matter of minutes, the entire mass of that floating island was devoured by Minos' black hole.

That region of space had evolved some more, and on top of the improvements it had had since the battle against Mortimer, and was now so strong as to threaten level 81 cultivators!

Minos could barely control such a thing at his current level and quickly stored it in the high-level grade-3 array he had to contain the power of such a thing.

At a distance from them, a man hiding under the gaps in space was containing all his fluctuations so as not to draw Minos' attention.

'That thing is too powerful... If he loses control of that array, even I won't be able to escape in time.' This level 80 Spiritual Sage of the Eastern Empire thought to himself, prepared to open a wormhole and escape any moment now.

He had been living under a lot of stress recently, afraid of having his life threatened just by being near Minos!

But as long as his leaders didn't order him to change his strategy, he kept doing his job of observation.

'They have to send someone stronger... I can't go on with this job anymore.' This man thought to himself as he watched Minos saying goodbye to Little Green.

In sequence, all the beasts near Minos and his wives departed that area, heading towards the Black Plain Empire, with Little Green, level 76, leading the way.

Minos and his wives didn't stay in that area much longer and soon set off toward the west, where they knew more fugitives might be passing through.


One week later...

After they destroyed the headquarters of the Saints Killing Sect, Minos' family faced three more groups of fugitives, all members of the Spiritual Palace Sect.

They naturally exterminated these groups, with Minos always allowing his women to do the dirty work and train their skills to the best of their abilities.

In ordinary training, a cultivator would never test their full capabilities because to do so, they would have to use lethal force, which was usually difficult to use against friends or loved ones.

Even when someone trained with another stronger than themselves, it was tricky to use all of themselves.

So Minos made Ruth fight again with his help of raising her cultivation a bit and set Gloria to exterminate the two remaining groups.

These were more powerful groups, with even level 78 Spiritual Saints, so naturally, he couldn't let Abby fight alone.

They had all fought quite a lot in those days, eliminated more than 600 people together, and obtained a lot of Spiritual Saints' bodies to nurture spiritual roots.

They also collected many spatial rings with relevant resources and subdued more spiritual beasts.

Meanwhile, Minos was aware that someone was watching him, so they hadn't gone to the Spatial Kingdom a single time in these days, therefore not knowing Abby's situation.

Amidst all this, they received notification from the men of the Gray Clouds Sect about the probable position of more fugitives!

But this time, it was not about small individuals fleeing, but the strongest elders of that sect and families moving on the run into Mairin territory.

This group fled through an area where the borders of four states were. Those were the Flowers Kingdom, Flaming Empire, Mairin, and the kingdom north of this state.

As such, it was a complicated region, surrounded by border posts of each of the sovereign families of these states!

"It looks like we will have some problems..." Minos commented to his wives before leaving for an area not far from his current position.josei

So, as he headed there with them, the overpowered beasts were already heading for the Black Plain under the command of a powerful beast that Minos had subdued in a nearby forest.

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