The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 1715  Worrying Threat!

Chapter 1715  Worrying Threat!

When they left the Dry City Defensive Dome, the group of cultivators between levels 80 and 85 soon came across that level 89 Spiritual Sage.


Seeing these people and particularly Minos, that man smiled. "Your Majesty is already using your innate ability... It seems I am not welcome in this place."

"Visitor, identify yourself!" That group's level 85 Spiritual Sage said while he and everyone else had defensive positions.

Minos silently stared at that person, waiting for what he would say.

There was no way Minos could identify him as a descendant of the Longus family just by appearance or spiritual fluctuation. It was even possible to do this since the spiritual fluctuations of members of the same family had similarities. But millions of years had passed since Henricus Longus had left this world.

As such, Minos had no idea who this man was or who that man represented.

However, that would soon change!

"Who I am doesn't matter. But don't worry. I'm not here to fight. There's no need for you to act like that." He said calmly, unafraid of these people but cautious since he knew Minos had fusions of techniques that were quite complicated to counter.

But then he went straight to the point. "Your Majesty, I represent people who do not wish you harm, the opposite of that, they wish you to become an ally, a friend.

I am here only to indicate this intention...

Oh, by the way, we know about the Spatial Kingdom."

When those words were spoken, all the men in Minos' surroundings opened their eyes wide, for the first time seeing someone outside their group with such knowledge.

Such a thing was worrying!

No one outside Minos' group knew about the Spatial Kingdom, so nothing bad had ever happened to this emperor because of what he had.

But if these words leaked out to the rest of the world, high-level Demigods would be knocking on his door in a matter of days!

From then on, chaos and disgrace would be ahead of Minos and the Black Plain Empire.

If he were a high-level Demigod, nothing would happen if this news spread. But as a Spiritual Saint or even a Spiritual Sage, even states with Spatial Kingdoms would move against him to take this region of space for themselves!

As they thought about these problems, all those people felt how great a threat this was to them.

Minos, in particular, looked ugly at that man as the veins on his forehead and neck stood out, trembling vigorously.

Then, without warning, he activated his Soul Avatar, immediately trying to merge two of his techniques to deal with that enemy.

"Attack!" He shouted a second later, confident that there were more people behind this individual but that he could not let this threat go by without doing something.

Minos was no fool. He knew who that man represented, for only an organization other than his own in the entire Spiritual World could know that he had the Spatial Kingdom in his possession!

The Longus family!

'Despicable ones! Did you choose to betray your ancestor?' He reminded himself that this family was supposed to help him, not threaten him in this way.

According to Henricus Longus' orders, they were not to seek Minos but to wait for him, for their chosen one would surely come to them one day.

Therefore, this was an approach contrary to the orders of that God and clearly indicated that the leadership of the Longus family was against Minos!

Minos understood this as he should and immediately put these people on his list of enemies.

While he was thinking about this and acting, that man already knew how strong this opponent was and that he would probably try to attack him.

So he didn't hesitate to flee, trying to escape the Space and Time Avatar's domain.

Even though he was a level 89 Spiritual Sage, stronger than what Minos could handle at the moment, this man would have a hard time opening a spatial crack from that place to escape.

So he flew out of Minos' domain under the attacks of those opponents in the surrounding area, ignoring them all, for nothing of that, other than the black hole that Emperor Stuart was preparing, could affect him.

"Farewell, Your Majesty Minos Stuart!" He laughed one last time before opening his wormhole and fleeing the empire's capital.

Minos even tried to throw his already-formed black hole at that man, but the spatial crack left behind was already closing in, and he got nothing.


After a moment, Minos cursed the name of the Longus family, feeling betrayed like never before, while his men were pale in fear.

With that person's escape, they had nothing to do!

Someone with that crucial information was loose, and they didn't even know who he was or represented.

"Now what?" Patience asked, not knowing how to proceed.

The others in the surrounding area were also in doubt, looking at Minos eagerly for his answers.

After a while of venting his anger at these people, he said. "Those bastards are members of the Longus family! The fucking bastards betrayed Henricus Longus and probably want the Spatial Kingdom!"


"Damn it! Does that family really still exist?"

"To make matters worse, they are against us..."

Comments arose among those people as the violently altered spiritual energy in the surroundings because of their attacks returned to normal.

"What do we do now?" Patriarch Terry asked.

Minos then said. "We can't do anything for the moment. I could go after them, but we have time to do that. They won't reveal this information to the world for the moment since they have a vested interest in keeping my Spatial Kingdom.

But it won't be like this forever. If they realize they won't get anything out of me, they will reveal my secret to the world!"

"So, how will we deal with that?" Maisie, also in that group, asked.

"I will advance to the 9th stage and then set off searching for that damned family. I must find them before they feel threatened enough to reveal the truth about my possessions. So get ready. I will leave the Black Plain in no more than a year!" Minos said, still very angry at being threatened by these people who were supposed to become his allies.

"Will that be enough? They may have high-level Demigods in their group." Someone said, worried. josei

"No, otherwise they wouldn't send someone to threaten me to seek them out." Minos quickly understood the situation of these people. "If they had high-level cultivators, they would just kidnap me and take my Spatial Kingdom.

The fact that they just threatened me shows that they fear me fleeing to the Spatial Kingdom or suffering too much from Maximillian.

They, at most, have low-level Demigods on their side. Otherwise, it would be worth the risk!"



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