The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 1683 Maximillian's Plan

Chapter 1683 Maximillian's Plan

Previously, Emperor Evergreen was intent on not finding and rescuing Maximillian since no one would believe this man was still alive. The opposite of this, the goal of the one behind the Blood Triangle Pirates was to obtain the body of this Demigod and use it to his advantage.

Within the Spiritual Church, specifically in the Emperor Evergreen faction, there was a member with an innate ability that allowed her to use corpses to create warriors almost as strong as the owners of those corpses.

Maximillian was a monster who had reached near peak cultivation and had an ability everyone thought would preserve his body. So his body was valuable and, if found, could become a great weapon for the emperor of this state.

Norman knew this, but upon finding out that this man was alive, he cleverly put those plans aside and pretended that his group's goal was to free him from that sarcophagus.

Maximillian listened to the words of that level 90 Demigod and watched him with interest. "And why didn't you guys free me?"

Norman made a bad expression and said. "That's the fault of that damned Minos Stuart! He had the map in hand and hid it from us, ancestor! If not for that, we would have freed you many years ago!"

"Is that so?"

"Yes! I even went to the Black Plain to teach Minos a lesson some time ago and make him accept the mission to discover the map and deliver it to us. Still, the worm refused and severely wounded some of my men!" He said, feeling that Maximillian would take his side.

But upon hearing those words, Maximillian laughed ridiculously, for the first time in his long life hearing that a Spiritual Saint had defeated a Spiritual Demigod.

Norman was complaining while Minos survived and did things his way... Emperor Stuart had clearly beaten the fool who was now trying to talk now!

So Maximillian said. "Little Norman, I am interested in meeting your group but don't ever repeat that joke again. Did you try to pressure Minos? Do you have the nerve to say that? You should be ashamed of yourself!

I will also forgive your insolence in acting against the person who freed me, but you never think of raising your hands against him again. Minos has my protection, and if you act against him, I will end your miserable life."

Darren looked at that level 90 Demigod and felt empathy for him, for Minos had tricked it even though it was at level 99...

But the subordinate of the Supreme Pontiff heard that and liked it, for it showed that even though Maximillian was a troublesome individual, he was also able to follow through on promises and knew how not to get involved in unnecessary matters.

He ended the Blood Triangle Pirates' grudge against Minos in a single remark!

Norman was embarrassed, but in front of this man who was even stronger than his boss, the Evergreen Emperor, he bowed his head and said. "Thanks for the tip, ancestor."

Maximillian then looked at Duncan's subordinate and said. "I have no further need of your services. Return to your master. I will stay with little Norman's group."

"As you wish." That level 93 man left immediately, leaving Maximillian's group for Norman to guide through this place.

"Little Norman, take me to your group's headquarters. I will stay there temporarily."

Norman nodded and quickly directed this specialist to the headquarters of the Blood Triangle Pirates, where there were also members of the Emperor's faction in addition to those pirates part of that force.

In this place, he would soon meet the woman who was supposed to control his corpse with her abilities, who was not happy to discover that he was still alive.

But she would not show her feelings and would follow along with other high-ranking members of the emperor's faction at the meeting starting after Maximillian arrives in this city.

Norman commanded that meeting, revealing to Maximillian the interests of the Evergreen Emperor.josei

"Ancestor, this group was formed by His Imperial Majesty to free you from the Seraphim Ancient Sarcophagus. We didn't know if you were alive, but if you were, we wanted to follow the plans that you had before you went to that place.

To continue the development of the Church over the Central Continent and unify those lands under the rule of a powerful Supreme Pontiff, as the ancestor would be in that position!"

After Norman's beautiful words, Maximillian looked at the people in the surrounding area, curious to know whether or not all of this was true. At any rate, even if it weren't, with him there now, these people would have no choice but to go along with this new position.

"How would we do that? The Church already has a powerful Supreme Pontiff these days..." He said, waiting to hear the plan of these people.

One of the high-level Cardinals of the Church there said. "That is true, but Supreme Pontiff Duncan Evergreen will soon reach the end of his life.

Then he will have to go into seclusion to try to advance in rank, and his position will become vacant. That will be the moment when the ancestor can take the leadership of the Church for yourself!

Currently, there is a dispute going on about this position. Still, with the ancestor's arrival, no one will contest your appointment. Even those competing will have to agree to your leadership!"

Maximillian liked what he heard and asked. "But the Supreme Pontiff can advance and become a God..."

"That's unlikely." Another high-level Demigod said. "The Supreme Pontiff was unlucky that the Church's field of Divine medicines did not have a single one of them near maturity when he reached his peak level 8,000 years ago.

One of those medicines will even mature in the next 100 years. Still, it is unlikely that he will be successful in advancing a stage with it since he is very near the end of his life."

"Oh? So a Divine-grade medicine from our Spatial Kingdom will mature soon?" This man's eyes sparkled as Darren swallowed its saliva, thinking that this would be its chance to become a God!

'That's perfect!" Maximillian lost it. "To absorb a medicine of that caliber, a cultivator has to prepare for years. Then I'll use the time to establish my dominance over the Church, and when he's about to begin absorption, I'll kill him and absorb the medicinal power instead!'

Divine Medicines were so fantastic that they could be absorbed by anyone in the vicinity of the one who ingested it.

The one who ingested it would have a better chance of advancing with it, but if they were killed, another person who tried to receive that extreme amount of energy and laws had a chance of advancing to level 100!

Through this, Maximillian intended to resolve this situation and become another Spiritual Church God!

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