The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 1596 The Supreme Elder's Situation

Chapter 1596 The Supreme Elder's Situation

"Supreme Elder Edwardstone is doing well. He is still grumpy towards His Majesty, but after these months in the empire, he has slightly changed his attitude." Milo said. "Especially after the advancement of the old sect master Oswald.

With the emergence of Spiritual Sages in the empire, he realized it was not a shame for his family to agree to ally with His Majesty's forces and that we could offer much to the Flaming Empire.

At the same time, he has been taking advantage of his stay in Dry City to cultivate and strengthen himself."

"Oh? That's good to hear." That grouchy fellow's disciple said, but with no hope that the man he considered a father would be able to advance.

The old man was already not far from his death, and attempting to advance at this time would be risky and with little chance of success. So he was happy that his old man had somewhat improved his thoughts about Minos.

But Harold greatly respected the old supreme elder, and upon hearing this, he decided to intrude into the conversation, asking. "Is there any chance that Minos will help him advance a stage? I will do whatever it takes to compensate the Black Plain."

Milo looked at the emperor and didn't know what to say. Minos would never reveal the Spatial Kingdom to these people until they were his subordinates.

Hell, Minos hadn't even said anything to Maisie and Oswald for years!

Only after the Gray Clouds Sect became his Minos had gradually revealed the secret about the Spatial Kingdom!

So it was out of the question, in the short term, for him to allow anyone from the Edwardstone family into that place to cultivate.

Milo replied. "I don't know... The supreme elder is very old. It would be hard to say how good his chances would be. But we can definitely guide him and give him access to our best cultivation rooms."

Harold liked what he heard, soon after talking in more detail with Milo and the old supreme elder's disciple about what they could do to help that fellow.


Meanwhile, in the kingdom of Blackrock...

This place that had surrendered to Minos years ago was also experiencing some effects of pressure from the Church factions against Gloria's group. However, given that this territory was in the area of one of those large factions, the pressures coming to this place were less than what was happening on the Black Plain.

Consequently, the forces in that state and those of Albano and Rosser had been taking better advantage of the fact that they were allies of the Black Plain Empire.

At the beginning of their relationship with Minos, these states had few significant advantages. Best of all, the chances of war with the Flaming Empire were less with them on his side. But, it was also a guarantee that the Stuart Emperor himself would not turn against them in the future.

However, benefits that could make them stronger hardly existed previously in the relationship between them and the Black Plain.

But as the years passed and Minos' forces developed, these three states and the Vogel territory had finally begun to receive benefits from being on his side.

Trade with the empire had increased in intensity. More experts from these kingdoms sought Dry City for the services of professionals like Patience and other high-level cultivators of the 8th stage.

They were unaware of the emergence of Spiritual Sages on the Black Plain. Still, they would soon learn about it, becoming more confident in Minos.

Meanwhile, King Blackrock was in his royal palace, happy to receive news of advancements from more of his family's elders.

"Your Majesty, the Fifth Elder has finally reached level 77!" A king's subordinate informed him as this man sat on the royal throne of this state. "With the Fifth Elder's advancement, the kingdom now has ten cultivators at the high level of the 8th stage!"

King Blackrock, currently at level 79, heard that with satisfaction, feeling the benefits of having accepted his inferiority in front of Minos.josei

Previously there were not many high-level cultivators in the four enemy states of the Flaming Empire. But over the years under Minos, these three states and the Vogel territory, which together had less than ten cultivators above level 76, now had more than 50 such people!

That was quite an advance for them!

"Very good. Send more resources to the elders near the peak of their levels. That is an opportune time. We can't fail to get breakthroughs!"


At the same time, in the capital of Albano...

Currently at level 78, Iris West stood next to her two daughters, Lulu West, level 72, and Joan West, level 75.

They were walking through a garden in the capital city of this kingdom, going towards where one of the leaders of the giant turtle tribe of this state was there to visit them.

As they walked up to this being, who was in its humanoid form waiting for them in that garden, Lulu had her head down, a little depressed.

She knew this being was probably there because of something related to Minos, who she had recently discovered was not far from having another advancement.

She had once had higher cultivation than him and was considered an unprecedented genius in her kingdom. But in such a short time, Minos had completely surpassed her and was about to reach level 77.

He was already stronger than her when he had a lower level, so now, she knew she couldn't even think negatively about him, or she might be harmed...

At least that was her thought, which made her feel strange, especially since he had rejected her several times in the past.

And as soon as she and her family met with an old man 2.2 meters tall, plump body, green and gray hair, level 75, she was more upset to hear what he had to say.

"Your Majesty, Your Highnesses, I am here to request the disengagement of my tribe from your territory." That fellow said. "Our tribe members who are in the Black Plain have been performing impressively, and the rest of the tribe wishes to migrate to His Majesty Minos Stuart's territory.

Please release us from our duties. We already have everything settled with Dry City."

After hearing here, Lulu felt a twinge in her heart since she was the one who had signed the agreements between Minos and her territory concerning these giant turtles.

Because of her, in a way, this tribe was asking to leave this territory now!

But unlike this princess, who had many issues to resolve, Queen West saw no problem with this since her family had grown very strong with Minos over the years.

With resolving the issues with the Edwardstone family and advancing the West family elders, this state had never been stronger and safer.

Even in the absence of these turtles, they could thrive!

"That can be discussed... But obviously, we need compensation." Iris said, relieving that fellow whose tribe had pledged eternal allegiance to House West.

That way, things could be settled peacefully between the two sides!

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