The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 1564 The Birth Of The Crown Prince

Chapter 1564 The Birth Of The Crown Prince

Abby was lying on a large bed, capable of holding up to 4 adults simultaneously, with her legs open to the doctors in the surrounding area.

She was pushing hard, following the doctors' advice, while her face was pale, and she was sweating considerably.

But unlike Gloria's delivery, which had had some screams and expressions of pain from this redhead, the delivery going on right now was somewhat silent.

But that shouldn't come as a surprise to the people there. After all, Abby had an innate ability to manipulate nervous reactions.

Precisely because of her innate ability, she was blocking out more than 70% of her pain, enough not to scream as almost every woman would scream in childbirth.

But Abby wanted to feel some of what it was like to give birth to her first child, so she was not blocking out 100% of the pain she was feeling, despite having the ability to do so.

Amidst this, the woman leading the delivery was kneeling at the front of the bed, her face between Abby's legs, her hands on the Black Plain empress' crotch.

Two other doctors were also there, one to assist the doctor between Abby's legs, level 77, while the other used her techniques to maintain the stable condition of the empress and the prince.

During the work of these three people, Minos was at Abby's right side, holding one of her hands, while this woman's other hand was squeezing the sheets of that bed.

"Breathe... Breathe..." The auxiliary doctor guided Abby while the main doctor followed the dilation of the empress' vagina, waiting for the right moment to 'hold' the little prince.

Ruth, Gloria, and Sarah were watching everything in that room, anxiously watching the birth of Minos' second child, whom they had all been waiting to meet for practically five whole years.

Gloria was currently at level 76 and Ruth at level 73, while Abby was only at level 72 since, in the last year, she had been forced to stop cultivating because of the development of little Kendrick.

As for Sarah, she was 43 levels above her father's level when he came of age and could be considered a great prodigy.

But although proud and happy with their current levels, all that was on the minds of these women was to meet little Kendrick, whom Ruth and Gloria were already looking forward to nursing.

That was particularly true for Ruth, who had not had the chance to do this with Sarah, as she was not yet a Spiritual Saint at the time of this youth's birth.

But now that she could manipulate her body perfectly, she would not miss the opportunity to breastfeed Minos' child!

So, while the doctors were the only ones talking in that room, they watched the head of a small being slowly appearing in Abby's dilated vagina.

That head already had some hair, which was the same color as her father's, brown. But on top of them was a creamy goo, the normal thing to find on a baby during their birth.

Suddenly, Abby pushed a little harder, and the head doctor picked up little Kendrick's body, then wrapped him in a silver towel.

Sarah and her mothers saw Kendrick's little cock and testicles and smiled, seeing that little creature that was only a little bigger than a grown man's head.

The doctor slapped Kendrick's buttocks lightly, and then he emitted his first cry, putting smiles on Abby and Minos' faces.

In the blink of an eye, the doctor handed Kendrick to his mother, congratulating Abby and Minos.

"Your Majesties, little Kendrick is very healthy and strong... Congratulations!"

Everyone there did the same thing as Gloria, Ruth, and Sarah approached that bed to see Abby and Minos' fruit.

He slowly opened his eyes, something rare to happen right after birth.

They saw the blue eyes of this child, which were like his mother's, beautiful, like the ocean.

"Oh, my little brother looks so cute!" Sarah said this, eager to take him in her arms and play with him.

Gloria and Ruth agreed while Abby shed tears of happiness at the sight of her son in her arms.

"My baby..." She said in a low, proud voice.

Minos looked at that newborn and smiled, satisfied, feeling that this little fellow was quite strong.

'That boy...'

So the minutes would pass quickly, with Minos, Ruth, and Gloria getting a chance to hold little Kendrick for the first time while Abby took her time to rest.

She had not felt as much pain because of her innate ability, but that did not mean that her body was not weakened. The opposite of that, she was as bad off as Gloria after Sarah's delivery, and for the next few days, she would have to rest to fully recover.

In the meantime, Sarah and her mothers would have a chance to hold Kendrick a little longer than Abby would like.

Anyway, after an hour since Kendrick's birth, Minos walked out of the lake house with his son in his arms, meeting the hundreds of individuals in the Spatial Kingdom waiting for him in front of that house.

"Everyone, this is the first prince of the Black Plain Empire!" Minos raised his two hands above his head, holding up this newborn baby for everyone there to see.

"Haha, the prince looks like His Majesty!"

"Yes, you can see on his countenance that he will be like His Majesty!"

"Princess Sarah has an innate ability as well as formidable talent... I wonder if Prince Kendrick will be so graced by heaven?"

"But of course. His Majesty's lineage is powerful. His Highness Kendrick's destiny can be nothing but success!"

Voices arose among the people of the Elite Squad and the Gray Clouds Sect.

Meanwhile, the beasts of the Spatial Kingdom, Ebba, level 67; White, level 68; Maida, level 69; and several other creatures under Emlyn, level 73, were celebrating among themselves.

For most of them, mounts of Minos or the imperial family, the birth of the fruit of their masters was a great event worthy of celebration!josei

That was as important as the birth of their own children to them!

During this moment of celebration, Minos presented his son to the most important of his subordinates and friends in the Spatial Kingdom, letting Kyla and Emlyn massage his son's head a little.

This day would only be one of celebration for these people, who were entirely happy with Kendrick's birth, but also with the end of Minos' seclusion, which had brought tremendous results to everyone.

In the more than 4.5 years of Minos' seclusion in the Spatial Kingdom, the Spiritual Saints there had advanced at least two times, while the Spiritual Emperors, who had not changed stages, had advanced four levels on average.

Some had advanced only three times, the oldest and least talented. But there were also among the most talented and young people who had advanced five times in this period, greatly helped by Minos' ability to steal the powers of the giant bones in the Spatial Kingdom.

As for those who changed stages, they had at least evolved two levels in that entire period.

As such, everyone was happy, waiting for Minos to leave so they would soon have the chance to return to the Black Plain and demonstrate their results to their families and friends!


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