The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 1762 Post-Battle

Chapter 1762 Post-Battle


When the high-level battle around that estate ended, no Spiritual Demigods were left to tell the story of what had happened there.

Of Minos' group, some of the stronger Spiritual Sages were wounded due to the intense escape attempt of those last three enemies and the blows of the other 10 Demigods before Minos attacked them.

But there was no casualty in their entire group.

Upon realizing this, they all smiled as they landed on the outskirts of that estate, commenting on the outstanding achievement of killing 10th-stage cultivators.

"Hahaha, we really did it! We finished off three fucking Demigods!" One of those mercenaries commented to his colleagues.

Not only would they get the mission prize and the bonus that Minos had promised them, but they would also be able to take the resources in the spatial rings of those three Demigods.

This was no small thing for Spiritual Sages!

Even if they were at level 89, some had Black grade talent, so they couldn't advance to the 10th stage. All they could do would be to get stronger through more powerful equipment.

On the other hand, those with Silver talent had the possibility to advance further in cultivation. Still, they had a cultivation bottleneck between the 9th and 10th stages.

It was by no means easy to become a Spiritual Demigod!

The resources left by those three would make a difference to all these people as much or more than the crystals promised by Minos, so everyone was overjoyed.

As they approached the group of beasts that had allied themselves with the Fermo faction, they greeted their battle companions as they walked to where Minos was with Starclaw.

Starclaw had already returned to her humanoid form and was holding Minos in her arms.

He was unconscious, and his body looked like that of an extremely sick person, very thin and listless in appearance.

His breathing was shallow, and it seemed that he might stop breathing at any moment.

One of the mercenaries looked at Minos and drew his eyebrows together. "How is he?"

It was only natural for them to worry. Only Minos could pay for their services since no one there would dare go through the belongings of someone so powerful.

Who could be sure of what was in his spatial rings? These mercenaries had experienced enough of this world not to disrespect the property of someone so powerful.

Starclaw then said. "He just needs to rest for a few days. Please, wait some time to receive your rewards."

Fermo stepped forward and said. "Guys, this area is safe for us to stay. All you have to do is choose a location, and we will welcome you for the next few days.

His Majesty will undoubtedly pay you after resting."

The leaders of each of the mercenary groups in that group looked at each other and nodded positively.

The battle had been easier than they had thought because of Minos' great participation. So they couldn't simply be angry that he had exhausted himself doing much of what should be their job.

"Very well. We will camp here while His Majesty recovers." A woman said on behalf of all these mercenaries as she looked in the direction of the members of this family coming out of the trees nearby. "But what about them?"

Fermo looked in the direction of his family members and sighed. "We will take care of it. Don't worry about them. They are not a problem."

With that said, the mercenaries soon gathered away from everyone there, starting a large bonfire where they intended to celebrate their gains.I think you should take a look at

Amid the celebration getting underway for some, the strongest remaining members of the family began to approach where Minos lay in Starclaw's arms.

A group of elders between levels 87 and 89, consisting of 6 people, three women and three men, stopped in front of Fermo and Starclaw's group, looking at the brown-haired young man in the arms of this beast.

"That's the chosen one..." A woman with blonde hair and green eyes said this in a low tone, seeing the person her ancestor had chosen.

The strongest of them, level 89, a man with a white beard and yellow and white hair, clenched his fists and said loudly.

"Everyone, behold the new patriarch of the family!" 

Following his words, he bent his knees in recognition of Minos.

According to Henricus Longus' orders, the family should follow his chosen one once they emerge.

Now that the patriarch and the family leadership had been wiped out, there was nothing better for them than to accept the chosen one as their patriarch!

Everyone in the surrounding area did this, while weaker and older youths looked on from afar in their estates, sighing as they accepted the reality.

They were neither for Minos nor against him. They wanted to prepare themselves for the chaotic future of this world, but they were not willing to choose a side and fight to the end for it.

Because of their way of thinking, they felt terrible about the demise of the Demigods but could not help but accept Minos as their new leader.

After a moment of silence, this strongest man left said to Starclaw, "You must be the chosen one's mount, right? Follow Katia to the family medical wing." He pointed to a level 87 woman standing nearby. "They will help the chosen one recovers faster."

Starclaw looked at that blond woman and agreed, soon after following the lead of such a person.

Meanwhile, the level 89 elder looked into Fermo's eyes and asked deeply. "Is that really what you wanted?"

"Elder Amos, I didn't want anything," Fermo said as he narrowed his eyes. "All I want is a united Longus family, following the ancestor's advice.

Support the chosen one and facilitate his journey to protect this world!"

"Still, Fermo, you and your faction have brought death and destruction to our family." A level 88 woman said this, looking seriously at this hybrid.

Some of them were also hybrids, so there was no prejudice in these people's lines.

Fermo clenched his fists and said. "The former patriarch and the family leaders brought destruction upon themselves when they rebelled against the intentions of our God!

What did you expect? That they would be forgiven? That the will of a God would be disregarded and all would be well?

Tsk! They got what they built! By betraying the one who gave them everything, they lost what they had of most value!"

"And how does the family stand in all this, boy?" The level 89 old man asked in a higher tone. 

"On the side of the chosen one, of course," Fermo said, looking into that person's eyes. "You guys saw what happened here. Would we be better off siding with the old patriarch instead of the chosen one?"


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